What should i do with my cum shirt ? It smells really bad so i cant keep it under my desk anymore

What should i do with my cum shirt ? It smells really bad so i cant keep it under my desk anymore..

wear it


Why the fuck don't you just use toilet paper?

Get a plastic bag (the Walmart kind) put it inside, tie it up, and throw it away. Alternatively, you could give it to a homeless person on the highway.

Sup Forums is full of kiddos who dont know how to use tissue or toilet paper...

>Alternatively, you could give it to a homeless person on the highway.
This. It's the right thing to do.

use a cup!
easy to clean
can use multiple times
ur family drinks tea from it )))

just wash it?

or just jack off in the shower like a civilized person you fucking mongrel

Throw it away you disgusting hillbilly

I use shoes

Is this going to be one of /those/ threads?


yep. then enjoy your cum on your feets you fucking moron

Bury it in the back yard. When spring comes, plant something edible over it. Eat what grows.

Boil water and seep it like tea leaves.

Destroy it with thermite

I dont want my mom to find it

>hot boiling water
>spare dirty bucket/container
>throw shirt in
>pour detergent in
>pour bleach if you have some
>hot water in
>stir it around, let it soak for an hour
>flush the water out, fresh cold water in
>rinse the shirt, twist and squeeze water out
>dry it under the sun outside
>when it's dried out, throw it in the garbage bin

you don't wanna throw cum-stained shirt just like that, it might have lots of traces of your DNA and it could asimilate with the germs in the dump and create a supervillian ghost baby

How old is that? My fap tissue is about 8 months or more now, and took more shots than you can imagoine

He's going green.

Why does old cum turn brown and start to smell like mustard and old wd-40?