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i dont get the point of this. Why boil it live, why not skin it, why not knock it out so it doesn't get boiling water on you... dafuq



Seizures, softmeat
Knockout, rockhard.


you do know that anons have gotten to jail for posting stuff like this Sup Forums. you should delete this thread op. mods will send you ip to the police

I wood lov 2 poz u bitch

OP is a faggot

your mother will die in her sleep tonight, op, unless you kill yourself with the method in your picture.

you will contract intractable herpes zoster from a toilet seat and scratching your nose.

and your low scale ,er, lack of soul, will undoubtedly karmically reincarnate you as an eel you get cooked alive, or similar.

>tl;dr: kys .

THIS. Have no fear.
They'll be ganged soon enough, maybe even tonight.

Extremely edgy. Congratulations lad, you can even cut air particles in half.


butthurt VIETS detected!

hope OP goes to fucking prison for life. waste of carbon.


HAHAHAHAA look at this pathetic dog

your tears make me hard

prison costs money, hope OP just dies

op is walking abortion and needs to die by suicide since they ain't the guts to, they will get aids from having showertime in lock-up.
op has bleak life if this is the kak they posting,are
better off dead.


Mainland China people please calm your tits and go eat some roasted dog :)

>chinkfag selling fresh dog on the shitting street detected

literally an American....... mericunt..........


Gotta give him credit for being a twisted genius. I probably couldn't come up with this shit even on my worst day.

ISIS is stupid terrorist but Americans are even worst. Thank you for wake me up pal.


How do you even know he's even American?

Are you butthurt pal? Why?

People here are hypocrites will gladly watch a live man beheaded but animals getting killed is to much for them

ouch, the edge

What kind of dick eel is this? And why the fack would he want to eat it?
Asians r wierd.

Russians enjoy this shit too, as well as jews.

Looks like a normal eel to me?

This shit, i dont have webm but this will fuck you up

To be fair, I think that horse had some form of retardation.

There are 7.6 Billion people in the world and only 320 million Americans. Why the fuck are u assuming that this video was filmed by an American? Do you really think that Americans are the only ones who are fucked in the head, couple of rats and a camera?

One thing I always hate about fags these they care more about lesser lifeforms then their own species. We are the only species that does this, and its a fairly new thing that is just occurring in western countries.

I don't get it, its some kind of cognitive dissonance from people that have never actually interacted with wild animals.

*these days

LoLOLOLOLIKIK... Literally a fucking pussy. Literally. It was fucking attacking him. Also, this literally wasnt America fuck face

You need to kill yourself you sick fuck

Mericunt calm your tits yo!

cooking stressed mammals makes for shitty meat.

Its not being cooked, it has severe infestation of lice, and is getting treated for those. Obviously its not enjoying it very much, but its not dying.

Thats what ching chong does.

Its one thing to torture domesticated animals that have been bred for companionship and to trust us, and another thing to hunt. Torturing anything has always been considered immoral.

its a moose

Suffering never tasted so good!

They are not torturing animal you bloody idiot!
See the picture carefully they cook it!

The point of boiling the dog is to be able to pull its fur off easier afterward in order to have a meal that doesn't have dog fur. Unfortunately, for some reason, they don't kill the dog first.

If they were cooking it, doing it to an animal that is still conscious would qualify as torture, tho.

Fish, Shell, Oyster and many more sea foods, tell me how can you kill em before cook?

Fyi japanese does eat fish alive, why dont you criticize em? You're definitely bias!

No it hasn't, that's only in western countries.

All those animals lose consciousness pretty much immediately after being exposed to boiling water. Fish are barely sentient anyways.

Nice story! At least please do some Google-ing before posting. Please try again :)

Thats the thing though...I'm not the guy you were replying to, but let me explain something real quick, and this isn't to patronize you or anyone else. The act of killing these animals by boiling them alive and what not is indeed cruel. Its cruel because the animal is obviously alive and suffering. Anyone can see that. This isn't the only type of animal that undergoes similar preperation though, for example, in some Asian countries, animals like donkeys are boiled alive while pieces of them are butchered, sometimes infront of patrons. In Japan, its not uncommon to find sea creatures like urchins and such cracked open/eaten alive/etc.

In the United States, chickens undergo similar situations that can be considered cruel, such as being debeaked (the process of which their beaks are literally removed while they're alive).

I guess the point I'm trying to make is...every country does this to a certain capacity. While I do not believe its the right way to do this, at the same time its not an isolated activity. Its just more of an issue in this case that its an animal you're familiar with, and one that can very easily vocalize and emote its suffering.

At least in the case of eating dog, its a practice that is actually losing favor. The only places that really seem to do this are rural areas in China/Korea. Other countries have started trying to regulate or "standardize" dishes to conform with global society as a whole..for example, large grubs in Vietnam have been outlawed by the government because the species represents a threat to the environment, but also likely because its a dish that makes tourist's heads spin (although I've heard its amazing).

Either way...take what you will of what I said, I guess.

Please do not change the topic.

Well get the fact that Americans are fat :)

Humans are animals. How bout we torture you to death by breaking your arms and legs and throwing you in a ditch, then having all of our dogs shit in the ditch. Eventually you'll die of dehydration surrounded by piles and piles of dog shit, where you will lay for the rest of eternity.

Humans are humans, animals are animals. Well glad to know that your ancestors are apes. Jesus always in my heart!

Youre fucking stupid. A full grown moose can kill a man very easily. Also, IF he's American, he lives in Alaska likely in the wilderness. Hes most likely Canadian though. But you? Youre a special breed of retard.

We're not talking about YOU so why should you butthurted?

>Americans are even worst
Sorry, who was the stupid one again?

Why you hate Chinese so much? Btw you should thanks to us for your Apple and iPhone shits.

What kind of dog is it?

Humans are animals, mostly the same gooey bits on the inside.


Youre a fucking retard who doesn't understand biology. Thats all I need to say.


You should thank us for your job that graciously pays you 5 pennies an hour. If it wasnt for our corporations you would still be mass producing car parts and childrens toys.

If humans are animals then who the fuck are Jesus, Maria and God? Please do not skip your sunday church.

:( poor doggo

Check out these digits?

Lol you're so ignorant this isnt worth my time buddy. Also, not everyone shares your views, Catholic scum.

don't bother to discuss with the fucking sociopaths. they take their pet's lifes more important than most other human lifes.

Again you should thanks us for manufacturing your fucking mobile phone, gadgets and pcs for you to post some shits on Sup Forums.

Did you know United States owes China $1.2 trillion in debt. Tell me who was fucked up?

There are no place for Atheism in Asia I tell you. We'd say 'Go fuck yourself!'

>what kind of eel is this?
An eel that's had its skin removed.