I gave her a new meaning to Black Friday!

I gave her a new meaning to Black Friday!

why did you hit her?

Calm down bro!

Rape dat white ass, mah nigga?

moar pics or stfu

Kill that poonannie!

What’s the big deal...we all bleed the same color

I'm sure that black gentlemen did, but you have to remember OP that you are a faggot.

Who cares about white women when I can go to Thailand and have my pick of fit eager greedy for money girls and ladyboys?

They're actually a good looking couple. I wish I had that black bro's looks.

what app is that

Like what you see?

WeChat but it's almost exclusively used by Hong Kong /Taiwanese girls and prostitutes in asia. Not much use in the west.

You can have our fat grumpy entitled cellulite ridden white girls man. Good luck!

Violently angry is it bro.
Let's be honest with ourselves for a moment. Yeah?

You are a weakling.
A puny. Single. Wimp.

You go and get angry you little piss stain. And then sit down at home and shut your fucking mouth.
While every other real man in the world is out with their women.

Good boy.


***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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This one's got a penis


yeah man

nigger get out


I gave her a new meaning to Black Friday!
