2017 is already over, why was this time supposed to be the future? why does time go so fast now?

2017 is already over, why was this time supposed to be the future? why does time go so fast now?

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rotten times we're in. feels like the mid-1930s
you can feel it in the air some doom or disaster is pending, but you can't quite guess what direction it will come from.
the syrian civil war feels to me like the spanish civil war in 1936, a preview of what is to come on a wider scale.


>2017 is already over, why was this time supposed to be the future? why does time go so fast now?

Because you're not young anymore.

We created an AI capable of beating a player in Go, a game with an estimated 10^172 valid moves
Elon musk announced plans to colonize mars + the tesla semi
Days ago, we observed our first ever interstellar asteroid
breakthrough starshot is beginning plans to launch a 'spacechip' to photograph our nearest neighbor star

to name a few. here's some more

because you're getting older. nothing new.

Time doesn't go faster, you flat-earther

Time doesn't go faster.
Infact it's not going anywhere.

When you look at one picture for one hour,
then look at many pictures for one hour,
the first hour will seem much longer than the second.

Stop being retarded ok? Maybe then time will stop going so god damn fast.

are u a fucking roodypoo?
come on man use your brain and get to a conclusion, then test it over and over again, and everytime you fail at contesting it, it become more strong and suitable

Indeed. We're definitely approaching a happening of epic proportions, but the extent and impact of this happening that is to come is yet to be understood.

No we're not. you just desperately want your lifetime to have meaning because you can't give it one.

time is relative... scientificamerican.com/article/why-does-time-seem-to-speed-up-with-age

Time works on us because we believe in it?

Things are going to change.

What a smart man you are.
You are relative too, while we're at it.

Years of study and we're at this point.. amazing.

>why does time go so fast now?

You need to better yourself

Might have been a factor a long time ago, but i don't hope anyone in the 21st century believes that time works because we "believe". You already sound like an american christian.

>i don't hope anyone in the 21st century believes that time works because we "believe"
>I believe that I believe that...
Can anyone even be this naive(read:schizo)?

time works because we base our life to it
we should do the opposite

Are you mad against your parents or something user?

Jesus Maria what kind of trolling is this?

Yes :(

Because you're witnessing the dissolution of your culture.

The traditions and cultural touchstones that bring people together as a society and connect them both with the past and the people who will succeed them are eroding so time feels unanchored rapid.

what kind of dislessic candyass are you?

You would be a lot happier if you could get your hands on some manzanilla stuffed olives.

Are you fucking serious?
You call me dislexic and pull shit like this?
Have you even began to condense the consequences of what it is that is going to happen when finaly I am done aquiring your information of contact?

Did you misspell dyslexic on purpose? If not, awesome irony bub

That was obvious b8 user, summer's over.

You an idiot too blood clot? Dislexic? Start the fucking car...

>That was obvious b8 user, summer's over.

oh wow you got me there im not a britbong
what about gtfo?

what kind of diceltic dog fucker are you?

hard to believe how fast technology is advancing, it's like a dream

time goes faster as you get older because your perception of the universe is what causes time. time is just the progression of events but it doesnt exist if you dont perceive those events. as you age you experience less and less events because your mind fills in the blanks of experiences you havent experienced with assumptions about what those experiences are. such as drinking milk. a day old baby drinks milk and experiences it fully because it is the first time they drink it . as you age and drink milk more often your brain will not experience that event to the maximum because it doesnt need to gather all information about drinking milk since it has understood drinking milk before and assumes the rest. That is why time flies when you are having fun; because you are so consumed with absorbing all information about new experiences that you don't notice time passing. it doesn't really go faster, it only goes faster when you experience something you have already experienced in any way.