Text a girl w/ this pic and say

text a girl w/ this pic and say..

"huge ass spider in my toilet at work today!"

"...and it turned me on so much..."

I wish someone would actually shop a realistic looking spider in there

sent. now we wait.

Here's the reply, gents:




Those dumb fuck girls


lmao update us when she mentions the dick.


last time this happened the Sup Forums legends came alive. lets make it happen again.

Where's the fucking seat?

yeah, OP, with the current climate of this country of spoiled little bitches suing every who so much as looks at them funny, this is fucking great idea

You'll never have your dick sucked by a woman with a spider in her mouth

Pretty funny. Nice job, user. Lulz will be had.

This is not Sup Forums. Away with you, asshole.

I think she wants me to fuck Christ

uncanny similarity

pics or it didnt happen

Let’s see it

post pics of message

Emma Watson was actually hot

If she has good photoshopping skills, perhaps she will send you a picture back with the spider still in the toilet bowl being burned up with fire.

Or, you know, her pussy

her pussy on fire in the toilet would be pretty nuts

I would be balls-deep if I had the chance. Don't think that's pretty nuts

I'd do it if I had any girl friends


She said "what the fuck" and posted a screenshot of it to our co-worker groupme where everyone laughed at/shunned me and then someone kicked me out... I'm fucked

You deserved it for listening to Sup Forums desu