Alpha males of Sup Forums. I'm a 17 yearold virgin cuck. I'm always too dumb to get the hints girls give me...

Alpha males of Sup Forums. I'm a 17 yearold virgin cuck. I'm always too dumb to get the hints girls give me, and that turns them off. How can I get better at this?

Become wizard like me, am 19 year old kiss less virgin

Get the fuck off this cesspool

go to gym work your ass off until you feel good about yourself.



I'll be 18 tomorrow, I need the advice for the birthday party. Please?

Still 17


Also, just be confident. Women can SMELL weakness.

Fucking underage POS get the fuck out of my Sup Forums with this shit, fucking balls probably didn't even drop yet fucking faggot go do underage shit fuck out

Fuck you bro

>17 yearold
Just fucking go after girls you are attracted to. It isn't a puzzle.

I can't I'm not popular and everybody will laugh at me

good luck on finals and have a good thanksgiving break


You're not a wizard until 30yo virgin faggot

Reported under aged

you have to learn to tease them so that you're prepared for when they drop the hints.

>guy likes girl
>winks at her, whistles, cat calls, asks her out, etc
>girl likes guy
>she smiles at him when he looks at her
How are guys supposed to decipher your fucking smile femanons?
How are we supposed to know you're not just being polite?

>alpha males
>Sup Forums

No alpha af Chads here. Best thing you can do for yourself is get out of this site and never return. Work on yourself. That is all I can tell you.

Honestly this

Stop thinking like that, it's only making things worse.

If you think things'll be that bad then you already have a few mental barriers you need to shatter, trying to talk to one of them would be a good start

We need to know what we are working with, post some pics before advise can be given.

Grab them by the pussy