Is it possible to have a society

Is it possible to have a society advanced as ours without vain adversity and radical hippie/SJW archetypes? Thinking back, the Civil Rights Movement, first wave feminism, and everything regarding universal suffrage was actually working towards a coherent goal; to make everyone "equal". Now that everyone is essentially "equal", we have these futile and aimless protests in the form of modern activism (third wave feminism, #blacklivesmatter). What is it striving towards? A Marxist utopia where everyone is cut from the same exact mold? That is inherently impossible to accomplish.

But here's the thing. As a post-industrial egalitarian society, this is the first time we've come across entities such as third wave feminism. The first two waves as well as the CRM had a definitive motive in mind which it accomplished, because the goals were sensible and actually achievable. What modern activism is hoping to achieve, just can't happen. So, bearing in mind how retarded these protests today are, what is the next step? Will the future be a mishmosh of idealistic yet misguided and absolutely nonsensical matters being protested like BLM? Each generation seems to have a movement a la the Civil Rights Movement or BLM, so what is the next step for the generation after ours? What could they possibly fight for that BLM and third wave feminism and similar SJW bullshit has proven as vain?

None of those are natural, they were all conceived of and whipped up by foreign agitators.

Equality is a social construct and is an impossible goal

>The first two waves as well as the CRM had a definitive motive in mind which it accomplished, because the goals were sensible and actually achievable.

Problem starts at here. They get their rights not because of they earned them, because of they just got them in the name of equality.

Japan doesn't seem to have to deal with this shit. It's a cancer afflicting the west that we need to deal with.

>what's next?
it's Islam my friend. Then gradual liberation. Then total liberation. Then childish bullshit. Then again some totalitarian system
>rinse and repeat

Degeneracy is a natural result of freedom. Tolerance for degeneracy in public life is a result of Jewish propaganda.

Case in point, Japan.

Economic equality user.

Japan still has a birthrate problem and women in the workforce.

Japan is living proof that technology and modern "advancements" are the cause of leftism, feminism and degeneracy.

>>tfw Ted was right

Everything from feminism to multiculturalism, globalism etc are the results of technology. Yes , kikes and intellectuals always had stupid or subversive ideas but it was technology that let them even become feasible to spread to the masses effectively.

Yeah, the National Socialists almost had it down. With time they'd have to open up a bit to market economics but other than that, it's totally possible.

Simply because Japan is still a homogeneous society. That ship has long since sailed for the west.

If technological progress keeps pace they will have artificial wombs long before the birthrate becomes an insurmountable problem.

Japan doesn't have a multiculturalism/race mixing problem but they have all the other problems, especially sexual degeneracy, unnatural amount of stress, and low birthrates.

we need to regain our pioneering spirit. i think that space exploration is the only shot we got

Do you suggest reverting to the stone age?

Nah, the whole singularity / transhumanist thing is a globalist lie. If it happens it will be for them to control you further. Fundamentally, we're all apathetic and nihilistic and unbeliving etc because we've been removed from nature and things like simplicity, manual labor, small social groups and simply not needing this much information overload.

If it wasn't for anti-discrimination laws, section 8, etc. we would simply reseggregate ourselves. It's only Jewish propaganda and government force which can keeps the races mixed.

Not that far back, but I think pre-electricity days, late 1800's was probably the best balance of convenience vs limits in technology.

But there's no going back, I'm not that stupid. Pandora's box is already open. It's like what happened with contraception. There's simply no undoing it until everything collapses.

America would be Japan 2.0 if it weren't for the Jewish push for multiculturalism. Third worlders simply have higher birth rates and are a very r-selected people. Sad, but true. We aren't even Rome 2.0 anymore, because this is no longer a matter of foreign invaders. Instead it's a bunch of globalists playing marionette and controlling entire races like chess pieces. Was the Roman elite capable of something of that caliber?

This is an insightful comment. A lot of what I'm talking about, the apathy etc comes from the sense that there's nowhere new to go , nothing to explore.

I'm still paranoid about space possibly being a hoax though. But let's not go there in this thread.

>we are all essentially equal
hahahahahahahahahahahaha no

So you think it'd be better to restrict human intellectual and technological development for all time, than figure out how to adapt society to these changes?

I agree that technological advancement minimizing heavy manual labour is the whole reason women can even work on a large scale in the first place. But what about in the next century when work is completely automated and this question is a matter for history?

No elongated power leads to complacency

>"equal" put in quotation marks in the OP
>you failed to even recognize this
End your miserable existence desu


The people doing the nu-movements are too stupid to lead/organize/fund. Jeez, I wonder who is sparking these supremacy movements, instigating social inequality? I wonder who?

>adapt society to these changes
Lol, nope. Try again. The reason the concept of a "utopian" society (which is essentially what you're implying here, a world where every issue is mended with the push of a button) is stupid is because nature always finds a way to disrupt balance. Basic thermodynamics.

There is some semantic ambiguity about what equality means. When most people think of the word equality they are referring to is equal rights as in the law applies to all people the same way. In general, most people in modern societies agree with this and their only qualms are whether this is actually the case with issues like systemic racism in law enforcement, gay marriage etc taking the forefront. The other interpretation is the one that believes all people ARE the same and to even draw the distinction is ethically wrong. This is by far the most minority view yet it is by far the most visible. Taken to its logical conclusion, a simpleton would be able to see the massive amount of mental discipline it would take to maintain such an endeavor and in do so renders the exercise void and hypocritical.
I have always held that the most racist, bigoted and sexist people on the planet are the politically correct because only they invest as much time thinking about race, ideology and sex.

Artificial wombs are not singularity level technology. We are already learning the chemical cues needed to cause stem cells to differentiate into desired types of cells.

Stem cell based placentas are a possibility and apart from the placenta we can do everything else with machines.

>advanced society

pick one

I am starting to think that a lot of the media coverage of gay rights, and stuff is actually a bit deeper than people perceive. We do have legitimate human rights problems for gay people, and other odd groups.

So you take the most stupid people you can find, the most backwards uneducated dude, then you put them on the news, and make them look like a joke. If you recall, this was, and still is done to republicans, and conservatives. They take some redneck dumbass, and have him talk on the news, and make people look bad.

>We are getting played again.

We're enabling a cultural fugue that will likely change our society to be unrecognizable in just the next 50 years, this shit is inherently unstoppable and will most likely spread to the rest of the world, from the west.

The only question is which direction and in what way we change. The very nature of our society allows rapid development and sharing of new ideas that shape our views. Sometimes I feel like we're a weirdly amorphous, grey blob of a society with no goals, values, or identity. It's a weird time to be alive.

Beatniks, Hippies, SJWs, each generation has them and they are normally subjugated.

No, I'm simply saying adapt.

> Man needs to hunt food.
> Man has now claws, man is not fast, man is not strong.
> Man creates bow.
> Man eats.

Humans are the most adaptable animals on earth. You're implying stunting our natural adaptability to live in an "idealistic" reality.

Arabs are too retarded to be influenced by these values, Asians too xenophobic and Jews too knowledgeable about what they are (a weapon).

Only whites are going down this road to oblivion.

Do we need to recede rights for women in order for our society to prosper?
Does one gender always have to stay subjugated and kept unhappy for us to succeed?

What are we even trying to accomplish here.