Alright detective user. We're here to investigate, so let's investigate

Alright detective user. We're here to investigate, so let's investigate

It's an ornament hanging from the ceiling.


Broken glass from the outside, papers on the right of the laptop - meaning the guy hanging is right handed.

The "suicide" note has the pen on the left, meaning whoever wrote it was left handed.

So yeah, murder.

If serious, i'd check the pen for prints and compare them to his. The broken mirror and tipped chair near the desk seems like a sign of a struggle. The open laptop an desk drawer could indicate someone was searching for something. That or he was just a dick and tried his best to make his suicide to look like a murder just to annoy police on his way out. Also can't rule out the possibility of furious autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong


Straight away I noticed the glass was broken from the outside inwards.

But when you open the door, it'll push glass out of the way. It seems that the glass was unmoved. Seems like he went outside his door, broke the glass and then crawled through the window. Wrote his note, jumped on the bed (since the chair is too far away), tied the rope to where ever the rope is tied to and then met Hades

I am curious what hes hanging from in the middle of a room. Most ceiling lights won't hold a person. Is this some sort of Jigsaw killer trap?

the position of the papers and pen doesnt mean jack shit. the person who drew this probably meant them to be significant but in rl this wouldnt hold up in court as evidence

a meat hook

He could have been very angerey and destroyed the room before committing suicide


How did he hang himself, when the chair is still by the desk. Also the chair is knocked over and the mirror in the door is broken, so it looks like there was a struggle...

but look at his bed. the sheets indicate when he got out of bed, he used his left hand, as on the ride side facing the ceiling, they are closer to being made on the right side.

Broken glass fell inside indicating it was broken into from outside and room is ransacked indicating foul play. However the laptop is left alone indicating it was not a typical robbery. The perp was possibly looking for something or was an idiot that couldn't properly stage a suicide. Not enough info from this angle. Gotta inspect the body for signs of struggle like bruising, blood under fingernails, hair particles from the assailant, etc.

could of jumped off bed

That leaves the question, why is there a meat hook hanging in his room?

Thas where big daddy hang all he dead meat. Po little squirrels


so left handed people don't commit suicide

Piss soaked carpet suggests that the victim really needed to pee

Nobody noticing the chair at the desk? If he has committed suicide the chair would be knocked over under him, but clearly the murdered moved the chair to sit at his computer, possible to access personal information, maybe to include in the fake note/ for bank information.

Wow that had a lot of fucking typos. Sorry I'm pretty crossed, hope it made enough sense.

it's a mirror... whose bedroom has a fucking glass door?

What kind of mirror has a door handle and a frame that stops at the moulding

Left handies kill others. I say the guy was GOING to kill himself but a robber broke in. He thus decided to lynch the robber and go get the police.

why would the chair be so far?

Murder. The killer, as it seems, has configured the victims right hand into the "westside" symbol. So i suspect it to be gang related..oh..also cuz he's a nigger. It appears that there may have been a struggle. Furthermore there is no chair underneath the hanging nigger and jumping from the bed would have caused more trauma to the neck and throat. But he is a