What is the most fucked up ways to commit suicide?

What is the most fucked up ways to commit suicide?

Just wondering.

Suicide by cop

Grow your hair out and then go into a machine shop and jam your hair into a lathe.

block your anus to make you unable to take a shit (some king or prince done it I heard)

Live till your body gets old and the people you raised from the start leaves you to die in your shit and lost memory's

Tie each of your limbs to horses, then make them run. Actually a guy did this close to where I live

Cut your eyelids off with a scalpel, you will be unable to sleep and drive yourself insane before eventually bashing your owm brains out.

Lots of people did that back in the day, just not to themselves.

Yup, ukrainians were doing this to our polish citizens back in the day

Get you mom on her birthday to blow out her candles and when she does this say
You got your wish
And then shot yourself

Imagine cumming right as your limbs popped off.

Bleed out after sticking dick in blender

Take off your shoes and stand on the sidewalk. Start rubbing your feet back and forth so they're grazing the cement. It won't happen quickly, but soon you'll start wearing down the skin from your soles. Then you'll start to bleed. Continue to eat and drink to sustain yourself while, over days, you rub your bleeding feet back and forth, wearing yourself away. Eventually, your feet will be smeared all over the sidewalk - keep going. It will take a while, but you'll wear your body down further and further until you're just half of a head, rubbing back and forth over the ground. Then you'll disappear completely. Checkmate.

Push a gun up a babys but and shoot yourself using its mouth while molesting another kid

You're thinking of Tycho Brahe, he died from not going pee during a royal banquet, not from plugging his anus

Living to death

Wait until death death comes to you can reincarnated to suffer some more while been keep a slave,unless you sell your soul.

Holy shit dude.

find a kids concert like the wiggles or some shit with hundreds of toddlers and kids watching, preferably live on tv too, then run up on stage. kill the kids favorit singer then blow your head off with a shotgun

I guess you will see me on TV soon

>fucked up
by which measures? felt pain? the body count of random people that happen to stand too close to you?

I heard overdosing on paracetamol fucks you up, if you don’t get your stomach pumped your organs starts to fail and you slowly die and drown in your own blood

Suicide by overdose on any OTC drug is insane, just from the amount you have to take for a legal dose
