Who do you main?

Who do you main?



Maokai top / tanks
only reason i got to Plat this season.

1TP Sona
making my way to gold


Main Jinx, Vayne, Sona and Morg

I am stuck on that.

Samus or jigglypuff



Lately been going off with Xin Jung. But my pride and soul will always be nocturne. He's just been a shit pick for quite a while now

I main SMITE. Sorry League fans.

Jax and Alistar

yeah that too

Mainly Jhin and Vayne

Tristana and Zed



I play a real MOBA. Sorry OP.

braun, ashe, caitline, morgana, and i forget who else i havent played in quite awhile tbh sometimes miss it :/

I'm a hardstuck gold support main, mainly play Thresh. I'm a pretty good top laner, should I just play top lane instead and see where it goes?

>playing support
>in any division below diamond

Geez bud, are you a masochist?

yea I guess you're right.. so should I just main top?

Soraka, Janna and Teemo support. I am Dia 3 and aiming for master in S8

Ryu and Cammy.


Zoe Lmao

FUCKING PEDO!!!!11!!11!

She is legal >:^(

shen top and fizz mid


then i main annie too x)

I was once a poor man like you until I picked up nami and got to plat wooooooo

>people still play this shit game

Darius because I'm the best player in bronze nigger

no such thing as "hardstuck" its a fucking meme

you're just at the elo you belong in, get over it and learn to play better

sure you'll have some games where you get trolls or just complete fucking idiots that feed their asses off, but that doesnt mean they're holding you back


300k illaoi :^)

Maining support to get out of shitty elo is the best thing you can do assuming you're a shitty player, which you probably are since he's just gold or below


I mained lee sin when i could play
Can someone buy me a fucking normal pc


>year we currently are in
>people playing a game you dislike

draven cuz i have adhd and axes give me something to do constantly + talking trash is fun

gold isnt shitty tho, gold is above average.


Those are the champs I mainly used to get to plat this season, gonna shoot for low diamond this next season


Main jinx, ADC or better top
Qite good with Diana mid/jngl too.


>inb4 tyler1 roast.

draven and poppy

>people still play this shit game

considering that it has the most active players than any other game available right now shows that its not really a shitty game

Thresh, may switch to zoe

lul draven master btw

500k on Jhin and 250k on Draven.

My nigga

Add me: yall snx

Lulu/janna. I like feeling helpful.

300k on aatrox

Darius, Because I love to dunk on a nigga.

Camille, Rakan, Vel'koz
I play all as support

This nigga.

He actually is a nigga too.

Me darius main too, however not having fervor makes him legit awful top or anywhere. Sad boys. mid diamond elo here.


370k Udyr, 80k Illaoi, 70k Teemo.

Kindred main here

I'm a Vel'koz main, with Xerath and Garen mid/top as my backups.

Still shit and I am gold.

good boy

Shaco otp

Ornn top ftw
he's so good with the debt mastery

Sona 1tp here, managed to get from silver 5 to silver 3 in one day


but i stopped playing a while ago.

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

adc: jhin, cait, vayne
jg: elise, evelynn, kindred
top: darius, swain, zed
mid: veigar, viktor
support: naut, thresh

Dont assume my gender, shitlord




Stfu faggot

Haven't played in a while cause I'm a poorfag with a busted pc but I used to main lux mid