Itt: we organize a protest to protect net-neutrality

Itt: we organize a protest to protect net-neutrality.

What's step one?

Other urls found in this thread:

Getting a job.

Plan on starting the protest in a major city.

leaving out houses

Okay, so we need people in major cities to start even a Facebook group as a starting point?

Theoretically this would work.
In practice it's impossible.
Everyone should just stop paying for internet.
Like everyone. All at once. Only for one month.
Back to reality though. Who has better ideas

Protesting has worked in the past for a variety of issues.

It's more realistic to try this than anything else that comes to mind.

So, if you live in a major city let's start by making a Facebook page with a yet to be determined date.

But how would we possibly organize something on such a large scale.
Our very means of protest would require us to forfeit communications between each other.

If you're going to start a page say so.

Shitpost on the internet.

hate to say it, but we'll need reddit's help and those cancerous fucks over at 9gag

That and to rally in said major cities and start protesting.

They are already on it we are the lazy hard to convince fags.


The Roman plebs did something like this during the Roman Empire, they all walked into a hill and stayed there till the higher ups made life fair for them.

I'll bite.
I'm assuming this protest would require people to physically stop paying their ISP.
Because all ISPs care about is profit.
How can we convince people to make this leap of faith?
We would need at least 40-50% of North America on board.

step 1


Here's videos.

We either do a public rally or have it all set up beforehand. So, say no one pays for December when it comes due?

Or we can call and cancel service temporarily on same day.


Step one: get a parlaimentary democracy with multiple parties, proportional representation (NO FPTP bullshit) so you can vote for actual politicians, not just two different tastes of company shill.

Or move to europe.

Really yankistan, its current year, why not try democracy?

I agree with a rally. Or rally(s).
I'm sure there are already rallies happening that we could join/promote through our social media.
If there isn't one near you, create one!

There needs to be a central page where all the individual rallies can connect and share ideas.
Anyone want to start Facebook group?
Anyone gifted in social media marketing?

more regulation =/= more freedom

If you find a page or create one for your city link the city and name.

If creating one, maybe go with "protect net neutrality in (city name)


