How do we let our country get fucked like this all the time?

How do we let our country get fucked like this all the time?


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Trump made no secret of the fact he wanted to remove Net Neutrality if elected.

You gotta take the rough with the smooth.

What's the smooth so far?

user. Trump is not a good president. He's not even a good person.

Not Hilary or Bernie

It's called the electoral college.

Because we vote people into office that do the fucking. It's our own fault.

Funny you know. Whenever I ask anyone what's so great about Agent Orange, almost all answers are "not Hillary" or "not Bernie."

So elections have become who *not* to vote for.

We are literally choosing lesser of two evils every time. There are no leaders, no good guys.

We're fucked.

You're spot on. And it's unfortunate that it's come to this.

It goes a long way toward explaining low voter turnout. Americans aren't disengaged as a people. I just think low turnout is people's way of "voting" for "None of the Above".

The worst part is this time the winner was the wrong choice. With Hillary at best we would have had 4-8 more years of an Obama style administration. Not the best but not terrible. Trump is going to spend his 4 years doing nothing but fucking up everything Obama did, get voted out, a democrat will come in, not fix everything fast enough, will get blamed for the problems Trump caused, probably get voted out after 1 term, maybe 2 if lucky, and then we'll be back to square one with both parties crying that they are the only ones who can fix the problems, with a small voice in the corner saying "It doesnt have to be a 2 party system!"

Hillary would have been the lesser of 2 evils. Not the other way around.


Hillary > Trump

If you think otherwise, after all you've seen from Trump, you truly are a moron.

How? Electoral college.
Fact: The Republicans have not won a Presidential popular vote yet this century.

Man, fuck Republicans.

Agreed. At worst I feel Hillary would have been another Obama, probably a bit more right leaning than him actually. Not a great president, but not a terrible one. She would have been remembered as the first female president and nothing more.

Can someone actually explain to me with reason and logic what the point of the Electoral College is?

Because 250+ years ago they thought it was a good idea.
They had no idea how many dipshits would be too dumb to seek better education and careers, and instead would stick with kickin' shit all day in obscure small counties throughout the country. Also the Republicans running those counties would never let them be restructured to a more accurate electoral representation.

>America has JUST enough retards to continually hold up any kind of real progress. And they are proud of it.

Sup Forums, I'm thinking we can help with keeping net neutrality. A crusade like the days of old.

The idea is its supposed to be kinda like the House of Representatives by giving states votes proportionate to the population. It takes the popular vote for each state and votes in favor of the majority to help avoid errors in counting the copious amount of votes. Its just another aspect of representative democracy.

Yet they think Telecom laws of 1930 are too old...
They are also the party of hypocrisy

This internet-wide net neutrality spam is mass hysteria. The so-called "net neutrality" (Netflix and Google subsidy) didn't exist until 2014, and repealing it wouldn't have any of the apocalyptic consequences the bungling retards predict (see : 99% of the civilized world without "NN", Portugal and Germany come to mind). Don't fall for it.

>believing in and supporting a system destined to create a ruling class whose only imperative is to reproduce itself and stay ruling

Also the second President to start a hot nuclear war.

>being this bourgeois

>implying corporations deserve representation at all
>help avoid errors in counting the copious amount of votes
just stop with the excuses already. You know damn well it's meant to be a veto point for the rich.

>start a nuclear war
trump has literally been taunting a nuclear power since being in office, please explain your logic here

We're not talking about that timeline.
>Most communities seek to perpetuate themselves above all else
>The intelligence community, the surveillance industry, the """defense""" industries, and the Zionist lobby are all communities
>All of these communities need business in order to maintain themselves
>All of these communities were pulling for Hillary by fair means and foul
>Hillary's entire campaign and post-campaign are rooted in antagonizing a nuclear power
>Hillary has no problems taking advice from psychopathic war hawks like Kissinger and Albright

>unironically quoting Mises
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

>Lots of right-wingers buy into Revelations prophecy
>Hillary is literally the Whore of Babylon, according to said prophecy
>The aforementioned communities who make money off this would be only happy to pursue their business imperatives at the expense of the American people
>indeed, we've seen that same thing happen with Trump, a candidate they did not support
>indeed, his predecessor had approved work on "more usable" nukes
>the US literally cannot afford a good example of any other model of society and will do its damnedest to keep one from appearing
>her new media buddies are even today censoring the internet and restricting the viewpoints that are visible through social media and search, with an emphasis on burying viewpoints to the left of the establishment democrats and long-time anti-war sites
>there is nothing in Hillary's demeanor, interests, nor associations that would have led her to fight against a hot war against Iran or Russia
shorter: the warmonger class really wants this for some reason and she'd have been a pushover

ITT: liberal shills talking to each other for money.

No libruls in MuriKKKa.

>he doesn't know that liberals and conservatives are literally the same thing with different factions they pander to but, somehow, never deliver to

Voting republican, for one.

plenty of liberals, no leftists

She definitely would have been more effective. Trump was 100% right every time he called her "crooked Hillary"; however, a corrupt leader can still be an effective leader.

>effective leader
Leading to what? Are you really such a cipher that you need to be led around by the nose all the time?
>inb4 n-no, but t-they are
Also, TPP was a dealbreaker which would have seriously fucked up the intellectual property regime in other ways.