Why aren't fucking with this cuck somehow ?

why aren't fucking with this cuck somehow ?

This place is full of trump cucks. They wont do anything that heer downald doesnt approve of

Sadly true. And Republicans are paid by the same corporations who profit of paid exclusive sites

You're all on the low end of the bell curve.
Trump was elected. I didn't vote for him, and I don't support him. But he was elected.
His picks for various executive branch agency heads are going to reflect his free market ideology.
If not this guy, it would be someone else.
Elections have consequences.
Also, the rule rescinded dates from 2015. It wasn't important enough for Dems to make it a law.

We should tell trump his twitter will be censored if neutrality is gone.

He's probably not dumb enough to fall for the chicken little hysteria that passes for net neutrality advocacy, which is saying a lot, since he's a moron.

xddd me liberal faggot me think everyone that disagree with my shitty ideologies are stupid xddd

Im sorry but thats a bunch of crap. Just shrugging your shoulders and saying thems the breaks is almost as bad a supporting it.

If he actually believes NN is bad then yes he is a moron. But he is paid by cable companies because lobbying is somehow legal so he probably doesnt. He is not in his position to serve the people but the companies, which makes him something even worse than a moron.

>dates from 2015
Quit repeating this deception. That codified into its own law something that was vaguely held in other law for years beforehand.

A corrupt moron?


>His picks for various executive branch agency heads are going to reflect his free market ideology.
>lay back and think of Comcast
sure kid

>lobbying is somehow legal
It's not actually lobbying, so much as the revolving door between business and government. He'll have a far more lucrative lobbying job in about seven years after coming out of this FCC Chair gig and a cooling-off period.
The parties mainly differ on whether one should enter the revolving door from business or government.

>telling an amerifat not to do his job

Hi kids do you like anus? Wanna see me suck liberal cock to try and remain famous

Ahhhh I forgot how I was gonna start this
Takes pills
Oh yeah, that's an awfully hot sloppy cock
Should I suck it to stay famous....probably not....but I'm washed up now, so it's all I've got....till my lord Kim Un saves the world with a missile shot

Trumps support is rising....my rap careers declining....I haven't been relevant in years....I need something defining

My rap makes out Hillary ain't dishonest....wiki leaks making my bitch all astonished
She said she'd keep me famous...I made her pinky promise.
Now I look like Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray had a gay child that turned Amish
you see my liberal collusion?
These pills caused some confusion about the inclusion of my delusion...
so my brain has this contusion, trying to stop the extrusion of this illusion

but hillary's turnout didn't just work out, so here in my cardboard box i pout
i am a true faggot, but they still call me rabbit, spot this rap shit, i aint cutout.
no doubt. imma pull out. /I'll be more of a letdown than that fish outta water, falling over bitch/ can't get in a car/ stumbling trout

I keep pausing waiting it's nauseating
I'm nervous and frail....I'm shaking more than Michael J Fox masturbating
I've seen more cocks than Obama's drones have kills
I've taken more pills than Donald trump has dollar bills

I'm rapping slower and faster....oh shit I'm the master...I'm starting to scream and snarl I sound just like Dizaster......I got him to ghost write this shit, to get me some hits. I haven't seen so much spit since I last sucked a dick

I'm famous for being blonde, fake and plastic
Oh shit I'm just like you
I'll just get angry and rap liberal buzzwords just to be spiteful
My new albums out soon for more views..hillarys dudes...will give me an Eiffel
Since I've done a duet with Elton john and now I look like George Michael

A corrupt moron?

that's literally the spoils system people vote for when they vote in this system, as if the pols are going to give a fuck and deliver anyone's dreams but their own
also checked


Because everyone who hates him is too laszy to leave the comfort of their basement and bash him with a bat. No one really cares enough to stop him.

good, you bourgeois fuck, someone's got to

THIS is why


>implying his love isn't one of manipulation


because this shithole has become so pro Trump they wouldn't criticize their overlord if he was in their house fucking their mum.

just because he changed all of his political views to pander to the only people stupid enough to fall for his bullshit doesn't mean....



see, the Democrat Party really is neoliberal and really should be forcibly merged with the GOP

>a voluntary transaction is the same as government compulsion
For people that screech constantly about muh rape culture, you sure have a shitty understanding of what consent is


>implying you have a choice

>implying that food, shelter and clothing are voluntary
NEET detected


>implying we didnt already know this
>implying his plans for infrastructure spending didnt tell us he was essentially a democrat way back

They are.
Who is forcing you to live in a house, eat food and wear clothes?
>implying that means you are being compelled

no, they're not you stupid shill



Wew nice argument, but tell me
>Who is forcing you to live in a house, eat food and wear clothes?
The answer is nobody.
You are perfectly free to run naked and starve/freeze to death in the wilderness if you so choose, nobody is going to stop you. You voluntarily choose to work because you DON'T want to starve and freeze to death in the wilderness.

>implying that hunger and private property police are not compulsive forces

>free to ignore instincts to survive
wew lad. what's it like having a huge trust fund?

what wilderness, nigger? The frontier is closed and the government of the USA claims dominion over all of it.
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

he was forced

everyone who has worked with him during the last coiple years has confirmed, he has no political views. if you can get in front of him, you can sell him on an idea in 2 seconds if you make a pitch for what you want, because hes never interested in the thing itself, he’s only interested in the power play, who will owe him everything if he gives them what they’re asking for, and how valuable their debt to him and loyalty are.

You put Chuck Shumer in from of him, and you get the same approach as putting Paul Ryan or anyone else in front of him. He has no probkem going back on previous statements or positions, because of this either. Its very interesting.

A couple oil guys make a pitch to shrink national parks by 90% and hand the land over to them, and dems dont put anyone in front of him to sell him on tye opposite idea, and there you go, tge US destroys lands and artifacts its been working and spending to protecting for centuries in a month. Well done USA, with your form of government thats so perfect it needs to be spread around the world by force.

He's not a Democrat, he's not a Republican, he's a corporatist. The issue is now and has been since before the fucking civil war the ability for large economic self interest groups to unduly influence the government. There's a fight in the Democratic party over this issue between the 'her' crowd and the bernie people. The Republicans just flat out refuse to even have a discussion about it in party and now they've got an even worse split between the teaparty-trump-alt-right and the classic low deficit centrists. With evangelicals sprinkled in for good measure.
Whether or not net neutrality kept isp costs down is about to be tested, in full view of anyone with a bill. For better or worse this is the future 49% of americans chose.


State compulsion is a reasonable response to prevent others from violating your rights.
Hunger is not a compulsive force, just as you aren't being oppressed by time or any other natural forces you want to moan about.
people ignore their instincts to survive every day you faggot
Go live outside the US then

>implying Schumer and Ryan have different political policy preferences
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

>he still thinks teams mean anything
>49% of americans
A plurality of people voted against your bourgeois system, actually. If you can't remember that or are being paid not to, you need to kill yourself.

>your rights
Become what the most violent faction makes of them, then, doesn't it? Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Sup Forums is full of idiotic maga faggots. Thats why.

starving people do not ignore, freezing people do not ignore warmth. I know Ayn Rand seems edgy and cool to you know, but you'll grow out of it

Trumptard railing against the bourgeoisie. Mugfuggin toppest kek ever.

Because at the end of the day it doesn't mater what the public thinks or wants. They will do whatever they want. They'll make fake polls and say the majority wanted it if they have to.

Everything will go badly for us and they'll say it's our fault while they count their money. Nothing ever changes.

nobody cares about net neutrality you fucking nerd faggot. why dont you go to a dungeons and dragons festival, I know that game doesnt require internet.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums shot themselves in the foot. Now they are trying to pretend that it doesn't hurt.

When will Americans realize that petitions, rallies and protests achieve nothing. Like your ancestors, you must take back your freedom by an means.


