Congresswoman calls witness a bigot on the record

Video speaks for itself.

>congresswoman (Dem from california) responds to anti-trans testimony
>"I found this rather offensive"
>"witness doesn't know anything"
>"never met a transgendered child"
>"it's highly offensive"
>when anti trans witness tries to respond
>"she's out of order"
>"it's my time"
>"I don't want to get into a debate"

Other urls found in this thread:

bump so Sup Forums sees this, watch the vid


the face of evil is a female one. i'm seeing that more and more each day

not an argument

God damn it, this is fucking unbelievable. These are the people in charge of the schools in California???

You notice that ogre cannot possibly have a response to the teacher, because she realizes transgenderism is fucking absurd but is too afraid to do anything but yell "BIGOT" at people

We need to start lining up Nu,Cuck, beta males and shooting them.

Natural order tells that of most alpha 20% males should get 100% of women.

Beta, Nu males shouldn't reproduce, fuck single woman marriage this is all bullshit.

fuck off dirty croat

>"I found this rather offensive"

Fuck off Nu males with your fairy tale believes 1 woman 1 man.

Only alpha man should fuck and breed alot of women.
You forgot how to put women into place, you let them cuckold you.

To be honest i expect no less from a democratic. However as a politician she should be held to a higher standard.

Uncontrolled outbursts (ie name calling) in an official proceeding is very unprofessional. I am not sure on how specifically this type of proceeding is conducted and whether or not she is allowed to speak her opinion, but repeated name calling and speaking over the witness is unacceptable.

Can someone give some more background of this proceeding? is she an arbitrator or potential policy maker?

This user gets it.

But if beta males who still are willing to be brave and can get women pregnant and keep them, then they should.

>enfranchise women they said
>it's only fair they said

Why do you think Muslim are conquering whole fucking world.
Because they come and fuck 10 different women and have 10 different wife.
They don't give fuck if one of their Beta Muslims rots and die.
They have self regulating system to exterminate weak


Fucking hell can we just nuke the entire west coast already?

She needs someone to tell her

>not an argument, now shut the fuck up

How is this even acceptable? How can anyone without a basic degree of self-control be elected to Congress? This woman would have been laughed out of the room 10 years ago

This is the end.

>does that mean you think I am a russian princess?
>I have no idea

she should have blown up and called her a bigot lol, but the witness did the right thing by allowing her to step out of line.

>"Democracy is a good thing," they said
>"Everyone's opinion matters," they said

she's a state congresswoman so it's not that bad.

>That guy shaking his head at the end

Meh, she was already officially reprimanded for that shit so it doesn't matter.

looks like laughter desu, no one aggressively shakes their head that fast unless its comical

>there is now tumblr rhetoric in our very government

These dumb cunts think that "being offended" is justification for god damn anything they want. Fuck her and fuck the left.

This woman needs vial of diversity

okay Sup Forums. enough with the meme magic, i dont want to live in a greentext story

this has to be satire

that fucking disgusting creature

who the fuck elected her

oh wait

she is from california

look at that fucking seething lunatic

jesus fuck

Zoe Lofgren was one of the based five who were arguing against the SOPA shit back in the day (around 2011 as I recall). Damn shame to see her reduced to this pandering shit

>I believe I'm a russian princess
>that doesn't make me a russian princess just because my friends are willing to indulge me
That's offensive, how could you say that, I'm offended, I'm not even going to explain why that's wrong how could you say that?

also that ending, top kek, even the guys in the back row lost it.


Sup Forums was right again

That woman who wrote the letter has been seen before acting insane...

this cannot be real

that pic is photoshopped, this is a troll account

oy vey!

She's a politician. She's saying what she thinks her constituents want to hear.


Jews own you and piss on you openly. They have nothing to fear, goy.

I am sure all these new different genders works wonders for the children that are confused.

Who the fuck elects these people? This woman belongs in a nuthouse, don't you Americans know who you vote into office? Are you aware of who they are at all?

>transgendered child

the pic is clearly shopped

see attached

If you focus on troll accounts you're not gonna uncover the higher level Jewry like the Kalegi Plan, the USS Liberty, Jews in politics, etc

Jews have to be gassed ASAP but focusing on fake ones wastes time effort

ITT: A bunch of self righteous cunts who would be cumming all over themselves if trump said the exact same thing in the exact same situation.

ITP: a fucking retard

dumping Jew info images to balance out whatever the PYSOP was for this account

This country is so big and there's so much that happens here every day it's hard to keep track of it all man. You guys have like 5 major cities. We have 100+

The lady who is debating against the trans-gender hoopla is

I know sperm and milk, that is definately milk.

its just a funny maymay account relax

based russia

why cant you have capitalism without the jews ruining it

>these people are in the US congress

>all the swedes

what a surprise that the trans hub of the Earth is also the Jewish shill hub of the Earth

Trans people hate themselves and were tricked by Jewish propaganda

see study --->

>we allow our witnesses to say offensive things but...
But nothing. Holy fuck, she just attached a "but" to the first amendment. How is she not being lynched right now?

>transgender children
Just nuke California already

i just.....
i can't.
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating. oh god. the AMOUNT of woman hating here is just.....insane
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet.....

Please don't judge us Californians by our politicians.

Poe's Law in effect

That being said, I'm 99% it's a Sup Forums sockpuppet


Your politicians, in a democracy, represent your people. So everyone may well judge you by the fucktards you put into office.

It's narcissism. It's that simple.
>I matter. My opinion is more important. Why doesn't anyone care what I think or believe exactly what I believe?
Outrage is not now, nor has it ever been, a position of strength morally or otherwise.

national congress members might have better self control but they certainly aren't much smarter

Fuck off, that has never happened in a society, it is unsustainable and stupid. I for one do not want to see less fatherless families, that is some nigger-tier shit.

California's major cities are full of Mexicans and leftists. There are some decent white folk left in certain parts of the state, but they are gradually fleeing due to taxes, regulations, housing prices, cost of living, and the overwhelming Mexican invasion.

Stop being such a baby.

These politicians represent those who paid for their election campaign and rich people who own the place in general. Anything else is naive.

But where is her fucking argument?

There's a reason she's still a 'Ms.'

WTF, is that true??? ahahahahahaaha

Fucking hell, THAT is what meth does?

How I would wish to debate this kike.


Yugoslavia understands

Gas the betas, gender war now.

This is from her website.

>Ms. Lofgren

No wonder she's a cunty leftist bitch, she's a decaying spinster who will die alone.

No its actually a fake story, someone took the pictures from an article about a deformed baby.

>not that bad.
that makes it worse
state legislatures are where laws actually get passed


Try as I might, I can't find much for sources on the image as a whole, the text, or any of the constituent images. The leftmost image is a cropped stock photo of a mixed baby and a white mother from Alamy stock photos. The other two look like some form of congenital cephalic disorder.

I was gonna say, I was looking around too and those eyes seem to refer to something more...genetic I suppose. I guess its fake.

Trump opposes the bathroom laws and finds them to be "discriminatory"

They're also the dumbest people on the planet. Fuck off, seriously.

I checked her Wiki and didn't see anything relating to Jews.

based royal russian horned owl

She's an insane leftie, but I can't find anything particularly kikeish about her.

It's even worse, she's a Protestant

Buddy, it ain't just your politicians


Also what was the context here?

How did trannies become a protected class in less than five years?

Sjws needed something else to feel outraged about after they legalised gay marriage. That's literally all it is, (until big pharma later hopped on the train when they realised the absolutely massive amount of shekels they could make off of people who fell for the 'I'm trans' meme.l

Niggers were getting old and fags were too "normal" to be the latest degenerate thing.

Anyway, it'll crash and burn. Niggers and women, I can see why people let it slide, but crazy men who cut their dicks off and pretend their girls? Not happening. Especially when they're currently allowed to use the same bathrooms as your wives, sisters, mothers and daughters.

Tbf, as degenerate as they are, trannies and gays are the least shitty parts of the sjw shit. The core of the problem is with the people that 'defend' them, white and Jewish women with affirmative-action negresses, they're like Bob Marley fans, Bob Marley is pretty meh-tier, but his fans are the most obnoxious dipshits on the planet.

Only difference is, nobody took Bob Marley fans seriously enough to pretend any of the crazy shit they said had a place in academia and the court of law.

Gas that bitch fast.

The progressives will take and take and take and with every take they always try for the pedophilia green light as well. Eventually normies will snap and wipe them out.

I can't wait for gay men to go right-wing. I bet it's happening slowly with Trump.


Can I be a lussian plincess, Sup Forums ?

Gays are degenerate to be sure, but even degenerates are usually rational actors who look out for their self-interest. Social justice will die because the kikes overreached. They wanted a catch-all anti-white movement with everyone from trannies to Muslims taking part, even though anyone with even an ounce of critical thinking can see that that's impossible.

The only reason it's lasted as long as it has is because no-one thought they'd be taken seriously outside of their hugbox, or that middle-class women would be so goddamn retarded that they turned into mouthpieces for whatever cause Gawker and Vice told them to.

All it takes to wreck their shit is for normal people to call them out on their shit.