Serious question for you Sup Forums

Serious question for you Sup Forums.
If you were diagnosed with some deadly illness; cancer or something, would you tell about it to anybody to be treated a bit more "special" or would you keep if for yourself till the very end to live a life you have? Also, would you do things you always wanted to do like crazy shit you always wanted to do; talking to that particular girl/boy you always had crush on or traveling around the world? Maybe you'd just stay home and play vidyas?

I'd volunteer at children's hospitals, particularly the terminal ward. At least I've had a hell of a life so far.

I would probably tell close family and nearest friends, but not to be treated specially, but rather that it doesn't come as a surprise. I would probably chase my personal goals and try to leave a message on the world that outlasts me.

I'd very likely keep it to myself.

would probably lose all fear and climb mountains, flirt with every woman and get in a fight or two.
Would also spend time with people I liked/liked the look of.

Would spend the last of my days at my parents home (not the place I'm currently living at)
on my pc there playing vidya till I dropped.
Nice bit of Elder scrolls or serious sam or Age of empires till the end.

Thank you user, I've not really thought about this kinda thing so thoroughly/deeply before, makes me wonder why I'm not trying harder to do all those things right now.

I guess I'd not tell it to anybody just to see their faces when when I was on my death bed

I think I'd just try to leave nice memories for people I know

that would be good too, or at least the people I knew and liked.

Id suck a dick and not say no homo

OP here. Related question. Would you try to be the best version of yourself or the worst. You know like loosing all friends, only to not make them cry after your death?

I would tell it to who I need to to get the means to end it faster and on my terms.
I have no interest in living if I have to fight against ANOTHER fuckin thing in life just to exist on top of every one of you worthless faggots and your selfish self centered ego maniacal bullshit.

Your thoughts and Peterson telling me to sort my shit makes me wonder the same.

I've fantasized about getting like cancer or some shit, and refusing chemo, and telling nobody, and then right about when it was gg for me, having a big party with all the people i like, getting good and fucked up, and then when the parties wound down, sitting everyone down, and announcing that theyve all just attended my funeral, and that i love them all.

OP approves your idea user

Problem with cancer is that you won't party at the last moment. You will be as usual, and then when you start feeling bad, you will sleep more and more until your body gives up. Everything from a week to months, where all you do is feeling tired and pain.

I do care somewhat about the state of the world even after my death. I always had the feeling that by passing on my ideals, my persona lives on.

Batshit stuff.
Bomb police cars.
Kill ex-gf's new bf.
Commit arson.
Line jacket with explosives.
Like I care about legacy.

Only thing I could tell it to that would care would be my dog and I'm 100% sure it can't understand human speech so I'd keep it to my self and make sure I left my door open all the time so when I died my dog wouldn't starve and would find a nice home as he is a good boy

Nigga i watched my father die of cancer dont tell me what cancers like. Motherfucker was a badass till the bitter end.
RIP pops, i miss you


I would probably be a mixture of both, I couldn't be one or the other. Living life to the fullest, and being nice to anyone I thought deserved it, but not taking any bullshit from anyone when I may have just quietly taken it before.

I have one friend who would be heartbroken if I died, so I'd want to at least prepare him in some way.

I have a son now. He’s the only thing I would care about and would do everything I could to stay alive to be there for him and to protect him. Only since his birth have I ever cared about my actions and my future.

why not just jump off a tall building and experience flying for a few moments?

Just because you're on the way out, doesn't mean you need to be needlessly destructive to other people's lives at the same time.

>Just because you're on the way out, doesn't mean you need to be needlessly destructive to other people's lives at the same time.
At the very least, don't be the cunt who jumps in front of trains, some people have jobs.