How do I fix this shit without going to a doctor? It never heals properly

How do I fix this shit without going to a doctor? It never heals properly.

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go to a doctor


Literally cute a v or a u into the middle of the edge and it will heal.

went to doctor like 10+ years ago for ingrowns. 3 of them. haven't had one since. stop being an idiot


Just leave it. It will fix itself

spray it with raid

i was dealing with this exact same thing like a month ago.

just go to the doctor dude, they'll basically just cut a little off that edge, put a chemical in the base so that it won't grow back, and you'll be good to go.
the anesthetic is effective and fast, whole procedure takes like 15 minutes. the post-op is kind of a hassle but it's less hassle for only a couple weeks as opposed to more hassle for an indefinite period, which is what you're looking at if you let that keep going.
you've actually already let it go really far, go to the fucking doctor already.

plus you might get some painkillers out of it. i didn't but a more lenient doctor might allow it, especially if you complain about it hurting a lot.

It doesn't. It just gets all swollen and painful. I peeled a chunk of skin off a while ago as it felt like the nail was causing a skin infection.

Why do preteens group together like this?

Trips of truth you dumb niggers.

You can't do that when it's so fucking painful rubbing a feather over it.


this guy is full of shit i had same thing just apply garlic and rocksalt to it to get rid of the infection do it 3-5 times a day will burn that shit away and just wait for the nail to grow out then cut that shit straight!!!!

Whats it look like when you remove the scab?

A circumcision should fix the problem.

spray it with raid

it will kill the infection and thats the first thing you have to deal with

Drop a brick on it. Toenail will turn black and fall off after a few days, then grow back eventually.

that doesn't work if the nail is ingrown around the side like a scroll you fucking tard. i was doing epsom salt for months and it didn't do shit.

I went before when it wasn't this bad and all they said was to not cut them too short.

Hopefully I can get it sorted then. I am so sick of this shit. Had it on my other toe but somehow that sorted itself out.

fire... just burn it, should kill bacterias and close the wound, it will burn like hell but end result pretty much back to normal... after few months ofc

Hey bro, I dealt with ingrown toenails like that all the time.

It looks like you haven't cut it down to the cuticle yet, or it has been a while. Clip it down as deep as possible, as far into the side of the nail as possible. Work it out as easily and slowly as you can. This is going to be extremely painful.

Afterwards, soak your foot in a warm saltwater bath as you probably already have been. Buy wide shoes, or it WILL come back. Clean it REGULARLY, even between work/classes. You're in for some pain but it is manageable.

Buy one of these. 10 dollars on amazon

Spread peanut butter on it, the essential oils in the peanut butter have been proven to choke out the infection. In a week it'll be good as new, except you'll need to get rid of the cause of it.

It's too late. Putting that on the side of my nails is going to sting.

It's so difficult to get at the sides. Feels like my nail is super glued inside.

That is badly infected. And as it's persisting, it's probably necrosed and gangrened.

What the fuck is wrong with you, OP.

It's not too infected. If I can feel pain, it's definitely still alive. The black is just lint from my sock. There isn't any pus.

Pretty much this OP, You got it way too infected, Either go to the doctor or burn the little civ going on there

Reopen the wound with pliers and use a chopstick to clean the gunk. If it bleeds dont be a bitch use alcohol if you get this alot set that shit on fire. the alcohol will ignite your whole toe so get a towel not water or an extinguisher.

oh and eat fish oils and b12vitamin for hairs blood and toes ( natural health regeneration chemicals)

i know it's painful, but try to scrape all that gunk under the nail out from under there with either your fingernail or a small sterilized knife.

scrape the shit off, wrap it up, let it get some air while you sleep

Get drunk first duh

Yeah, it'll feel really connected until you cut away at it.


Must be USA no free medical care fag, so try covering toe thickly with natural honey and bandage up to keep honey on toe, leave honey on, wash off each day with warm salty water. Or get a bottle of everclear pass out dead drunk and have someone cut it all out with a sterilised penknife.

If in Australia just go get it fixed by a Dr for absolutely free.,

I've just done that. Still hurts like a bitch.

Soak it in water for a while then when the skin is soft try taking more off

I will try that tomorrow. I feel there will be pain for some gain.

Yeah I'm going to try and snip that shit off in the shower and then try and get the nail up and cut away a bit.

Do this and also when you go to work or whatever put on a bandaid and antibiotic ointment to un nigger it and probably just take off the entire nail

I'm in the UK and getting a doctor is hard in my area because the surgery has too many patients.

>How do I fix this shit without going to a doctor? It never heals properly.
First, put your toe in warm (not hot just warm) salt water for like 40 min. It will make your nails easier to cut. Then cut the nail close to the edge and deep. It hurts a lot. Cut it to the base.
when you have cut a straight line from the top to the base of the nail (you can curve it towards the skin part to grab the incarnated part of it) Pick the piece of nail and pull, you will most likely get a hook out of the meaty part.
After that repeat the process every 5 days or so. It will be less painful each time.
I had both of my toes like yours or worst, went to doctor, got surgery and it kept appearing again. Only with higiene and patience it stops coming back.

soak finger in rubbing alcohol for a few hours

take a shower at least a few times a week

Push gauze btween nail and skin.

They half assed your expensive butchering?

Great post that looks like could turn into gangrene

Thats upper echelon DIY shit. Probably walk in or see your GP. Make an appointment user. They'll hook you up with drugs. If it smells or is under the nail can't ignore or you'll look like fucking shrek in 2 months.

>dip it in water first
Yeah spread that shit to the rest of the nails

if anything dry it with a hair blower or put it in in like olive oil,something where the luiqid is still think enough so that the infection wont spread

do this in whatever order itll still hurt though

its a fucking infected fungus man it gets dry and wet its a living organism with fat,it feeds like parasites

It really won't to your other fingers. The problem is bad growing if the nail, then the wound gets infected. Other fingers are not wounded

You know its a toe don't you?

learn how to cut your fucking nails the right way

Buy a nail cutter. If it hurts, fuck off. Take painkillers and focus. Cut just BARELY under the area that's swollen and infected. What you're looking to do is barely isolate it, remove the nail that's stabbing into it over and over. Then, wash the wound with soap and HOT WATER. Really scrub it. "It hurts!" not that bad though, it's the only way you can get it clean. Don't fucking grind it with sandpaper, but hot and soapy water with a clean towel. This is to get some of the dead flesh off as well as clean the wound. Dry it off with clean fabric/towel/etc. and use antibacterial salve on it. Don't drench the fucker but make sure it's in the meat of the wound.

Bandage with clean gauze and/or a band-aid to keep it on. You'll want to keep it on. Next day, undue the dressing. Fill a container with a lot of salt; we're talking a good few cups full at least. Then, pour HOT water into the container, mix the salt until mostly dissolved, and stick that god damn nasty toe in. It should be hot enough that you can just barely stand the heat; don't burn yourself, but it should be near your edge of tolerance. For bonus points, pull the skin around the wound to make sure the salt water makes contact, by the looks of it, your toe may need you to pull it back a bit.

Keep it submerged and move it every once in a while. Wait until the water feels cold to remove. Dry it off, let the toe breathe for maybe 15 minutes without being bandaged. Then, making sure it's dry, gauze and antibacterial.

You should see improvements within at least a week, maybe sooner. If this does nothing over the course of two weeks, see a doctor about it.

Source: I have a genetic predisposition to my toenail growth, and I had my toes infected so badly

>they almost got fucking amputated

both my big toe nails did that every year around track time when I was in school
so when I was 13, I had the doctors remove both toe nails completely by the roots
the only thing that hurt was the needle they used to numb the area and all I felt was tugging, and cutting
I'm 35 now

Yeah, I'm just not really good at English

>almost got both my legs amputated and they thought it was a spider bite so we went through every spider venom

>it was just cellulitis and they stuck a fat needle and sucked it all out

this nigga knows his shit,painkillers take atleast 30minutes to disolve and go in your stomach 10 more for your feet

Looks like a necrosis. Go to the doctor and dont be a fag

yeah it's funny how scientific and precise we are in medicine, but in reality half the shit doesn't make sense except for a lot of basics

Don't you miss having nails?

Just YouTube ingrown toenail. U will see what needs to be done

>cut straight down the normal part next to that shit a little bit.
>Tear it off with pliers making sure it catches the infected part on the way down.

humans don't need them, they are an evolutionary leftover from when our early mammal ancestors had claws, same for fingernails

Soak your foot regularly in a bucket of hot water with epsom salt dissolved in it. When not soaking it, wear a bandaid over it to soak up any pus it might make.

Go to a doctor, get it checked out. It's either an ingrown toenail or just an infection of the nailbed. Either way, antibiotics will help stave off infection.

I know. I got shit that looks just like your situation on the same toe in the same spot. Fucked up.

that shit grows back quickly, ive been to the doctor for that shit and had an identical experience. Within like two weeks maybe i had a full toenail. pretty sure its caused by sweaty feet. if you wear shoes for long periods of time in hot weather, then your socks absorb all the sweat, basically making a breeding ground for bacteria. goes right to your toes since thats got some "sensitive skin" exposed.

Fingernails are useful for scratching and picking out tape from packaging. Wrong.

back and lotto ticket scratchers

>How does I fix it
>No doctor and no pain allowed
You're lucky to not require one, yet you're childish if you think you can fix it without either

My girlfriend had this. You need to get it surgically removed or it will keep growing back. The procedure is not painful and is fairly quick.

ok seriously OP:

Step 1: scrub that shit with a brush: a CLEAN scrubbing brush like a toothbrush. It's going to hurt so fucking much, but you have to power through. You want it raw, pink and bleeding. Get rid of the accumulated filth.

Step 2: peroxide peroxide peroxide. rub it in with a q tip. Rinse, repeat. Clean the fuck out of it.

Step 3: Wash it, dry it, and put neosporin on it. Do not use a bandaid, you want to let it air out.

You should be okay. Repeat steps 2 and 3 daily.

Pee on your feet in the shower

Same here takes 15 mins worst part for me was the anesthetic hurt like a bitch going in for like 5 seconds but then you don't feel shit If you do complain near guerantee they will give painkillers and it covered by insurance.

That shit is a ingrown toenail. Hurts like a bitch i been there OP go to the fucking doctor stop being a little bitch trust me is for the best

oh i had that same shit... put some neo on that shit and keep it dry. it''ll go away soon

You cut it out with toenail clipper, I have done it. Save a trip to the hospital and skip a huge bill too.

When you get it cleaned out use either paper or cotton balls to create space between the nail and skin. Then you look for the sharp part of the nail causing this and remove it.

user, ive had quite a few ingrowns before. What always fixes mine, it cutting out large chunks of my nail with and exacto knife, like all thecway up tovthe skin. It hurts like a bitch. But youre toe will heal up well

Hit it with antiseptic twice per day, Trim your toenails strait across, no curve. 25k hours medfag experience, yw.

You might have to get euthanized OP, I'm sorry