Identity politics are killing this nation, how in the actual fuck can we curb this shit? Like...

Identity politics are killing this nation, how in the actual fuck can we curb this shit? Like...........when did America stop being proud of being American? I'd venture to guess late 90s, early 2000s was just some fuckin may may created by the twin towers, fuckin flags were junked basically the next day.

Does it really boil down to an ever expanding group of loud, chirping minorities that part of the white crowd feels sorry for and then goes along with fundamentally destroying everything we stand for as a nation?

I'm all for unity, I'll embrace anyone that loves what it is to be an American, I mean fuck, even a nigger tranny, if he likes guns, low taxes, and the government staying way the fuck off, he's my brother, an American.

How the fuck do we pound nationalism back into this country?

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when the marxist ideals of blaming everything on white people stops, it is very hard to change the mind of a marxist. A bullet is sometimes the only cure.

I wonder when widespread violence will ever come back to the USA? I honestly don't see it in my lifetime (30 now), but, maybe 100, 150 years? When everything starts to fail and the welfare state collapses.

and of course, I'm not talking about random spooks blasting eachother, I'm talking about thousands of deaths a day

The internet ruined this world completely. It's that simple. It gave a soap box for all weirdos and hateful rejects and politically partisan nutjobs to brainwash idiots. If this world wants to stand a fighting chance you need to destroy the internet.

You cannot expect these people to be nationalist unless they first realize the importance of a nation state. They will never learn that until their own nation is dissolved before their very eyes, at which point it's too late.

really wish Trump would shine the spotlight on this

>It gave a soap box for all weirdos and hateful rejects and politically partisan nutjobs to brainwash idiots.
The same thing happened with the printing press. The difference is that here there is a large group of ideologues in education that were waiting to capitalize on this.

Good point, don't realize what you had until it's lost

Absolutely, god damn, just look at the tranny issue, go ask any random person about it

>hey, if a guy cuts his dick off, shoots up E, and puts on a dress does that make him a woman?

But now you have the internet and instantly accessible and shillable widespread media and people find ways to attack everyone elses common sense and they prey on people's passiveness and desire to not offend and WHAM you got dudes showering with people's daughters out of "tolerance"

>I'm all for unity, I'll embrace anyone that loves what it is to be an American, I mean fuck, even a nigger tranny, if he likes guns, low taxes, and the government staying way the fuck off, he's my brother, an American.
Your faggy ideals are dying. Every race in America is becoming more identitarian because people are realizing that the races are significantly different and they can't be united by "muh constitution". People naturally want to be with their own race and empower their own race, they don't give a fuck about tax cuts.

Trump has basically given whites and humanity in general a new standard and a new role model. Even the horrific jews are starting to rethink their worldview, as is evidenced by their inability to hold up Hillary Clinton.

I've been giving serious thought to the effects of the internet. Transhumanists want to do away with humans but I don't think they will square the circle any time soon. For instance, part of being human is to sacrifice for others, but would a machine ever sacrifice for you? Humans might be torn apart before the ability to create new sustainable life is feasible. In the meantime, we need Trump

>when did this become a problem
The 1900s because anyone who wanted to "lib da burger drame" came running into the country, and they brought there nationalist pride with them, which caused Polish/Arabic/Indian/Chinese communites to spring up and churn out more X/American people.

They brought thier own shit hole country over here.

Yes this is a problem and today its Indian people shitting this up. Like I have no problem with immigrants even non white ones but if you comes here, actively try to suppress host nation culture and create communities that are essentially overglorified outposts for your shitty nation then no, fuck off and fuck you.

Decades of pointless wars and both of the main parties being overtaken by children of Marx


>muh identity politics
You're a fucking cuck OP. People will always fight for their race and if you refuse to your race will be destroyed. American ideals are white ideals, notice how shitskins overwhelmingly vote to change them? If you do not believe in a white America you do not believe in America.

Non whites will not be able to identify with America. It will always be an issue.
sums it up pretty well.

What exactly is identity politics?
It sounds like made up bullshit

Turns out, Paco, if you import a huge range of people that can easily tell each other apart people will selfishly grab all that they can for their group rather than sacrifice for the nation.

That literally would only come about if there was one or more of the following:

Environmental Disaster
Massive Famine
Collapse of Government

And I think there's enough competent people who would prevent or at least manage these situations enough to prevent all out catastrophe.

The extreme left has been trying to rob you of your faith in your countrymen. Nationalism is trying to give it back.

It's not perfect, but I will go for optimism and bravery over victimhood and self inflicted inferiority anyday.

Honestly, Mexico, you don't want to know. Just be ready to build wall ok?

To put it in terms you might understand take a non white Mexican who comes to the US, they don't know english or give a shit about American culture, they migrate to southern California and live in communities that are essentially Mexico part 2. Never have to learn English. Don't give a shit about American holidays. Constitution lol what the fuck is that amigo pass the corona. When election time comes around they all vote for which Democrat promises more of their relatives to come in the quickest. Eventually they will get full citizenship but always identify as Mexican and Latino and mock the concept of being American. This kills the country.

The problem with this article is that the author still supports "muh constitution". Supporting free speech means supporting Marxists spewing their garbage; supporting freedom of privacy means letting faggots spread AIDS; etc. And democracy is a joke (pic related).

Oh so it's the hyphenated American all over again.
I still don't understand how is it possible to vote without citizenship.

Identity politics is basically the idea that people will band together based on a common trait in order to push for certain legislation. For example, we have BLM which is pushing for all kinds of pro-black legislation, feminists who push for abortion and other laws that mostly women want, LGBTQWIUEHIUONHFUWQUIEN trying to strike down traditional marriage laws, college students/grads pushing for free stuff, and so on.

I would tend to agree that democracy ends up in the situation we are now, but freedom is very much a white man's thing. It can work as long as it is a predominantly white society but it needs to be closed off, somehow.

Because Democrats love killing this nation, Hillary literally says she wants illegals and felons to have voting rights. They also want to be able to have people voting without ID, I mean what the fuck!?

Just fuck my nation up senpai

Shills. Paid by the word. So much text.

Well you can vote illegally, but it is harder than Sup Forums would have you believed. What happened was through multiple paths through citizenship Hispanics have hijacked the most populous state in the union (CA) and have given the leftists that were already there the edge they needed to pull all their bullshit.

In a generation after all the illegals have had 30 kids each the southwest might be socialist if we don't kick them out. US is fucked.

It's more than hyphen but hyphen is part of it. It's basically the idea of people immigrating to a better place, trying to get as many of "their people" in and strangely enough supporting the same corruption that ruined their shit nation. These people also never immigrate and see themselves as outsiders. We have no chance the left makes it worse by fanning the flames. I have a Mexican friend his parents immigrated here. Guy is smart and pleasant but completely buys SJW brainwashing and thinks whites and Republicans are out to get him.

It was closed off, but eventually then the weakness and corruption of democracy opened it up.
Unlike dictatorships, which die with a bang, democracy is doomed to die with a whimper.

Nope this country was doomed the moment we took in slaves and never ejected them. That simple. That created a group of disgusting human beings once given freedom doing nothing but exploiting compassion and guilt even to today and outside groups like Jews and minorities also exploiting that. White people are too nice they don't see what's happening. Stefan Molyneoux is right when he says everyone just closes their eyes and just postpones the inevitable as long as they can eat one more meal and watch one more episode of game of thrones

As horrifying as the thought might be for some people or the act might be for that generation, the mass eradication of blacks would have unified this country greatly.

But, we freed them instead and then oppressed them for a while and now they're super-citizens with a huge chip on their shoulder.

The extinction, or close to it, of blacks in America would have yielded a more peaceful place, no doubt about it. Cultural homogeneity is always vastly more peaceful, go figure huh?