People you find completely overrated

People you find completely overrated.

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>44M monthly listeners on spotify
>#1 most listened to artist on spotify

both of you just have bad taste


Such a douchey-looking fuck.

Agreed 100%. Their fanboys are pure uncut cancer, basically Rick & Morty groupie-tier. I expect massive ass-hurt to be directed at you guys if this thread lasts long enough. Have another on me.

This meme reminded me. George Carlin is overrated. He looks and acts like a fucking crackhead.

He looks like he's on the spectrum, too

Stop it right there, boy-o. Carlin was a fucking genius.

says the guy with an opinion


All his songs are cringy af


they're intended for fat single women.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand George Carlin. His humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Carlin’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike George Carlin truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in George’s existential catchphrase "Everyone is fuckin stoopid” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Carlin’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

i feel like he has a basement full of puppies he beats when he goes home after a shitty day

so... every day?

I will bite. Why is Christopher Hitchens overrated?

I have always thought he was quite the fellow, though in the later years his approach seemed a bit repetitive. Granted, he was also up against some very repetitive religious arguments.

DRUMPFF IMPEACH DRUMPF HE WANT BUILD WALL OOOOO *beats chest* IMPEACH DRUMPPFH DUMPF *audience goes fucking nuts* *Colbert reaches his final form* WE MUST IMPEACH DRUMMPPPFFF

>right on schedule

Nah, Christopher Hitchens was great.

good one

hard agree across the board

I hate having this image on my computer.
>inb4 LITERAL 10 year old girls come and argue.

Hitchens was like the public ideas equivalent of a pro wrestler. He was good at it but his appeal boiled down to flashiness and a few stock rhetoric tricks. He wasn't actually that good of a debater. He also made that disgusting hard right turn in the early aughts.


This 100%

FUCK, YES. Just HOW THE FUCK???? I mean, he's totally lovely as a chap, but SRSLY, WTF!!! I have often tried to get an explanation. I even went to the whole LOTR/hobbit obsession of the mid-2000s, but that's surely too early to have had an impact on his inexplicable popularity. So HOW?
H\Some of his tracks are perfectly listenable and toe-tapping, but FFS, there are MANY artists with a large perfectly listenable catalogue... And a select few who are GREAT. He's merely.. ok.

she is a complete psychopath

I have to agree to a certain extent on the debating skills. I saw him against William Lane Craig, and he lost just on the basis of not actually attacking the argument presented. Craig’s arguments we’re pretty transparent, and he still kind of pooched it,



Lady Ga Ga

Haven't seen that one but yeah, if you actually read a transcript of most of his debates, you'd come away from it thinking Hitchens lost. He got worked by that Wilson guy in the "Collision" movie. He also constantly lost to fucking Dinesh D'Souza.


1. Why do you have it then?
2. But she's so adorably fappable.

Is that Ron Jeremy

To make 10-Year-Olds like you argue.

How exactly does he act like a crackhead when he's fucking dead?

She's a sack of shit


Yes, yes, it was. I even typed 'sorry, not autistic, just baffled" at the end of my post, but I deleted it, thinking it's just feeding the meme army and it wouldtake away from the genuine question I'd love answered. Error? Perhaps.
But - and pay close attention, please:
Fuck off.

This guy. Like seriously, why does everybody talk and argue about him all day, every day

Not arguing, I genuinely couldn't give two fucks about her, and even though she's objectively stunningly pretty, she never so much as got a half mast out of my old chap. No idea why. Another mystery for the ages.

You've only ever gotten a half-mast because you know she's a black-hearted, egotistical twat

Most underrated person*

Because he happens to be the current and final president of the USA.

Also: a cunt.

Eh, I'd disagree here. He's not even all that popular. A great debater who has a decent amount support =/= "overrated".

>Gavin McInnes or Milo would be far better examples

ITT: People with absolutely no talent saying that people with loads of talent are somehow overrated.

you are truly autistic

*looked and acted



You've obviously never seen an actual crackhead.

I dunno, man, I don't even care enough about her to know even that much. Fuck, it really bugs me that I can't fap to someone this pretty. I think I'll mention it to my therapist when I next see her. Her name is S. Taylor.

SHIT! You think.... Epiphany????
Nah. Coincidence.

Obama was more "overrated", Trump is just more contentious.

>Doesn't have any actual game dev skills
>Gets all the credit Tomokazu Fukushima deserves
>Metal Gear Solid started sucking when Tomokazu left

If I keep saying no, do you promise to keep countering, so we create some sort of feedback loop that takes over the thread?

You can't judge him on his dev skills if it isn't his job to actually develop the game. He is the director, and the writer, and a very, very talented one at that.
You trying to insult Kojima is like trying to fight a bear with your bare hands. You're going to look like a total idiot trying.

>People you find completely overrated.

This implies I was highly rated at some point by a great many people.
Thank you, I'll take that insult which in fact half-complimented me.



your dick so big and superior

I do now but it was a time when he was the only guy like that. Now we all now how to argue and shit down a christfag, but in those days nobody was doing it.

I've only heard one of his songs and it wasn't bad, that's all I can tell ya

A little
Not at all
i dont even know who that fagget is
fuck you nigger
there is like 10 legendary songs on the greatest thits, I'd say he deserves his rating
say what you want but hes pretty consistent for a daily host
yea, would rather listen to grimes
MBDTF and Yeezus are the two best albums of the past 20 years, real talk
Shapiro is the shit, debate genius, I'd fuck his sister too
hes the epitome of everything I hate
meh at least he didnt fuck anything up
agreed, shit tier asf
dumb hippy

It sucks, because he was excellent in the Colbert report days but now he's basically a late night Ellen Degeneres

didn't mind her when she was pseudo-country

not overrated, just an asshole

he's nigger who figured it out

>I will bite. Why is Christopher Hitchens overrated?

Because OP is a religiotard and no-one shat on religion better than Hitch.

While his fans treat him like he's some sort of messiah, Ben Shapiro is a quite rational and pretty funny guy. user, sweety, why does he make you so sad?

>no-one shat on religion better than Hitch
Except Dawkins and Sam Harris. They had Christianity on suicide watch for a while.

Fuck me, you are some kind of unicorn of demographics then. Or over 50.

I'm just some 25 yr old guy who heard him perform this song on tv show while flipping channels last week

Jordan Peterson is completely overrated

>waaahhhhhh I hate logic and reasoning!

Because his contribution to humanity is literally zero. He was just a wannabe intellectual, doing whatever was popular enough at the time to get him into the spotlight. He had no integrity to speak of.

Stop trying to prove you're unimpressed.
I love you too.

butthurt much?

If social media had been around in the 80s, the media would have done the same thing to Ronald Reagan. He and Trump are the only two celebrities that have become president. Trump is outrageous-enough by himself, but, now that he's president, CNN, MSNBC and the like are turning into TMZ because of him.

not at all, the user who posted Shapiro's picture is clearly the ass-offended one here

Holy shit you're retarded.

I used to think he was really funny when I was 17, but that's because I was 17

You replied to your own post, dumbass.

make me


>Because his contribution to humanity is literally zero.
Obvious Christfag. If he cured only one person from the curse that is religion then it's not literally zero.

butthurt much?

Yea same here.. I thought he was cool till i listened to him too long one day. I think it was on Joe Rogan. He's kind of annoyingly persistent about his beliefs.

i disagree. his politics aside he's a really, really well-read guy if you listen to him on rogans podcast

Retarded much?


He's a Christian. His reason and logic is cripplingly limited, or he's intellectually disingenuous.

Tbh, I think on a lot of fronts I would actually choose Matt Dilahunty. Though he definitely has some fat and whiny days.

Hes Jewish.

What's your point? That he's right? The caps make you look like and idiot.

>muh christfags, mug relijyun
Hopefully you faggots grow up someday, I'm still Agnostic but I used to be just like you in high school. If you TRULY don't believe in a God then either drop it or go fuck with the ACTUAL zealots (the mudz). Stop kicking the damn Christians while they're down, it's fucking pathetic.

HOLY SHITTING FUCK!! I >JUST< worked it out! It's the Matrix* syndrome! When everything was totally perfect, our human brains couldn't reconcile it with reality, and thus rejected it! MY BONER IS REJECTING HER BECAUSE SHE IS TOO PERFECT-LOOKING, which likely means she's a fucking EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ALIEN - probs a reptilian bitch. Minds blown, Sup Forums?

*The Matrix was an old timey, classic black & green film from the last century, made before there were even such things as trans-gender sister writer-director-producer teams.