America needs to apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki [GENERAL - VII]

Hiroshima was a war crime.
Nagasaki was a war crime.


War crimes should always be apologized for so whether you think it was justified or not is irrelevant, they should still be apologized for anyway because they were fucking war crimes. Its a basic principle.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both the direct targeting of civilian populations, not military targets. The few military targets in the area of Hiroshima were not the objective and were outside the blast radius around the targeted point (which was in the middle of the city's residential and commercial zone you cunts).

Innocent civilians who had no part in any other atrocity or war crime such were the casualties so bringing up shit like Nanking is irrelevant to this thread.

Dresden and the rape of Berlin should also be apologized for but they are not the subject of this thread so don't bring them up dipshits, acknowledge your own war crimes and try not to deflect like the cowardly burgercunts you are.

do i need to apologise for fucking your mum last night op

Australians, Masters Of Shitposting.

Everyone that was involved in that decision is dead, suck a dick.

Apologizing for something your people did in the past is the most gay ass cucked shit you can do.

Australia would have been better off in the Japanese empire, you cunts just shitpost trying to derail legitimate threads. You should all be banned from Sup Forums.

No, his mum needs to apologize for birthing OP

I am apologizing. Currently inseminating my qt fiancée from Japan.

>I'm a darkie

Sure once japan apologizes for nanking.

I am sorry that my country is better at war than Japan


No one cares

I can't make myself apologize as I didn't do it, but I will admit that it was extremely unfortunate and I wish it didn't happen.

Also I noticed a load of people in this thread were accusing the OP of being me, he was actually a different Brit who also isn't retarded and realizes that America needs to apologize for their war crimes so props to him.

japan should have surrender sooner. It takes 1 minute to surrender, just pick up the phone. Japan paid the price.

>Dresden and the rape of Berlin should also be apologized for but they are not the subject of this thread so don't bring them up dipshits, acknowledge your own war crimes and try not to deflect like the cowardly burgercunts you are.

You can't just pick and choose an argument all willy nilly britpakia that's not how it works.


I hope that when the caliphate takes you bongs over, trump drops a nuke on you and ends your misery quickly

You can't talk about fucking everything that ever happened in the history of humanity in one thread. This thread is about the American war crimes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you burgercunts always need an out though, you can never admit fault and apologize.

kek why should I care?

This. Fuck Dresden. Fuck Nips too.

or even acknowledges it.


krauts liked to dish out the banter but didn't like getting any back.

>you can never admit fault and apologize

I don't see good old Britannica apologizing for colonialism, Mr. Moderator

