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You black?


Then fuck off, nigger

Fuck I suck at this I need help, if you’re good st chess

h8 -> h7


You are a piece and a pawn down with multiple threats against you. There is no hope unless your opponent blunders badly

Stay tuned please

This is the obvious move.

Second. This is the best move that I can see. Prevents a revealed attack by the rook/knight and gets one of your few remaining pieces out of danger.

Yeah I didn’t think so, was hoping there’s a grandmaster here haha

Kd6, threatens the knight and defends pawn

you're pretty fucked as previously stated, so stall is the name of the game until white fucks up

Don't do this. Bishop will rape your royal anus


d6. Bishops not a problem cause you can block with pawn>c5.

Fuck you should’ve said sooner

take that bitch

I didn't have auto-refresh and someone else replied lol. Now u dun goofed.

Rook takes knight

Just did this, now waiting for her turn


pawn to a6

saw this coming from a mile away

rook from h8 to e8

Attack it with other rook. You want to get more pieces in play(Of the three important ones you got, 1 is being used rn -_-), and it keeps the game moving.

Or, er, threaten it, rather.
I'm not always the clearest with my language. "other rook" is h8.

looks like a good plan but I would advise against it mostly for taking too many moves. It' easily ruin-able, given the f2 pawn can just be moved out of the way.

King to e7


rook to d8

Sorry guys I’m trying to finish fast so I’m picking moves from you guys fast

move the pawn, you want to have the horizontal advantage of using both of those rooks because it isolates her bishop and forces her to pull back.
You don't have the pieces to go on the offensive so you want her to make a mistake
force her back and that might happen, don't and she'll fuck you with her rook and bishop.

knight to b7 or you lose it



OP here, should I just give up Sup Forums?

lolwut, you just gave away your knight for free?

You can surrender now its over

A grandmaster does not win the position that black is in, a grandmaster avoids ever being in such a position.
Also it was your move should have been rh8 -> re8 to prevent that check..... But whatever.

Down a piece again, tempo on your rook, yeah resign

Wasn’t really thinking for myself, just following first move you guys give

This isn't a game where you move fast, especially not if you're losing.
people who try to force your speed are psyching you out for the advantage of a rushed decision.
You were fucked the minute you gave up that knight.


Ask /tg/

Thanks Sup Forums I’m just gonna give up. I’ll come back for help again, but earlier in the game when I’ll still be able to be saved


Are you retarded? Take the knight

Your problem wasn't coming here too late, it was blindly following the first move you were given without thinking. Might still have had chances if you hadn't given away your knight.

The fuck is your rating??? You're playing like a fucking child.

haha faggot you're down a piece and you never even bothered to castle

you and your opponent are terrible, please learn to play chess

Why wasn't the queen able to take you? Can a queen not kill a king or something? I did not know that was a rule

I am a Master level player, you should fucking resign and read some chess books, what the fuck kind of position is this

Wait it's a bishop I'm retarded

>down three pawns and just hung his knight
fucking resign, stop dragging this shit out


White mates in 1

pile your rooks up behind the pawn on e2 and hope for the best


You can play chess without knowing mad strats, as long as you stop, analyze the board, and then execute. Think ahead. Not hard.



why do you suck so bad

c4 f7

bishop f7, wtf that was childsplay

How about an actual chess discussion, if there's anyone here who isn't a patzer.

What's your favorite chess game? I always have my students memorize Morphy's game at the opera as an example of sublime development. 17 moves of mid 19th century perfection.



white mates in 2

Qxh7 Kxh7 Rh4#


Fischer's 21 move brilliancy.

The Byrne game? Nxf2! Fucking incredible.


white mates in 3

1. Rxg7+ Kxg7
2. Bh6

2... Kxh6
3. Qg5#

2... Kg8/Kh8
3. Qxf8#


Huh. I suppose that does work. I would have made a battering ram with the rook before moving the queen.

You would have been wrong, since that doesn't work. The only mate in three is Rxg7+.

Black to play and win

Move the top rook down and to the right. Good angle for above attack.

Black king one space right

Knight catty-corner to king. Right side

what rook?

covered by the white knight

Fuck nvm

There is no solution. White is winning no matter what Black plays. I called bullshit after thinking for a few minutes and imported the position into Lichess.

There is a solution, the computer is just unable to find it.

Psh. Cheater.
Chess is so much different from that angle

For starters, I would do something like...
1. Bf7+ Ka1
2. e1(Q)+ Kb2

Top rook. Down one and over to the right of the king.
I would try to isolate white king in top left corner

Yes, the strongest engine in existence can't find the solution, but there's one in there magically.

I'm rated over 2200 in over the board tournaments. Get good. There's no solution.

White would not move to a1. Bf7 Kb2 if you queen then Nc2+ picks up the Queen.

I lol'd at this. Someone asking for help for chess is on Sup Forums is random and unexpected as hell.

Forget I said that. Lool

A 2200 elo player would know that there are certain positions the computer doesn't understand, like fortresses. Stockfish being unable to find a solution doesn't mean there isn't one.

Black rook to D3?

Finding a winning continuation in a queenless endgame is not outside the ability of a 3200+ Elo engine.

I even found the Reddit post you took it from, where the OP posts a bullshit answer that doesn't even work.


I didn't take it from reddit, it's a very famous puzzle. And clearly solving it is beyond the ability of even the best engines.

>it's a famous puzzle
>a google search for the FEN returns only the reddit post
>a google search for the inverted FEN returns only the reddit post


You being incompetent at googling doesn't change the fact that the puzzle is famous.

Protect your Knight, jeezus fuck.

You're completely full of shit. I will send you an entire Bitcoin for the mythical solution.


lmao you literally googled "the hardest puzzle ever"

Nice puzzle though, "the engine can't find it" understates the case since according to Wikipedia only Mikhail Tal could find the solution out of a set of very strong grandmasters.