Ok losers. We' re going to get a comfy thread. I' m on the mood right now

Ok losers. We' re going to get a comfy thread. I' m on the mood right now


Op here. Bonus points forma gloomy comfy shit like
>pic releated

((THEM)) band

Oddest start for a comfy thread I can remember. But good timing for me, buzzing well on some norcos before sleep.

Faggots gonna fag



Op here. Just Im in that mood. A gloomy but comfy mood . thats all

good enough reason for a comfy thread


This overused forced comfy meme faggotry nedds to stop

Op here. Yeah it is, its 3:05 am here!
So, why not


few days ago there was a guy from the arctic talking about how the sun is basically gone for months and its cold/snowy. Love me some cold dark snow. Keeps more of the annoying faggots shut away crying about a bit of cold.

Ok. Boi. You should be studing by the finals right now . wtf r u doing here, edgy boi?


Op here Sup Forumsro. I know that fucking feeling

I prefer that winter mood. You know i mean?

absolutely, finally not hot also





Ok thanks for your apportation; now fuck or kiddo



sorry for the furry shit, but it's p comfy

Op here. Pfff... Its ok for me Sup Forumsro. Keep dumping/posting

alright, I have another one

This picture is all wrong... apparently she's in a spaceship, but somehow she's sitting... ok... her dogtags are floating, ok... so is her shirt... alright... but her hair is flat against the chair and the fat in her right thigh is being pulled downwards.... not to mention her left foot being propped up on the glass in a position that can really only work with gravity... so wtf...
