How do I make my cousin quit doing coke Sup Forums?

How do I make my cousin quit doing coke Sup Forums?

Me and my friends used to do drugs when we were around 16.
Mostly extasy, coke, ketamine, party drugs really.
Now we are all around 20 years old and we have all grown out of it except my cousin.
He snorts coke basically every weekend and I talked to him about it multiple times but he won't listen to me. He's been acting really crazy lately too.

What should I do Sup Forums?

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Join him, after all coke is good for the soul

Cocaine is great take some coke with your cousin

When I see him trying to fight people all the time or climbing to the roof of a Train, I don't think I'm going to do coke again.

I just don't want him to fuck his life up because of his addiction.

livin on the edge, its the only way of life


you said hes only doing it on the weekends thats not even that bad dude give the guy a break

If you think its negatively affecting his life just tell him. Its hard but just sit him down and be like hey I care about you but I think your fucking yourself up and you might want to consider whats best for yourself. He probably won't stop as that's the point of addiction. Self destruction and self deceit is common. Not much you can do, unfortunately you can't make someone else change their life.

you could always try minding your own fucking business

it weirds me out that other people don't do drugs. noooway your sobreity is that lit nah fuck you

Cut him out of your life and stop concerning yourself with lost cause junkies, its a waste of energy.

I was same untll one night God told me I would have a heart attack at early age and die. The next line wouldn't go into the straw and it was not clogged. I realized at that moment divine intervention was taking place for me. I quit all stimulants and devoted my life to magic mushrooms instead. Stims will destroy your heart. I'm not forsaking the long life i will be blessed with over stims.

Observe the mistakes of others and learn from them. You get the experience of having made that mistake without actually having to deal with the consequences. Everyone who is in to drugs, even just recreationaly or socially, needs someone like your cousin: you get to see what's at the end of that path.

Just distance yourself from the dude. It's up to him to actually take charge and do something about his retarded problems. It's not like you haven't tried. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make a cokehead stop doing coke until they're forced in to rehab.

Yeah, how could anyone possibly be happy or enjoy life without drugs? It boggles the mind.

this, more drugs for the people

lol, the fact that you didn't spot the obvious sarcasm tells me that you've addled your brain already.

Replace come with mixture of lidocaine and rat poison, problem solved.

Psychedelics will allow him to see what has doing to himself. Monitor a 3gram mushroom experience and be there for him to cry with. Its shocking when we see ourselves without the blinders on.

Thanks for your advice. I'll try to get other friends to talk to him about it.

My friends and I still drink alcohol and smoke weed so yeah we still kinda do drugs.

That's what I'll do in the very end, if I can't put some sense in his god damn head.
But I can't give him up yet, I know this retard since I was born and the same blood is in our veins.

wow, baited much? but seriously, we should lay of the alcohol, tobacco and painkillers and focus on other drugs more, to raise the public conciousness

>My friends and I still drink alcohol and smoke weed so yeah we still kinda do drugs.
You are deluded as fuck.

Psychedelics just make him do dumb shit and act confused all the time.

>Be at a Psytrance Party back in 2015.
>My cousin and a friend drop LSD.
>30 mins passes.
>I see both of them sitting in puke.
>They both don't know which of them puked.
>My sides

I'm not downplaying his addiction, cause if he does such stupid shit, he's probably pretty fucked up, but he only does it on weekends? I'm 34 and I've been an addict since I was 17. I smoked weed and all that shit, but I tried crack and was instantly hooked. Did that for like 3 years and eventually just stopped, cause I didnt like it anymore. Hard to explain. A few years later, I got hooked on heroin and that fucked my life up. I've been a junkie for 10 years. I started selling dope to support my habit. I got arrested for 1st degree reckless homicide, possession with intent to distribute heroin, 2 counts of delivery of heroin, maintaining a drug trafficking place. I just got out of jail a week ago on bond, They offered me a plea of 20 years in prison, 10 years on supervision. My life is fucked. I'm still staying clean, though. I won't let heroin kill me and thats what was going to happen.

I dont know what to tell you about your cousin, though. Maybe, like others have said, just try talking to him again about it. You might have to say you won't be around him anymore unless he quits. And stick to that. I wish you and your cousin the best,

... that's the joke...

fake your own death via cocaine overdose and then visit him a week later saying "it's just a prank bro."
Maybe it'll open his eyes

Mushrooms are for a safe environment . not a psytrance party. They are for mental healing. Self accualization and addiction help. They are NOT for party's. They are a gift to be used responsible. University research is now confirming this in peer reviewed study's.

swap it out for ajax....ffs

Recovering addict here. Your cousin isn't an addict he's not addicted and there's no addiction based on what you've described. He's just a weekend warrior it's not nearly as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.

He sounds like a cool dude with a little bitch cousin if you ask me.

Wow dude, you must have had one hell of a ride ride for a life, thanks for your wishes too.
He may only do coke on the weekends but he told me the coke he gets is very strong. That may explain why it affects him so much.

switch the coke for finely powdered salt.

My cousin is a cool dude, except when he wants to fight every person he sees, breaking stuff for no reasons and getting himself in trouble.

Yeah, he may not be addict but it's still changing him.

Metal thread 2.
what do you like to listen to Sup Forums?
I recently was introduced to atmospheric black metal and am really enjoying the sub-genre. Pic related

We've reached new levels of autism.


He'll probably stop once he gets his ass kicked once. Let the dude have fun.

He got arrested once already and got caught by security agents at parties multiple times. It still does not seem to wake him up.

If he's doing coke his bank account should eventually run out. That'll give him some time to reflect on his life and see if he wants to continue with what he's doing. Stay out of his shit, it's his life.


Is this real?

a junkie trying to get another junkie offdrugs
well there's your problem OP, you are a faggot