So this guy is trying to bully my 16-year-old sister and make her feel like shit...

So this guy is trying to bully my 16-year-old sister and make her feel like shit. The guy is in his late 40's or early 50's. Like my sister made a mistake and got pregnant. Oops like seriously wtf. Immature old fucks lmfao.

If you were a real man you would of kicked his ass and sent him packing before this ever happened.

not a real man then I guess. I mean I'm less than half his age anyways. If I kicked his ass then I'd go to jail for elderly abuse lmfao.

If you were a real man you would of kicked his ass and sent him packing his 40 year old man bags before this ever happened so go tell your slut sister to stop being a pregnant heroin drug mule for Hispanics

>16 and pregnant kek

>>No.751859706 Oops, someone made a mistake. Kill em kekekekek

Your sister sounds like a whore who deserves it tbh.

Is nobody going to turn the tables?


Why don't you do it pussy.

the guy is a former mechanic at walmart, you would be biter too... Just ignore the cunt really, probably has a shit life if he needs to insert himself into your sisters'

Maybe if it wasn't an old fuck then yeah but it's an old disabled fuck who lives off the government. Fucking poor shit should shut his fucking trap. His daughter is the one sleeping around

Op’s Sister is named Melanie Baker

report to police? maybe a no contract order

Typical manlet behavior.
Beat his ass OP

Here you skipped out on breakfast OP

No it isn't. Nice try tho bud.

Dude, Thanks... I was so sad I missed out on my healthy dose of animal semen for the day. Thank Jesus you're saving the day.

It most definitely is.

This. 100% true

I'd like to know how you came to that conclusion. I'm glad you think that though. I mean I know what my sisters name is. But okay, sure it's whoever that person is.

Well your sister is a dumb fucking slut, so he's only saying what we're all thinking

Op trying to deflect from the fact that his sister’s name was just leaked. LETS FIND OP! The brother of Melanie Baker

Haha you're sister is ay hoor. Eye hope u dye

Op is trying to hard. This whole story is bullshit.

Melanie Baker, Best friend of Karlee Jackson, who is the daughter of the Rodney Jackson (the man in the message). Melanie is 16 and recently had a baby. This is OP’s sister.

so the fucking pics sperg

I mean, The coincidences are crazy. I can promise you that is not my sister. But you can continue to look into it as much as possible. Doesn't hurt my feels at all. Good luck on your endeavor. Don't think my sister would be best friends with his daughter knowing that is how he is. Good luck though buddy.

she should get an abortion. only fucking imbeciles go through with an unplanned pregnancy. holy fuck how are people so stupid

Ok thanks we will.


op is a dumb nigger