Hey /b, do you think there could be a way to go back in time, or control space and matter, with your mind?

hey /b, do you think there could be a way to go back in time, or control space and matter, with your mind?

>he believe that time is linear

How the fuck could it NOT be linear? And your answer?

dude you better be high to excuse this shit otherwise you are a moron

You better open up a "gonna kill myself at XXX" thread or feel ashamed

I'm just asking the question. There may not be any evidence for it, just as there isn't actual evidence for the existence of a god. There's so much to the universe we don't know yet. We're so limited. We know the 'laws' of physics are routinely broken. It's a valid question.

yes,you learn to meditate and reach point consciousness;and with your intent query the past data base.


the laws of physics were never broken and they cant be, ever

That's a horrid thing to say to someone. That you'd spew it out so readily is indicative of projection. You feel you're not worthwhile, don't you?

Even in high school we learned they are. When particles are sent through holes and don't follow the pattern... You member?

Can you change the past?

Atoms don't have shell's or a nucleus their just scientific metaphors,I hope you feel educated.

Go suck a fat big black nigger cock, nigger boy

No, but you can find out how different choices might have changed our reality,as long as it's helpful to our spiritual growth.

i already did
the world is the way it is because i changed the past

Why don't scientists just call Time what it really is, Decay.

More of that splendid projection! ! So you are a fan of such pornography and clandestinely wish to engage what you call "a fat big nigger cock". Good heavens, you're a case to be put in textbooks! ...Btw it's okay to be gay.

So you're merely reviewing the past then, and not truly changing it. I'm interested if the dimension of linear time can be bypassed, that the past itself could be altered.

First, time is NOT a line. There is ONE PAST, but there's infinite futures. Every pico-moment has infinite permutations. So, you can never go to "THE" future. Although it might be possible to go to "A" future.

That being said, I suppose in answer to OP's question, it's POSSIBLE, but extremely unlikely.

But, I do believe thought does effect reality at some level. Probably a very minimal level.

Not my problem niggerlover, take a number and wait in line like the rest
If you'd like, there's plenty of used 10 years old catalogs/magazines to read

Oh and you smell like farts, go take a shower for christ's sakes

Pretty good answer. There being many futures means atoms and particles don't behave purely probabilistically - and we have not succeeded thus far in proving they do so that's valid. Given what we know and don't know, the theoretical door needs to stay open.

We didnt make the laws of physics, they were always there. We just try to put them into "words"
. of course we dont know all the rules and get a lot of them wrong.
But the rules stay the same no matter what


Another point- Time may well be multidimensional, just like space. Since we're not wired to think in dimensions we're not able to observe, it's hard to wrap your head around 3-dimensional (or higher) time. We perceive time as 1 dimensional. A line. Perceiving 3-dimensional time would be like imagining a new color or a 5 dimensional cube.

It can't be altered,but you can learn alot from a review,with diverse outcomes.

There is absolutely NOTHING in either special or general relativity that precludes time travel to the past. There are only technical obstacles... like pretty much need the power of a shit ton of stars to create a super-string wormhole.

A very good thread. Unfortunately I have to leave to watch a bunch of morons toss around a ball. Football is dumb, but it's time spent with the family so for that it's worth my while.

You can do it through the mind/consciousness,it's alot cheaper.

Being multilinear
Allowing threading, looping, everything

It's never been scientifically verified as being done so....


Look up nasa physicist,Tom Campbell on YouTube....

At the subatomic level particles not only break the laws of physics they outright behave outside of them. That's a major thing about quantum theory is that atoms can be in 2 places at once and can even interact with each other instantly even if they're hundreds of millions of light years apart. How that information gets from one atom to another instantly over that great a distance means information is traveling faster than the speed of light which is definitely breaking a law of physics. Also wormholes pop in and out of existence all the time, albeit only lasting a fraction of a millionth of a second and only being smaller than the nucleus of an atom, wormholes are probably the best chance we have at traveling long distances in an instant or even time traveling

That's what's holding us back from a unified theory of everything... reconciling special/general relativity with quantum mechanics. They're incompatible. And for no apparent reason other than size.