Sup Forums devouted to antisemitic ideologies (which killed Anne Frank)

>Sup Forums devouted to antisemitic ideologies (which killed Anne Frank)
>Sup Forums fanatical over an album speculated to be about Anne Frank
>/his/ spams "pregnant Anne Frank" on its own board

I'm seeing a pattern here, help me

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sup Forums Anne is a cam whore

>tfw will never look into Anne Frank's beautiful blue eyes after a night of passionate lovemaking, placing my hand on her massive, hard, and swollen belly, feeling the child that's the only thing keeping the two of us from being even closer together kick responsively, running my fingers through her curly chocolate hair, kissing her and listening to her purr as our three hearts beat in unison.


tits with timestamp

For all the Jew hate, people love cute Jewesses.

Maybe it's the taboo aspect or something.

Shit, /his/, they're onto us.

>faggot makes a thread about Anne Frank

Yeah there's a pattern.

We've always been on to you.

>a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels will never emerge from their hiding spot to find a company of Confederate infantrymen resting on the side of the road, playing "Oh Susanna" on a harmonica. Perplexed at the strange square flag the color guard clutches tightly, cherishing it as if it were a sacred relic, Anne and Peter curiously reach out to touch it, which the soldiers allow. As they feel the wool banner run through their fingertips, they do not know its meaning, but can nonetheless sense the importance it has in the hearts those who carry it.


>Anne Frank will never time-travel to the mid-1800s.

>the mid-1800s will never time-travel to Anne Frank

Breath in...

Breath out...

The dance of three heartbeats, a sonata in three parts lead by the thunderpulse of her own heart. She held her breath, forcing her heart to stop its frantic hammer-blows against her sternum as the crosshairs of her K98 danced over the nazi's drab uniform. The quiet dance in her belly lagged a half-beat behind, the twins filling her gravid middle playing along with their mother's pulse. Playing like little children should, happy and full of joy. They didn't know what the world was like, and Anne swore they would never know what it was like to live under the iron eagle.

Her grip tightened on her rifle's warn stock. It wouldn't be long now. She could already feel the tingle between her legs and the tightness in her already swollen belly. Labor would be on her soon, but she forced herself not to think about it. She'd spent so long, worked so hard for this one chance. She was not letting it slip past her.

As if they sensed their mother's focus, the twins in her womb stopped their dancing. For a moment, everything was quiet on the snowy hillside. The obergruppenfuhrer in her scope was clearly more worried about entertaining his dinner guests than anything else.


The rifle slammed back against her shoulder as a single spitzer-pointed bullet roared towards its mark. Anne knew her aim was true, but she couldn't trace the round through the air. The sock of the rifle had been enough. The last straw that sent her toppling off the cliff and into labor.

A shriek of pain was hastily quenched by gnashed teeth and thin lips. She forced herself to get up and run, forced herself to ignore the great weight swelling her womb. She needed to find safety. But she was so deep in occupied territory...

Anne forced herself to push past the weight. To push past the shuddering desire to just stop and relieve the extraordinary pressure pushing so desperately at the floor of her womb. She ignored the way her twins jostled with every step, squishing her lungs and making each breath of the chilly air that much harder before they came crashing down again.

The children... her babies seemed to recognize their mother's urgency. The playful dance they'd been enjoying ceased as she ran down the broken hillside. Her boots--stuffed with layers of socks and laced loose in the kindest gesture she could make to her swollen feet--stomped through the under grown with a mad fury.

She carried her rifle in one hand, balancing it by the scope and praying she wouldn't need to take another shot. Her heart was thundering and her muscles twitching from the flood of adrenaline battling with her primal maternal instinct to give birth. She'd pushed this as long as she could, she'd fought tooth and nail with her own body for every day and minute, but biology could only be denied for so long. She *needed* to give birth, and soon.

Her free hand cradled her belly, pressing tightly against the taper of her swollen womb in a vain attempt to delay the inevitable. If she could just get home. Get somewhere safe. Somewhere she could birth her twins. Somewhere she could let the labor pains encroaching on her even now have their way with her.

"*Actung!*" A crack rang out, and a dead tree exploded in sodden termite-eaten shrapnel.

Anne couldn't get low, not with her belly swollen almost to bursting. The best she could manage was flopping on her side and bracing her rifle against a fallen log. It wasn't the best shooting position, but...


She made it work.

They were looking for an army. Jackbooted thugs in their proud black uniforms and polished metal helmets running from door to door like scolded puppies. They'd been the terror in the night once, now they were scared of the dark. Even daylight brought them no comfort, The Nazi soldiers twitched with fear at every shade down a side alley, every noise coming from a dead-end street.

They'd marched in as conquerors. Now they saw shotguns behind every door, and rifles behind every blade of grass. The SS had taken control, stormtroopers marched the streets and tanks clattered along at night, grinding cobblestone to chewed-up dust in their wakes. They'd locked down the city, secured every access point, guarded every depot.

There was no way any guerrilla army could survive. And it didn't, it *thrived.* Despite all their effort, despite everything they'd done, the bullets kept coming. Barely a day went by without a nazi breathing his last courtesy of a seven-nine-two spitzer.

They couldn't stop it because there was no army. There was just one girl. A girl on the edge of being a mother. A girl who would not let the twins growing in her womb know a world under nazi tyranny.

Anne walked the streets as best she could with her massive middle bulging her dress to its very limits. She felt ready to pop at any moment... then again the weight swelling her womb felt too heavy to bear for the past two months. Her clothes were almost comically small on her gravid frame, and every step was a throbbing reminder of the immense weight she carried. Those who glanced her way--many did, her massive belly broke up an otherwise startlingly slender figure--looked at her with pity or sympathy. Everyone suffered under the Nazis, she was hardly the first mother forced to make do with what clothe she had.

She was, however, the first mother to secret a silent British pistol under the swell of her middle.

I don't say this often, but holy shit man, you need to be put down. Or locked up.

She cradled her belly with both hands, both to reassure her growing twins that everything would be all right and to relieve some of the pressure against her taut skin. She was ready to give birth, she probably had been for the past several weeks. She woke up every day aching from the weight in her womb, and every step was a throbbing reminder of how very pregnant she'd become. But she would not let her twins know a world under the swastika and eagle. She would stay her womb, just one day more. She told herself that every morning, just one day more.

Slowly, a hand slipped from her belly to the package secured beneath it. The touch was ever so brief, but it sent a shiver up her spine. That hint of relief that she might so soon have. Soon, but not quite. She had one more mission to complete. One more at least.

The pistol slid from its makeshift sheath and into her hand like it was made to fit. She'd left a round in the chamber, all she had do was flick off the safety and spot her target. There, a stormtrooper trailing back at the end of his patrol.

She didn't smile, she hadn't in a year. But she moved with a casual purpose. She was nine months pregnant with twins, nobody could think a woman like her was any threat, could they? My, she could barely move from the weight distending her stomach and engorging her breasts. Surely she couldn't be a threat!

In one smooth motion, she brought her gun up, pressed it into the small of his back, and tore his spine apart with a single .32 bullet. A moment later, she shrieked in manufactured horror, and pointed her free hand down a deserted alleyway.

The stormtroopers, none of whom wanted to deal with a hysterical pregnant woman when the taste of finally catching the phantom army that'd been dogging them was in the air, bolted down the alleyway. Just as she'd hoped.

Step one was done. She'd taken her turn, now it was time for the Nazis to take theirs. If they played the game with the same oppressive dedication to brutal force above all else, they'd play right into her trap. But that would take time. A day, at least. She had to give the Germans time to dig their own graves. And that meant the hardest thing of all for her, waiting.

She secreted the pistol back where it came from, a shiver racing up her spine as the hot metal silencer kissed her tender flesh. She hated waiting. Waiting meant there was nothing for her to do but ponder her belly, she couldn't distract herself from the constant ache she'd learned to deal with, there was no way to get past the throbbing need she felt. She needed to give birth, any day now even her immense will wouldn't be enough to hold back her twins another second. She *needed* to give birth. She could feel twinges and hints of labor pulling at her already, but she forced herself to ignore them.

There wasn't time for that. Not now, not while *they* still ruled. But there was one thing she'd learned. A way to let the ache slip from her mind, if only for a moment. That one precious balm that soothed her aching belly and drove the nazis from her mind for a few precious moments.

She made her way home as quick as she could. Her massively swollen belly forced her into a comical waddle, and her heart beat a pounding thunder against her chest. She needed to get back, her body was throbbing with an overwhelming need for the one thing that'd eased her gravid aches.

You're busy zeroing one of her 'acquired' rifles when she comes through the door. Somehow, her massive bulging stomach is bigger than it was when she left this morning. Her skin's even tauter as she hurriedly tore open her comically small dress. Her naked belly and popped navel bulge like a larger imitation of her already engorged breasts.

"user," she straddles you. "I don't care if my water's about to break, I need it."

You're barely able to control her long enough to get off your chair and onto your back. She doesn't need to take much off. Even if she had a bra that fits, it wouldn't last long under her engorged bosom. There's no need for foreplay, the constant slosh of a womb strained to the very limit of it's capacity and well beyond that against her organs is enough for Anne, and just seeing the naked swell of a middle full of your children gets you the rest of the way. She knelt over you, straddling you with her massive belly resting against yours. It's heavy. You swear she gets heavier every time you come together, but as she grabs you with both hands, you suddenly don't care.

She could have a Tiger in her middle and it wouldn't matter, not with how you feel slipping in her tight slit. You sink into her as she rides you. A first slowly, she's so heavy she can barely manage more. But you get into her rhythm, working together against the Reich even as you work deeper into her sweet abyss. She's the first to moan, she's been bottling this all up all day. The thrill of the kill mingles with her natural hormones and drives her faster.

A moan from you now, it's all you can day. She's got you tight, each thrust driving your breakthrough deeper into her lines. She tries to contain your push, but her walls of flesh aren't strong enough to contain your lighting strokes. For almost half an hour the two of you are one. One body, one moaning flesh throbbing and dancing together. It'll be soon now, at least you hope. You've been telling yourself she's almost done for what feels like years, but she keeps finding ways to bring you closer.

Then you shudder, suddenly made of steel and gunpowder as you dump everything you have into her. She feels it too, a moan longer and higher than before purring through her lips. Her back arches and her eyes roll back. Then in a breath, it's finished.

She falls, exhausted and content at your side, and you brush a strand of hair from her sweaty face before resting your head against her breasts. Tomorrow, there will be the war, the nazis, and the resistance. But right now... it's just you and Anne.

I'm glad you like it too. It's from /k/


Fuck anne frank
Litterally. Lemme fuck that Typhus fevered up pussy

I need Sup Forums to Sup Forumser8 me for this pitch for an erotic novel starring a very pregnant Anne Frank. Starts out as a seemingly very minor alt-history but drops subtle hints that a major event in American history went very differently and is the cause of the events of the novel. Ends with Anne crossing paths with two very famous authors.

>Peter van Pels gets Anne Frank pregnant
>when Anne discovered she was pregnant, her and Peter's parents, enraged and blaming the other for what happened, nearly came to blows and were only stopped by the fact they would most certainly draw attention.
>Anne's father spends what little resources he still had arranging for her to smuggled out of the Annex and into the countryside as her due date nears, demanding that Peter accompany her to force him to take responsibility and protect his daughter if necessary
>the pastor of an old church (one that inexpicably resembles the Dunker Church in Sharpsburg, Maryland) takes Anne and Peter in both out of pity for their unborn child and a sense of duty to protect others
>initially cold to Peter, having blamed him for their \ shared predicament, Anne finds that writing in her diary, playful arguments over things like baby names, and sex are the only things that alleviate the boredom (having no other means of entertaining themselves) and ever present sense of fear, and they now do it constantly
>Anne is emotionally wracked by nervousness and fear. Fear for her parents, her sister, Peter, their unborn child, and for herself. Fear of the Germans, being captured, dying in childbirth, of being socially ostracized. However the lovemaking not only drives those thoughts from her mind, but gives her a sense of hope that they (her, Peter, the baby) will survive this war.
>their survival rests on the bold and the fearless (the whole "people sleep peaceably at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" thing).

>one day in mid-September, the two of them are unable to tolerate being crammed together in the small building and sneak off into a nearby tulip field to fuck as the sun sets over the Netherlands, they do it again later that night
>they're captured asleep and unclothed in a pre-dawn raid by the Gestapo who are sweeping the countryside for Dutch resistance cells
>as they're about to loaded onto a truck to be taken to a concentration camp, the Germans are attacked by an unseen foe, firing in volleys from the trees and the tulip field, suffering many casualties, while Anne and Peter take cover behind the truck
>the attackers burst out of their hiding spots and drive the surviving Gestapo off with a bayonet charge, whooping, hollering, and barking seemingly like wild animals. Their bloodcurdling screams terrify Anne, sounding like something out of her worst nightmares
>Anne and Peter finally come face to face with their rescuers
>Anne initially mistakes them for being German as well because of their gray uniforms (this occurs after the July 20th Plot so that would make sense), but realizes her error when they start speaking an unusual accent of English, which she had some limited knowledge of

>Anne takes notice of the dashing young men and their pic related uniforms (I was gonna leave it up to the writefag how to describe them) and is so awestruck by the beautifully made coats, she immediately has her head filled with fantasies of Peter wearing one. As the soldiers approach, she notices their flag's peculiar choice of stars (link related, their actual flag that was captured at Antietam and finds herself overcome with emotion, having associated that star with the oppression of Jews for so long. She asks their commanding officer, a Colonel named Faulkner, through a translator who they are, and he replies that his men simply call themselves the "University Greys"
>to show her gratitude Anne kisses the cheek of a color sergeant who is carrying this strange flag she's never seen before (not being familiar with American history and all) , Peter feels a pang of jealousy for a moment. However the stern but most gentleman-like NCO defuses the situation by rejecting her perceived advances and getting her to redirect her affection toward Peter.
>one of the soldiers, noticing how how poorly clothed the two are (Anne's dress is comically too small to fit her, Peter's are too thin for cold weather, both haven't had a change in clothes in weeks), hands them his coat, saying they'll need it more than he will
>the others hand Anne some of their food and water out of sympathy
>the soldiers get into formation and leave
>Anne puts the coat on Peter, telling him he looks nice in it, and the two start walking down the road looking up at the rising sun to see hundreds of parachutes descending from the sky
>Anne feels the baby kick and for the first time in years feels like everything might actually be okay

>a few days later
>Anne (still pregnant) and Peter who have been hiding in the woods for the last several days to avoid being caught up in the fighting accidentally stumble into an artillery camp the Allied soldiers had set up
>the sentries immediately become suspicious of Peter (on account of him being military age, speaking broken English with a German accent, and wearing one of their Army's coats) and start aggressively questioning him
>Anne and Peter try to explain that they're Jews but the language barrier and lack of an interpreter prevents it
>the soldiers are on the verge of detaining Peter when they're stopped by an officer who invites Anne and Peter to come to his tent
>the most gentleman-like officer to their surprise starts speaking to them in fluent German, introducing himself as "Captain Foote" and that he works for military intelligence
>Foote serves them sweet tea, (which Anne has never tasted before) and explains that he had previously heard about the deportation of Jews while stationed in France
>he offers to let them spend the night in his tent, give them fresh clothes and a pass allowing them to travel freely through Allied lines, and to have a doctor look at Anne in exchange for an interview
>both, still traumatized by recent events, are initially hesitant, but agree to tell their story after Foote reveals to them that he is Jewish himself
>hours pass
>horrified by their description of the mistreatment of Dutch Jews, Foote tells them that he will open a formal Army investigation into the matter
>Anne turns her diary over to Captain Foote as evidence
>the next morning, Foote, having spent the night reading through the diary abruptly returns it to Anne, telling her that she has a talent for writing, that people need to know what is happening to the Jews of Europe, and he can help her get it published in his country once the war is over
>Anne and Peter, exhausted and surprised by this abrupt change in fortune, simply nod in agreement

Here's the music I was listening when I conceived of this to if you need inspiration while writefagging

Seems pretty gud to me


9/11 would fap to

Bobs anne vagene

That's fucking weird and were it not for the diamond erection it gave me I wouldn't be about to fap to it


Gas yourself

Put me in the screencap

Hot af

Thanks, that was the intent. Something you could definitely masturbate to, but would also be fairly compelling story in its own right.


>I'm seeing a pattern here, help me
Jewish Hasbara PR? Wow, how did you notice? You must be some kind of genius goy

Antisemitic comments != Antisemitic ideologies

I have a solution to your problem
A final one

Here are some helpful tips for the newfags:
>log posting is Jewish garbage
>Race bait posting is Jewish garbage
>Religion bait posting is Jewish garbage
>Celeb threads are Jewish garbage
>Dick r8 threads are Jewish garbage
>trap threads are Jewish garbage
>Hillary Clinton threads are Jewish garbage
>Boxxy theads are Jewish garbage
>Danielle Peskowitz threads are Jewish garbage
>Shota threads are Jewish garbage
>cuck threads are Jewish garbage
>isis threads are Jewish garbage
>wendys kun threads are Jewish garbage
>toyota threads are Jewish garbage

In short, it doesn't take a minute of the day off, because Sup Forums is full of jew cancer

Is pregnant Anne Frank posting Jewish garbage?

Obvi-fucking-ously you stupid schmule

Ricky Sanchez fucks it up one again


Include this picture of Nathan Bedford Forrest shooting lightning from his eyes too.

All must know the pure and unadulterated hatred he harbors for everyone in this thread.

Who tf is drawing these Frank Kuns? I don't even recognize them without the cosmic black circles around the eyes and hardcore tired jew eye bags...

were done by a /his/fag named Livium back in March.

were done by Sup Forums's draw thread

Is libium the same guy drawing those Wendys kuns for that 'viral' marketing blitz they did, those fucking greedy jews


He got spooked after Sup Forums started going full retard and hasn't been heard from since April. Sad too. I would paid him for more.

>>log posting is Jewish garbage
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Andy Sixx's log of shit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fecal matter most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Andy’s fecal outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from John Dryden literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Andy Sixx's log of shit truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Andy’s existential catchphrase “Creamy Steamy Dreamy” which itself is a cryptic reference to Coprophilia. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepatedsimpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Andy’s genius shit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. XD

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Log of shit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid. :)

>>log posting is Jewish garbage
Actually, its not a meme, kiddo. Its an artistic protest movement and a simple, yet brilliant, joke all at the same time.
The average faggot who frequents Sup Forums these days sees Andy and his Log of Shit as an irritating form of spam. It is worth noting though that nobody really knows why these people find Logs as infuriating and triggering as they do.
Now on the rare occasion that someone with a shred of intelligence and maturity finds themselves on Sup Forums, they might see Andy and his Logs as a humorous mockery of the adoration some teenage scene girls show towards Andy Sixx. They joke is that they love him so much they would eat his shit, while most other people consider Andy Sixx a cringy z-list celebrity/ scene fag.
But both of these interpretations of the Log fall short of fully explaining it. There is a certain drive to proliferate the Log that logbois discover to be a powerful force. Some say its brought on by the overwhelming tide of porn and shit threads (FB/IG fap, Pics you shouldnt share, loli, etc.) Others argue that Andy and his Log have taken on their own power altogether, and that logposters really dont even have control over the impulse at this point. Others still have developed such a religious relationship with Andy and his Log of Shit that it is the only thing keeping them tied to this life.
So what does Andys Log mean? All you have to do is log in to find out.

>>log posting is Jewish garbage
What did you just say about Andy you little bitch? I'll have you know that Andy's logs are the steamiest of the cream and I have been involved at several of his secret logfests and have taken over 300 confirmed logs. Andy is trained in gorilla logfare and the top slidder in the entire world. You are nothing but another throat waiting to be clogged. Andy will clog your throat with such precision the likes of which you have never seen before so would you? You think you can get away with denying Andy's logs? Grow up, logless shill. As we speak I am contacting my secret agency of loggers across America and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare your throat for the log shill. The log that wipes out the pathetic thing you call your mouth. At this very moment Andy is back logging his next biggest creation so prepare your throat. I have full access to Andy and his entire arsenal of logs and you seriously need to grow the fuck up. Andy can be anywhere, anytime and can log things in over 700 ways, and that's just with his bare colon. Not only am I extensively trained in slidding but I have access to the entire Andy Six log network which I will use it to wipe your logless shill ass out of the face of the whole dream so mature much? If only you could know what creamy retribution your little clever "comment" was about to bring down in your throat, maybe you would of opened wide. But you couldn't, you didn't and now your paying the fucking price, you goddam shill. Andy will shit fury all over you and you will revel in the steam. You're fucking logged, kiddo.

The funny thing about the picture of Anne Frank is that it's a pic of a Palestinian girl. Since the Ann Frank story is 100% jewish fiction surely they had to source an obscure picture of a girl no one would immediately recognize: enter this picture of an obscure Palestinian girl.

This is weird how you went with a muslim logg pic the very next reply after having been outed as a jewish psyop. I just think that's great how personally it hit enough to prompt you to do that.

I only have so many Andy sixx log pics it wasnt that thought out

To clarify the immediate two replies are targeted at muslims and whites. That's just uncanny as fuck that two clearly targeted groups of the Jewish become immediately subsequent replies..... it's like pottery

>Sup Forums jacks off to anne frank

Not just Anne Frank, PREGNANT Anne Frank

This shit is bizarre, even for Sup Forums.


effective way to associate anne frank with a throbbing dick and cum loads, but hey the jews know their craft, shill psychology

Why is it that every Sup Forumstard, stormfag, fucktwit can't compose a grammatically coherent sentence, can't spell for shit, and say nothing but cliche retread boringness?

It's as if they WANT to confirm the stereotype of dumbfuck hillbilly dirtball "Jews is why I'm not a winner" losers.

"Jews is why I'm not a winner"

ayyyyy, LMAO.

>basic deflection
My ancestors are smiling at me Jewish, can you say the same?

Or just associating her with the natural and healthy impulse to expand God's flock.

Which ancestors are those? Gog or Magog?

You realize how laughable it is when you blame all your personal failings on an invisible, untraceable, all powerful boogeyman Jew?

Just admit you are a fuckup and dumbshit and make peace with it. Your insecurities are only highlighted when you spew this conspiracy theory shit.

Nazis = failures who got their pussies destroyed, who got defeated in a humiliating drubbing.

Stormfags and Sup Forumstards = pussy failures who worship failures who got their pussies destroyed...etc.


Sup Forumstards stay in Sup Forums. GTFO of Sup Forums. you're just getting bitchslapped in here.

>projecting this hard

They were doing YMCA faggot. Another example of Jewish lies

>retarding this hard

ooo. touched a nerve, did I?

ayyyyy LMAO!

So, no college, no career, no prospects, no female. Just like I said.

Yeah, right, faggot. This group of strong Nazis were just resting and having a smoke.....


nazis just hanging out....

What was really going on in WW2?



more failures who lost their war?


LMAO. failures worshipping failures.

>managed to hold out longer than Germany with a fraction of the numbers, weapons, training, infrastructure, and industry through sheer willpower alone
>were fighting entirely on their own soil
>faced the largest and best armed standing army on the planet on their own turf and won for three years
>managed to go on the offensive and come within a day's march of Washington D.C., twice
>also avoided the whole genocidal war crimes part

Nigga, the Confederacy would be basically be the equivalent of Poland throwing back a half-dozen German invasions, proceeding to launch two invasions of Germany and being beaten back at Seelow Heights (just outside of Berlin) without any kind of foreign assistance before collasping from sheer exhaustion of resources and men

A pattern of edgelordy.

God these faggots are easily led.

......AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDD still got their asses anally destroyed by the north.

cry me a river, bitch. you can could'a, would'a, should'a all fucking day, and it's still adds up to one thing: FAILURE.

LMAO. y'all losers worshipping losers.

This is why we need to abolish the Electoral College.

Keeping it gives power to the Southern States that were 'defeated' during the Civil War.
Protip: They elected Trump.


>North came within a hair's length of losing
>1 in 8 Northern white males died
>US economy was the verge of collapsing from overheating because of the war by 1865
>war was so unpopular that Reconstruction failed within a decade
>got their asses anally destroyed by the north

It's as if Yankee brains can't comprehend anything besides the "winner-takes-all" mentality, not that different from the Nazis

proud southerner


all lies faggot

proud southern woman!

Actually, the South is more comparable to the Nazis with their white supremacy and domination of the black African.

yawn.... more could'a, would'a, should'a from a certified failure.

we talked about not posting your mom user

The South actually controls the US government through Congress and the Electoral College.

it's your sister/mother/aunt/grandmom, inbred southerner.

>fights war to keep the South in the Union
>also wants to strip the South of the legal rights all states are granted under the Constitution, which completely defeats the point of reintergrating them into the Union in the first place and was exactly what advocates of secession told Southerners was going to happen to them in the first place

It's almost as if our cause was justified or something...

>enslaving people was justified

so post your phone number and offer yourself as a slave
practice what you preach


What it really is, is the Jews

I'm Jewish. Reported.