What does Sup Forums want for Christmas?

What does Sup Forums want for Christmas?


I hope I die


No point in getting what you already have though :)

World peace.

*w* a Giant woman... :3

To stop hearing the following words/phrases:

White privilege
Rape culture

Just for one week is all I ask.

Oh and for Justin Trudeau to step down and to begin his transition to being a female.

*White Genocide


peace on earth

to die

I'm hopeful

I'd really like to get laid.
Or a blowjob at the very least.

However, I'm single, so, that won't happen.

a girlfriend

Try finding a homeless woman, they are easy to fuck and will do anything for a buck. ;)

Net neutrality

I don't want herpes and super aids for Christmas.

Thats why you use a condom and good judgement.

Yeah, but it won't matter anyhow. I've never randomly had sex with anyone. I always have to trick women into a relationship in order to get any.

Random sex is the best sex

A PS4.

A cat

I'd probably be happier if I had the confidence and appeal to have random sex.

I want one of those big Bluetooth jukeboxes for my shed but I don't know how good the sound quality is.

For my mum to still be alive until then.

man wtf debbie downer.

Oh crikey mate. I feel shallow wanting a Bluetooth jukebox now..

6yr old

Are you the flesh and blood embodiment of that song "Christmas Shoes?"

I can't believe nobody has said "my two front teeth". Is everyone on this site under 75 or something?