Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums

Show yourselves, beta males


My stash is pathetic


Don't believe

*chinese accent

Fuck u calling beta famalam?

1. Tits w/ Timestamp or GTFO
2. Sharpie in pooper (how many can you fit in there? The more the merrier!)

This is so we know you're real. Also, tits and ass.

yo nigga nigga yo lets go kill your odd woman out gf and burn her body in an animal carcass incinerator nigga and then lets go check out a pickup truck on craiglist and murder the seller and steal his truck, nigga. but we gotta be high on adderalls first

Fuckin tinfoil hat wearing tumblrina ass tranny lookin social justice warrioring duke lookin ass mama man girly boy

*clumsy rap beat
yo i black eye ur third eye and sever your cerebrum
niggas get left lyin in tha gutter, bleedin'


Dyke * fuck u autocorrect thinking I don't mean what I say. Yall don't fogging know me u computer ass nigga

Say what you want about Adderall but it's pretty much the same as desoxyn (meth) like synthetic coke but stronger

yo yo yo nigga nigga

fuck all you betas, suck my oversized dick

wow we got a chem major over here.

Go to bed Chris you look like a fag

Yes it's why it was invented because they can't give coke to kids to make them go fast and follow instructions, so they give them synthetic coke and call it a medecine and now suddenly all their parents force their kids to do pill-coke because they're so stupid they couldn't imagine Jews are making their kids take coke 'medicine'

Haha no. I'm just an idiot who dumb enough to fuck with chemicals known to destroy your brain. My views are subjective at best

these threads are embarrassing, in what universe is it a good idea to post your face on Sup Forums

youre all idiots

Why does your faggot ass care?

bitch dont kill my vibe

thats irrelevant to my point

It's uncanny how similar they are tho. I'd take Ritalin over coke any day of the week. 10 dollars in Ritalin feels like a half ball of coke and doesn't rape your nose near as bad and lasts longer too.


Pretty relevant, why does it matter and why does it matter to you?

Sorry I'm just being edgy, you're alright bro

yes it was sarcasm you know absolutely nothing lol. amphetamine and methamphetamine are insanely different and not related to cocaine whatsoever

you look like a pussy, take that homeboi



>why does it matter
although the chances are slim, its possible that somebody could recognize you irl. do you really want to be know for posting your face on what is basically the shithole of the internet? besides, whats the payoff? have other faggots validate your insecurities?
also, its Sup Forums. the point of Sup Forums is anonymity. these threads are moronic and shallow.
>what does it matter to you
this has no logical bearing on my point

need more of that girl


Hey ladies

I have a pack!

nice larp

you probably shouldnt compare things you clearly havent done before. meth is nothing like fetamines, high wise


