Welp I fucked up Sup Forums I contracted hpv warts and now it's with me for life. Have any of you guys had it...

Welp I fucked up Sup Forums I contracted hpv warts and now it's with me for life. Have any of you guys had it?/any advice? Feel like part of my life is over

what did you do to get it, so we may not make the same mistake

No advice, just that I don't understand how people can have casual sex without getting this shit or HSV I or II. The rates of infection seem really high, condoms can help but don't prevent transmission, and who uses condoms for oral sex?

Dude, most people carry hpv. There's a simple cream you can use to get rid of the warts in a week or two, and when your cock is healed you'll be good to go. Just treat it /now/ bc it'll spread quick. Don't wait.

clean your room

He had sex. Don't worry, most of you are fine.

Your body eventually clears the virus in a lot of cases. Takes a while though.

Not sure if I got vaccinated, definitely do that at your local doctor. I've had lots of unprotected sex with atleast a dozen women over the past year.

(Pic related)

Thanks, I went to my doc and should have the cream by tomorrow

Dude it's actually not as bad as you think.

Since HPV can be spread even if you have a condom on, like over 85% of the sexually active population has it. It's rampant at colleges and, even though I got the vaccine, I still ended up getting it.

I remember feeling the exact same way. The thing is that it seems bad, but eventually it goes away. Worse case scenario you can get that laser thing that burns them off. I got diagnosed in like 2011 (it doesn't hurt and doesn't really leave a mark). I haven't had any symptoms of them whatsoever since like 2012. Your body typically clears them after a year or so. That means you still technically have it, but you'll show no symptoms and there will be no evidence they ever existed. People won't know.

Seriously bro, it's not a big deal. I considered it a warning shot from mother nature that I needed to stop sleeping around so much before I contract a real disease like herpes or HIV.

HPV can be dormant for years at a time. When you have a flare up, go see a doc and they can freeze the warts off add give you cream so they don't come back for another year or two, until the flare up dies down.

Just be careful with any future long term partners. HPV for girls is linked with an increased risk of cervical cancer.
>They get warts inside and on the cervix, hence the increased risk.
If they aren't symptomatic (i.e. showing or having a flare up), then they baby be transmitted from you to someone else.

Also, they are far more common than you might think

o>A guy who has had then for 6 years

You'll get rejected for it by ignorant women, but it's the least big of a deal of the lifer infections. I've only had 3 women reject me for it and countless others have been chill with it. Most people don't ever develop the warts and most girls under 25 have been given the HPV vaccine which protects against it. Find out if they've had the vaccine, and try to be calm and informative when you tell people about it.

Yes, I have it.

clean your room

>Human papilloma virus
General warts in common parlance

if you do like something that makes you happy it will go away. you can also try some yoga/meditation shit it might work

From her? Sawce?

Thanks needed to hear this

HPV only lasts a year before your body deals with it. Calm your shit.

No clue if it was from her or not

Acyclovir is your new best friend.

have had HPV warts fora bout 11 years now, it does not go away im sorry to say.

i been to the doctor, tried freezing them off, been to 3 separate dermatologists, still have them. just have all your sex in dark rooms with sluts, that you never talk to again. i cant have a real relationship with warts on my dick. cant blame girls for not wanting to be with me. drugs and alcohol help

get a topical from a doctor, shit goes away on the surface easily.

as stated, most people carry it and don't even know. everyone's immune system handles it differently, some people never exhibit warts.


I wouldn't have shared it if it wasn't true. Where are your warts located?
Don't listen to this faggot. Drugs and alcohol are probably a large part of the reason they don't go away for you dummy.

how do you tell if a girl has it before fucking her? any way? this shit scares me into not hitting up girls most the time, if they are even remotely slutty

You're on Sup Forums, so you don't have to worry about that.

There's like 5 little guys above the shaft in pubic region and an even smaller one developing on the shaft. Doc froze them today but don't see any improvement tbh

got 2 warts on my pelvis 6 months after I fucked the high school whore, went to doc, he gave me the HPV vac, and he froze the warts and they fell off a couple days later. That was 6 years ago and I've never seen a wart again.
Since they were on my pelvis I'm not entirely sure that can be considered genital warts but, I think you'll be fine bro.

Damn that's a pretty spread out outbreak. I personally bough TCH acid and dabbed them all individually with a wet cutip. They get white, it burns, then slap some baking soda on it and rinse off with cold water. They're white for a day and then they turn black and fall off after a few days, it scabs over and there's a chance of having a small scar if you do it wrong and burn the surrounding skin. Look up "skin peel" and it works like that. I swear I'm not fucking with you, this is what I've done through each of my 4 outbreaks. Also STOP FUCKING SHAVING YOUR PUBES. Pubes help prevent the spread of diseases because it's skin-to-skin contact AND by shaving you're literally spreading your own virus to other areas of your junk. Use a guarded trimmer instead from now on.

You made me snort my coffee, user.

Just see a doctor, they'll advise you what to do further

That's not even hpv. That's pseudofolliculitis barbae. Fire your doctor.

i was vaccinated, and while i didn't wear a condom in my long term relationships, i did wear one for every random encounter in college. I ended up with HPV although none of my ex's have it. Anyways I was fucking bummed for a solid 2 months, i felt disgusting but you get over it. Also I used apple cider vinegar to remove the two warts that popped up and haven't seen one since and that was a few years ago. Also there are ointments I just was embarrassed and didn't feel like telling anyone.

How do u know?

My friend caught a few years ago and is depressed as fuck now, only upside of me being a virgin I guess.