Supportive family

>supportive family
>girlfriend I truly love
>65m2 apartment in nice area
>studying Technology-Development
>traveled to quite some places

>>>still feeling unsatisfied with life
>>>bored all the time
>>> little to none friends

What the fuck should I do on a boring as Friday evening.

you should think about what you have instead of wanting more

you already have a good life, dont want more when other people would die for what youd have

Get a hobby that you can make money with your spent time.

It's not that I complain about wanting more.
I just want the things I have to feel like more and do more with my life.

I want to get into electronics but it's hard to get motivated to start projects.

Maybe choose a hobby that self motivates, or take some time to help your girl accomplish something she dreams about.

Unsatisfied with life to me sounds a lot like were not meant to just aquire things pay bills and die.

I am really supportive boyfriend.
I built her speakers for her laptop and currently working on a 3d printed glowing unicorn-horn for her horse.

But how do I fulfill my life?
I don't know what I want.

Your gf may give you some love, but it's important that you get acknowledged and interact with your peers too.

I am talking about bromance and familial love. When you have these three components balanced out, you'll be fine.

Try going to the bar and speaking to random strangers. This is how I've met my very best friends ever. And we'd do anything for each other.

Do something that scares you. Skydive. Nude beach. Go to a fetish club. Ask your gf to do something you're ashamed of telling her you want.

I'm not good at all at keeping friendships alive.
even if I'm really good friends with someone the relationship just shifts apart with time, everytime.

Not a family person at all, I get along with everyone but I always was, and still am, a very independent person.

Not a good "going to the bar"-person I always wake up with a headache...

I currently try to meet people over the internet but omegle turned to shit and /b turned gay.

Every one has a different idea of what they want and need tk be fulfilled. Some people love their honda, when others need to drive a Porsche from the current year. You need to decide at some point, maybe decide not to decide for a couple months and go try new things.

the thing that scares me the most is that I won't "succeed" in life. I want a family, a nice house and kids, but what if I will not achieve that?

>the thing which thrills me the most is to built myself a van and just fuck of and life alone somewhere.

Welcome to being married

I would say I mostly achieved everything in that pyramid.

-future-proof profession
-wealthy enough family to support me in case
of emergency
>mental strenght:
- I know who I am and what I am capable of
>human connection:
- Family, girlfriends family, girlfriends friends, study "friends" whom I spend the work days with
-I am studying a hard subject to challenge myself and to learn knowledge which will help me and others
-I just don't fucking care what others think
- I try very hard to help others and I don't think I can do more than trying

read the bible
learn how to make your own garden
have 5 kids
teach them shit

die a happy man

Well if this is going to be the rest of my life, I'm going to start taking drugs cause this life is not bad but just boring.

Smoke weed everyday

>read enough to know it's not for me
>already know how to do a garden cause of mother
>nah 2 are enough, i gotta have money left for a fun car
>looking forward to teach my kids shit

>>thats the plan

>bored all the time
>>>> little to none friends
>What the fuck should I do on a boring as Friday evening.
Gay sex, bro.
It's exhilarating

I think that will be the option I take after trying to kill myself with a sheet of paper

To each his own

>>read enough to know it's not for me



>read parts of the first 5 jewish books and got bored

Read the new testament faggot

book of job and psalms and proverbs and ecclesiastes as well

I read old and new testament about equally.
the old testament is everything which is wrong with monotheist religions.

New testament got a lot of storys today's society could learn from if they understood it right.

But still religion is not my thing. More into Science and stuff.

>the old testament is everything which is wrong with monotheist religions.

no, most of the laws were contextualized for the way society was fucked up at the time, it's why when Jesus came he erased all the old laws except for the ten commandments.

Everything else God did in the Old Testament, was necessary. The Canaanites, Sodom and Gomorrah, were degenerate as fuck, a thousand times worse than anything today. Beyond help. Kind of like the Aztecs with their murder rituals.

Also, modern Jews are different from ancient mystical Judaism. Modern Judaism is a european medieval invention, and they practiced blood sacrifice and child sacrifice. The Jews are degenerate as fuck (the non-atheistic jews), which is why God keeps punishing them.

shit man you from the bible belt or whatr?

No I was raised Orthodox until I was converted to 7th Day Adventism by some of my family. It's the most faithful adherent to Christianity, as it still keeps the Sabbath as outlined in the Commandments.

Also it promotes healthy food and living (most of the women have jobs in medicine or some such shit) and no alcohol either.

That's what you get for living a normal, stable life. Your polar opposite would be a stressed out virgin NEET who is broke but loves their hobbies, prefers sleeping their days and spending nights with them and most likely has a group of obnoxious friends with same interests.

You can't eat your cake and have it too. Stop being so greedy, enjoy what you have. Maybe help other people if you need fulfillment in life, volunteer at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter. You'll learn to appreciate your things more when you see people who are without them.

all those american founded churches are one of the reasons the U.S is so far behind regarding social security standards.

All the religious fanatics fled Europe and colonized north america because their believes and practices were a disability to the society and progress itself.

Bro, buy yourself 2 grams of weed, some snacks, and torrent a tv series

weed is boring as fuck.
even the "good" stuff from switzerland, netherlands or russia.

Become a fucking lion

It's not supposed to be PCP you absolute madman.

dude good idea.
I'll keep you up to date on my succees

well thats sounds more interesting, but I don't think you can get that in germany

take some mdma and reevaluate your life

sounds like a plan

That will just make him have more fun

For answers he should smoke changa

How is a focus on health and charity a detriment to society? Are you retarded? I'm not going to say that all Protestants are good Christians (not Lutherans, who persecuted anabaptists, nor most Catholics and Orthodox, who prioritize tradition over the Bible, nor Baptists and Pentecostals, who cross the line into religious fervor and delusions), but you have to admit that Protestantism is a big reason for America's success in the first place.

it also helps you reflect on yourself much more.
it can make you have a clearer view on your subconsciousness