Be me

>be me
>get a nice flat 2 years ago
>clean thoroughly room today, even behind/under the furniture
>find this under my commode (there is no wetness around)

what the fuck is that Sup Forums?
why is a mandelbrot set growing in my flat?

another one, its about 6 inches long

If i roll dubs, eat it.

Shit looks nasty bro... Throw some rubbing alcohol on it in case it's living, and wipe it off.

DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH THAT!!! It’s not what u think and it’s VERY DANGEROUS

420 grind it and bong hit it!

I believe it's good residue.

Portal to the upside down.

Apply fire directly to the growth.

your toilet it "sweating" when you take showers. Look it up.
Not dangerous mold, scrape it, bleach the rest 3 seperate times.

Dude you need to clean more often

thanks dude

It looks a lot like someone spilled tar and set something flat and heavy down on it. If it's sticky or tacky, that's probably it. Good luck cleaning it up, but it's not toxic.

Commode? Damn, Grandpa.

Scrape it up and smoke it.

My god damn trash cans aren't even as dirty as the surrounding area in those pics. You are filthy.

this isnt even in the same room as his toilet you dumb fuck...

its a slime mold . regularly ventilate your room and remove it with common household chemicals that dont bleach your floorboards.
the mold survives because of excessive moisture in the air and warm temperatures .

i had something simmilar on the underside of my shoe cabinet although the spots were only half an inch at most and round but they only popped up when i placed wet and muddy boots back into the cabinet .


thanks alot,
its near my radiator so that would totally make sense

>under my commode

a piece of furniture containing a concealed chamber pot.
a chest of drawers or chiffonier of a decorative type popular in the 18th century.

after sleeping simply ventilate your room for half an hour each day that will remove most of the moisture . maybe buy one of those small salt based room demoisturizers as well.

Lol this nigger dosn't know what a commode is, nigger do you still use a hole in the back of your mud-hut!

non native speaker sry the term has different meanings in my language.

what i meant to say was shoe cupboard

i meant that fucking thing with commode. should've googled first (that thing would be a kommode in german)

Sniff it up and tell us what you start seeing OP.