Name a better series/lead actor

>Name a better series/lead actor

big bang theory
sheldor actor
>check mate m8

mcnulty. the wire


Excuse me, what?

Wagner Moura

Judge Judy is better than that fat POS

Respectable choice, top 5 for me.


Good show. He isn’t amazing. I give him a travolta/pulp fiction.


He did a great job with the character but was in the show for one season only, right?

I always looked forward to seeing him on Breaking Bad to break up some of the boring shit.


Draper, Mad Men.
Walter White, Breaking Bad.
Top 3 I think.
Tough call.

Have to agree with op. Gandolfini in the sopranos pulled off some crazy shit.

Closest performance would be Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad.

>Draper, Mad Men.

top notch faggot

With how many great series there are, picking the best is difficult. My criteria is consistency, longevity and plot/character development.


Honestly, my second would probably be Steve Buscemi in Boardwalk Empire.


big bird
sesame street

Gandolfini was awesome. The whole show was made at what can only be called the golden age of tv. Relatable characters, proper scriptwriting, and most importantly no stupid amounts of graphic violence and sex just for shock value. Fuckin ace.


and he hated moolies.
