How can atheists think god doesn't exist when they can't even prove the Big Bang happened lol

How can atheists think god doesn't exist when they can't even prove the Big Bang happened lol

Can you prove god happened?

Big Bang already got provd

Look around you

Can you prove god didn't? Newton's Flaming Laser Sword comes into affect here.

I see buildings and nature..what's this supposed to show about god?


What a fucking retard. You are screamingly insecure. Religion is for frightened morons.

I like to believe the whole "believe it when I see it" shit and the big bang theory is the most plausable thing to some guy way up in the sky making everything

Think that all happened randomly out of nothing?

Seeing the size of the entire galaxy and how much shit floats in space I'd think so

Then you are retarded

>implies atheists have to believe in big bang
>straw scattered on the floor

I think you got the wrong picture there buddy....

Nah you also got the wrong photo

Then what would you believe in

No because I'm not a filthy troll. I was looking for a competent discussion

Is this it?

Is God exists why would he make the Earth flat instead of round?

Right here

real niggas realise that they are their own god

I know you are but what am I?

ask him

These better be ironic.

fag of new

the fact that we have no fucking idea
I think the big bang was it, but that's just because it sounds plausible, with the universe's constant expansion and it being coherent with our understanding of physics
we have no fucking idea how everything came into existence (and a book by some lunatics from two millenias ago isn't valid evidence)

existence is just perception. you create your own reality. we want to know all the answers but life is pointless WITH all the answers. the search will never end my ni&&as

I know this is b8 but how can religion fags assign a biological sex (he) to an omnipotent/omniscient being? This would imply an entire species of these beings which is laughable. If there is a lard the lard is genderless and uses gender neutral pronouns kek. The lard is being who runs the simulation that is out universe and doesn't give a fuck what you do so long as you don't hurt other beings. So go out and suck all the cock you want faggots because the lard doesn't care!!!!

The first question to ask in these threads (and IRL whenever you hear the g word) is always “which god”? Never miss an opportunity to remind religiotards that their favourite magic invisible faggot is just one of thousands.

I hate how everyone assumes any thread about religion is bait

It's not? See how it's phrased. It's clearly bait, anyone wanting an actual discussion wouldn't type like a faggot.

stop being homophobic

Stop being gay.

And your Big Bang theory is one of thousands so go fuck ur mum

Your anger illustrates my point nicely, but you failed to answer the question.

Which god?

learn2read faggot

Something exists therefore my god Marduk did it and he demands you commit suicide NOW! Prove me wrong or kill yourself. Protip, if you prove me wrong, you've proven that the god of the gaps argument you were using with "Look around." is invalid. Have a nice day, and please, consider suicide as a solution to your baiting or theistic life.


No one is saying that it happened out of nothing.

What scientists do is try to follow the evidence all the way back to show an observable, testable, explanation as to how it all came to be. By saying god did it, not only do you learn nothing about god, but you learn to stop learning at all. Theism is for SLACK JAWED MORONS that don't want to learn and grow.

You see a dead person on the street with a knife in their back... God done it. God willed it. See, proof of god. The rest of us see a murder and want to know the who, what, where, when, and why.

When you invoke god to solve the mysteries of life, you'll never ever find your god. EVER. Science might one day find your god, or someone else's god, or maybe you a god no one has yet even considered, or maybe a being not all that different than you or I playing a video game and we are just programs. Whatever god is, Theism is the road to NEVER FINDING OUT.

Kill yourself.

You seem butt hurt by an attitude that theists have been projecting since the dawn of theism (and sometimes violently). It sucks doesn't it. To be humbled by humility and then mocked when you act like a cunt... it almost seems like it's the atheists that are the ones claiming to be the best... but who is the one with the number 1 belief system. Ask any theist and they will say they know it all and have it the right way.

Humility is admitting to not knowing (Agnosticism)

Prudence is withholding a belief (Atheism) until presented with the necessary feedback needed to justify a belief.

Stop projecting theist arrogance and hate on to atheists. Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself. Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.

God destroyed billions of people in the Flood, He will do it again in the future. He drowned elderly people, young people, kids, adults, it was right for Him to do it, and he'll do it again. Good luck with your humility and "not knowing".