So I want to die, like, really, I am planning it for years (like 12 years I think), but now, It is time...

So I want to die, like, really, I am planning it for years (like 12 years I think), but now, It is time. I will wait for three days, because I have to get some things done.

Now. I am going to eat the whole 25 apple cores (with apple seeds) which contain amygdalin which releases cyanide.

Is there any other (better) poison, that is very cheap and at the same time very effective? Share some information that can help. Thank You.

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>planned for 12 years
>od on apple seeds
come on OP

Rat poison.

Apple seeds are more poetic, I think. But, good idea, thanks

Actually, I have realised that I behave like a rat all my life, so it is maybe the better solution in the end.

Why would you want do die overdosing on apple seeds? That sounds just awful, and poor
Anyways it's almost Christmas, you got a good chance to start over your life without whatever is bothering you

Apples are cheap, I don´t have much money. Just a last one thousand czech crowns.

Christmas is very depressing time. This is perfect timing.

Cant op just cry it all out in the shower like normal person would do and act nothing happen when getting out it's ok to be sad but i think it's not ok to not giving yourself a chance of better tomorrow

I have tried to deal with my problems this way like hundred times, It just does not work. But, thank you.

Kill yourself quicly and make future generations a little less of a fag

How about run away from everything ? Go somewhere where no one knows you pack everything and dissapear i think it's better than your original plan anyway whatever your decision is i would like to know just post the same picture op posted so we would know i personally will get affected whats the outcome is...seriously rooting for your 2nd chance in life l...

stick around till Star Wars releases i think it's gonna be good

wait for the season finale of HWNDU Season 7

I did this two times. Dissaper for a while. Doesn´t work, maybe that was not far enough.

Buy enough paracetamol and vodka. You'll never wake up.
Or, helium exit bag. Parts cost like $150

I wanted to wait for Game of Thrones Season 8, but I have no motivation.


>I want to die, like, really
>I am planning it for years
>like 12 years
>like, really


I am suicidal since elementary school, now I am 30 yo.

So, it is more than 12 years, maybe 16.

you working?

So, in the 12 years of planning you came up with eating apples?

Wanna off yourself? JUMP OFF A BUILDING
> D O A F L I P, F A G G O T


OP, apple core works? I think I eat my fair share of apple seeds in my juice.

Shotgun in mouth or rope and a tree if you live in a shit country. Those are tried and true methods that won't fail if you do it right.

Fuck your quads faggot. /clap

fucking lolled
>>express yoself, artistic genius

If this is real why would you care spending some money to fuck yourself off this earth. Not like you gonna need it. You just sound like a lonely attention seeking retard. Cheapest method would be jumping off a bridge wearing a helmet with 3 inch nails while having your tiny dick tied to a bungee rope and having your crush doing fb live streaming.

dont bother with apple seeds... if anything just go out into nature and die of thirst

impressive, but i don´t want to make a mess.

Yes, I am working.

I am not genius, I am dumb with an IQ around 115.

You have to eat more. And you have to chew.

Život je na piču ale byť hrdinom není východisko. Nechceš to prebrať?

Well, I think apple seeds is a good way to go. Don't eat rat poison, it is dreadful death, you would vomit blood and shits.

To není hrdinství. Já už jsem zkoušel fakt "všechno". Už nemám motivaci to řešit jinak.

Just climb some high building and jump, head first.

Tiež o tom premýšlam už od 16(mám 26). Pocit poznám a možno si to celé len nahováram, že to není tá správna cesta. Koniec koncov stále tu sme, Ty aj ja. Kvôli čomu máš ten pocit už tak dlho?

Nejsem psychicky úplně v pořádku, denně podávám v různých oblastech života úplně diametrálně odlišný výkon, nemám stabilní výkony, nedokážu se soustředit na práci, mám deprese. Měl jsem velice divoké dospívání, celý život vlastně takovou sebevraždu sofistikovaným způsobem provádím, tak, že si ubližuju (alkohol, drogy). Přes 10 let na antidepresivech, ty jsem před rokem vysadil. Jako, toho je střašně moc, nemá asi cenu to do detailu rozebírat, dělal jsem to několikrát, a bylo by to na hodiny.

Atleast live-stream it, OP

Osobne to mám trošku inak. Nebral som nikdy drogy, alkohol a vždy som mal a momentálne aj mám stabilný vzťah. Problém je, že neznášam ĺudí(nie antisoc), mierna schizofrénia a pri smrti známych či rodiny nič necítim. Niekedy si zahrám na gitaru a inokedy mám predstavy o vražde. Aký skurvený som, sám nedokážem posúdiť..žiť ale žijem a aj keď toľko empatie nemám aby som sa vcítil, dúfam v lepšie. Prečo som so sebou ešte niečo nespravil? Domýšlam si, že tu mám miesto a tak isto tu máš miesto aj Ty..

silly billy you have a mental illness. notify your school and they'll help.

I have a mental illness, but I am not a student anymore. I dont have a school.

Schizofrenie muze byt peklo. Ja taky nejak nevnimam smrt bliznich. Ale to si nemyslim, ze je spatne. Proste chapu zivot a smrt jinak. To, ze neplaces nad hrobem, neznamena, ze nemas zadnou empatii. Predstavy o vrazde jsou trosku creepy no, ale predstavy mame vsihni ruzne, jsou to jen predstavy a ne činy.

Nebudem tu písať či už som niekomu niečo spravil. Domyslíš si to sám..
Pojem o smrti potom máme rovnaký.

Skúšal si zmeniť prostredie?
Ja som odišiel do čiech. Nechal som za sebou celú rodinu, priateľov a ženskú. Z časti to pomohlo ale niečo to nedokázalo vykompenzovať..

why to use cheap methods when you no longer will need money as dead ?? If you want to end it do it properly...

25 apple cores will not be able to kill you.

what a faggot

Zkoušel, absolvoval jsem i dlouhodobější léčbu závislosti, přestěhoval se do jiného města. Změnil životní styl. Pořád to samé.

Because I don´t have much money, to buy (or make) a proper poison.

Maybe, but probably will be able.

To, jak jsi odesel od zenske, pratel, rodiny. To bylo bezeslova? Nic jsi nikomu nerekl?

No. Eating apple seeds wont really produce the same kind of cyanide as the one produced in labs.

Ženskej - že odchádzam, bez dôvodu(nebudem jej vysvetlovať, život ide ďalej).

Rodine - nič
Priateľom- nič
Jedine mame, tá si zaslúži vedieť..

Čo ma ináč drží pri zmysloch, je sedieť v aute o 3 v noci, zapáliť si a len jazdiť.
Neviem či máš niečo čo Ti pomáha držať sa v realite, u mňa je to to vyššie uvedené.

115 is avarage, if you feel dumb its because you're socially unajusted

Ok, ok. How bout you take your answers and don't hung round and tell people about yourself, coz noone really cares. Just go, do what you need and end it.

I collected 120 apple seeds, ate them all at once(yes, I chewed thoroughly). Went to sleep and woke up several hours later, pissed that i'm still alive. It doesn't do shit.

Shoot up my school please.

Average is DUMB

The fact, that it didnt work for you, doesnt mean that it will not for me.

pročti si

Ja v noci pracuju, nekourim teda, obcas si zahulim brko, ale takhle v noci taky funguju normalne.

Rodina je tak jediny, co me trapi, a pratele. Pripada mi sobecky vuci nim, zabijet se, na druhou stranu, kdyz proste neumim fungovat, tak to jinak nejde. Mams trasny deprese. To se neda proste.

Mrknu, diky.

12 years and this is all you come up with? god your worthless. took me less than that for to come up with a plan to go over seas with a gun, rent a boat with good length of chain that would weight my body down, and play a course to the Marianas Trench where I would hang over the side and the coordinates I chose, wrapped in chain and blow my brains out that would cause the body to release the ship, weight of the chains would take the body down where there would be nothing left, take forever for anyone to ever find me if they did and no one would be all the wiser

Post here in 3 days as you carry it out, keep updating us

Then I suggest you go safe and collect like a thousand of them to make sure they devastate your body. As I said, I ate 120 and it didn't do anything at all


Seeds are designed to pass through your digestive system intact, dumbass.

I know that, you have to chew, you cant just swallow them

I will

V čem to pomohlo? A v čem ne?

Did you look into homemade ricin?

No, but. Now, I ma thinking about Lysergic acid diethylamide. I have never tried it.

do you know how much acid you need to take to OD? seriously it's like 80,000 doses. you'd be so fucking faced before you ate even half of them you wouldn't be able to function.

And I don´t have enough money anyway.

>Be depressed
>Plan suicide out
>Google easy free cyanide
>See article about apple seeds containing some cyanide
>suck some nigger dick for money
>buy seeds
>grow apple tree
>Wait until ripe
>Take the seeds out
>Put a nigger dick in my mouth
>Go on Sup Forums
>suck some more nigger dick for 11 years
>Realize i'm just a queer who likes dicks in my mouth
>Close browser enjoy nigger dick filled life

If you really wanted to kill yourself you'd go to a building and jump.

Just another pussy ass faggot who can't shoot himself or jump off a building.

This entire shit is for attention.