My brother lightly molested our cousin when he was babysitting and changing her diaper...

My brother lightly molested our cousin when he was babysitting and changing her diaper. This single event ruined our lives. Ask me anything.

haven't seen that picture in a while
did they find them?

how does a toddler's cunt taste like?

how he got caught

what does that have to do with you?


i dont think he licked it.

and she was 3 y/o

had a mental breakdown after taking LSD and literally confessed in front of my parents while high.

he's my brother and i'll always support him no matter what. but that's not true for my parents and the victim's parents.

how did it ruin YOUR life user?

and you believed him?

also describe the event in detail

How can you even lightly molest someone? You either molest them or not

stupidest story ever, and you need to get your own life.

i just turned 18 and i don't even live with my parents. they hate me for supporting my brother. i'm no saint either but they refuse to support me in and way whatsoever. i've been in fucking Ohio for the past month staying with a friend trying to get a job and sort this shit out. My brother is NOT a sick fuck. He had a momentary lapse in which he became sexually curious and from what i hear he lgihtly grazed her vagina. it didn't go to trial so he never made a formal statement. this is from my parents second hand.

he reaffirmed it after it got out of his system. he was extremely belliferent when he was high. very chaotic

What a weak minded imbecile. It probably wasnt an accident then.

Yeah your parents are definitely over-reacting. All those pride and shits. Fuck them. give them to cool off and think straight.

Johnny cracked corn.

so far, this thread is supremely boring. do something about this, op

Babysitting high? Good plan.. he deserves to be in jail tbh.

how long ago did it happen? also, what the fuck is wrong with your parents trying to prosecute their own son

Learn to read he confessed while on lsd.

Obviously it was eating away at him which means he meant to do it. Still not sure how it ruined your life user. I mean living in Ohio sucks I'm sure but really?

>extremely belligerent while on LSD

really now?

Could you please explain what exactly happened?

>hear he lgihtly grazed her vagina
changing diapers you clean that cunt propperly. that means you dig around til its completely clean. get in that crack and scope the pee/shit out
fuckin hell

who told people he did it?

Yeah this doesn't make sense. You need to touch the vulva when cleaning it. It's absolutely disgusting to see this as sexual though.

not disgusting if you have pedo tendencies though