Does ANYBODY have ANY FUCKING IDEA where this came from? I’ve been searching for the source forever, but to no avail...

Does ANYBODY have ANY FUCKING IDEA where this came from? I’ve been searching for the source forever, but to no avail. Can anybody give me a lead?

Other urls found in this thread:

it was from the first Sup Forums meetup back in 06

trump rally

OP here. This is also another pic from the mystery gathering. If this thread gains more following, I’ll posts more pics I have of it.

it looks like an art piece, art photography, etc.

Another pic.
Whatever it fucking is, I better know. Looks like some creepy cult shit.

Bump for extreme interest

interesting for sure.

What is this supposed to be??

>Getty images watermark on the cake

A meeting of dads.

holy shit this is some history

OP here. These photos really creep me the fuck out, to an extent where I feel uneasy whilst staring at them. Got a couple more photos after this one.

Art, some faggot named Chris.

you're really fucking bad at searching, op, i found it in 30 seconds.

It looks like any one of a thousand generic country gatherings. Could be a bbq or a wedding or a linedance. Why the fuck do you care?

Internet Historian here.
It's the reddit shittyfoodporn thanksgiving of 3 years ago

Cult shit? Have you never been somewhere rural? They dyed the turkey because it was fun and betty-sue spent all morning carving the watermelon into a basket. I'm from a rural area and would not take a second glance walking into this gathering.

da fuc is wrong with wypipo?

probably just a bunch of men meeting over some niche hobby

its literally some dumbass modern art thing

Welp, there we go, hang. Mystery solved. Not as bad as I thought it’d be, although it would have been a lot more exciting if it turned out to be some dark and twisted cult. Looks like I’m calling a night. OP signing out.

OP back, made a typo. Meant to say “gang”

get the fuck out of here asshole
