I am a Trump Supporter, but lesbiahonest here Trump is gonna get smoked

I am a Trump Supporter, but lesbiahonest here Trump is gonna get smoked.

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I'll bite. Why will Trump get smoked?

Why are you biting, faggot?

the dude is half retarded and sounds like a tard when cornered. He is going to insult Bernstar a lot and it will turn millions of people off

Uhhhhh because he's a blantant sexist, misogynist, and racist. Done, argument is over RIP Trump.

A burnt out socialist NEET, vs The Man who wrote the art of the Deal, I know where to put my money on. This surely will be entertaining watch him rek the old Geezer.

How so? Bernie Sanders isn't going to win, the corporate money wants Hillary, and he is a weak and senile old man who would end a theoretical first term being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night by a platoon of Marines and shot. America would then wake up to the inauguration of Supreme Leader David Petraeus.

>sounds like a tard when cornered
I've never witnessed this. Since it seems to be something you claim happens routinely, could you provide one example?

I am now a #Bernmissle

its sexist not to include hillary imo

>I'm x but x sucks amirite?
Nice shill thread, /r/SandersForPresident

Reposting because this sensationalism/ 9000th hour of free press is honestly a non-issue. So Trump decides to debate Bernie... Ok, lets take a quick look:

Bernie doesn't debate. If you've ever watched him, you'd know this. He has a staring contest with the floor as he takes as good and rough a fuck as the other candidate can give. Then he clumsily whines about a few things before walking off stage and posting something irrelevant on twitter like you shouldn't have to ask for ketchup packets at McDonnalds.

All Trump has to do is not break Bernie in half like Bane did to Batman in Knightfall. He just softballs with him and goes in with kid gloves. Just enough to put on a show and blow out the commie, but not hard enough to alienate Bernies rabid fanbase. It shows Trump is doing more for women (thanks to the charity donation) than Hillary and her card dropping ever did/will, while further dividing the Democratic party (just take to social media to see them spurging out already). This will net Trump a decent chunk of Bernouts come November after they get a chance to actually see him speak in all probability as we see Clinton now finally taking her deserved lumps in the press as she nears total victory and gets the nomination. It also gives Trump some much needed experience in a 1v1 debate. Sanders is Glass Joe. He's a tutorial.

>I am a Trump Supporter,

no you're not

Oh? And Bernie, who has yet to make a single solid statement other than "it's all the banks' fault, fuck the one percent" is somehow better?

Bernies done and just in denial.
Trump's just gunna twist the knife on the old geezer

Because Bernie debates with facts and Trump debates with insults. For the first time Trump is going to have to actually debate policy and Bernies gonna make him look like a fool.

It's common sense really.

That's kinda basic though. If you're gonna pretend to be retarded, shouldn't you try to be original? This is something 12 year olds say, we've all heard it before. Come on, put some effort in.

>I'm a/an "X" BUT (insert actual belief/affiliation here)

But is the favorite word of manipulators and liars.

>I'm just like you and believe the same things! Now that you've dropped your guard, allow me to try to manipulate you more easily!


insults work if the audience already hates your opponent. Bernie's likeability factor will make the insults look vile and disgusting

It will work for Shillary, but NOT BERNIE

literally idiotic

You know nothing about debate and persuasion. Rhetoric beats reason, always.

>Uhhh... black loives madduh... if yuhur whoite yuh dowmt know what ids loike tuh be poor

Do you not see what Trump is doing here, you fucking fool?
He's not trying to turn Bernie supporters into Trump supporters. He's trying to win over the independents.

This debate stadium is going to be filled with people.
One half Trumps supporters.
One half Bernie supporters.
And while it's not unheard of for a Trump supporter to throw the first punch, it's much more common for Bernie supporters to initiate the confrontation themselves.

There WILL be a brawl in the audience.
Some brazen Bernbots will start rushing the stage to attack Trump. And they'll be the first ones to start rushing.
But Trump supporters? They won't rush up there to attack Bernie. No.
They'll rush up there to shield the God Emperor in retaliation.

And then Democrats look like violent, drooling savages, while the Trump supports look like valiant protectors and upstanding individuals.

Trump knows this.
Trump is counting on this.
And this is how a lot of the independents still on the fence are going to inevitably go for Trump.

And what's Bernie gonna say other than "muh 1%"

>I am a Trump Supporter,
>the dude is half retarded

Actually you're a liar.

Nice dubs, and don't forget to facebank, and donate your whole paycheck to to Hernie :DDDD

>The Secret Service would allow either side to get within reach of the debate stage.



You liberals sure are a hypocritical and ignorant bunch.

You mean like this?

That was ONE Bernie supporters amidst a sea of Trump supporters.
Who proceeded to run past 3 agents, slipping through their grasp, and getting close enough to The Don to spit on him, before being tackled.
What the fuck makes you think they'll be able to stop two dozen nut jobs rushing the stage?

How many secret service agents do you think actually exist?

He'll lose because he isn't trying to win. His goal is to make Hilary look bad and highlight how similar he is to Bernie.

Is Bernie gonna use all the false information of Trump being divisive and bigoted?

Let's see how Bernie holds up against someone who actually understands economics.


This is going to be the moment he drops "Kike" or "cuck" or some other Sup Forums memeword on live TV and loses the entire moderate/independent base. Mark my words.


>understands economics

Pick one

Not if Trump makes Hilary the focus of the debate and forces Sanders to talk about the State Department email report, given he's said he doesn't care about them, while Trump can say his Crooked Hilary insult was correct. OTOH, Trump could throw it and make Sanders look like a viable candidate, helping him win California and making things more difficult for Hilary and Democratic unity. Whatever actuslly happens, this debate will really be about Hilary.

All Trump has to do is look good amd get a decent soundbite or two and it'll have served its purpose. Assuming their repective supporters and the inevitable protesters haven't ripped each other to shreds before then.

>turning $1 million into $5 billion
>not understanding economics
Pick one, Tejas.


Nice fallacy.
By the way, he inherited up to 250 million from his father. In any case, having business acumen doesn't imply he will be a competent policy maker.

He did not inherit 250 million from his father, and he didn't inherit anything until 1999 when his father died. Trump had been working for three decades prior to that.

Why don't you get your damn facts straight?

>policy maker
You just don't understand the structure of the US government I guess.

Reality versus fantasy? Trump will Stump Bernie. But he will do it gently as this debate is only to garner some extra support. Reaching across the isle so to speak.

>h-he was born into all of his money
>t-those buildings and casinos and golf courses built themselves he just inherited them

Yeah, that's what I thought, faggot.

He inherited money and tuned it into billions of dollars. Unlike any of his siblings.

>Trump had been working for three decades prior to that.

Yes, largely in businesses from his father. Which he inherited. Trump was born into wealth, he is no self made man like Warren Buffett or Richard Branson. In any case, turning this into a discussion about Trump past is pointless, this wasn't the point of discussion.

>You just don't understand the structure of the US government I guess.

Don't be autistic. You know perfectly what I meant. Dragging this into a discussion about the executive vs legislative branches is just grasping at straws.

In any case, being a protectionist is a sign of being an economic illiterate. There's virtually no economists that oppose free trade:


God I hope so.

Oh boi.
Bernigger was so soft on Clinton, he just going to throw snowballs at some one who throws HA-DUUKEN all day.
Funny story, here's your (you)

Only Trump could get away with debating the loser of his opposition.

Sometimes I think he really is fucking magic.