Why do we need a wall?

I mean, there's already a fence, why isn't that good enough? Can't they break holes in the wall and still get through? What is the flaw in the fence already there?

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The "fence" does not cover the full distance.

>breaking holes in thick reinforced concrete
Good luck

It's not long enough, tall enough or deadly enough

Why do we "need" to enforce laws?
We should be able to shoot people, not work, and Rob and rape freely.
Stop paying taxes.
Let's all live like Vikings

why does israel need a wall?

>Can't they break holes in the wall and still get through?
Yeah, but it will take longer. The longer it takes, the more likely you are to be caught by patrols. I would guess the wall would eventually have automated surveillance of some kind too.
Looks like you could work your way through that fence in the picture with unpowered tools in less than half an hour. That's not much time to react even if detected soon.

Oh I didn't know that.

Well wouldn't it be cheaper to just put the fence all the way across? £

It doesnt work. Although the way he stated his plan was a little broad, I appreciate how much Trump red pills. We need to stop illegal immigration. It ruins everyone's lives (including immigrants).

not if you have to rebuild it every few years because it's riddled with holes.


You kinda do need a wall

The drugs and the illegals come into your country like it's nothing and if they have a baby on your soil they get citizenship

That's just going to keep happening until your society becomes theirs.

We just lucky enough there is enough water to stop 222 million Indonesian niggers from crossing over.

We ran out of funding for the project so it's an easily scaled skeleton of a wall.

Run down to the border and cruise the fence line. No really, don't as you will be black-sacked by BPD goons and interrogated until you cry, but if you did, you'd find we have many miles of walls already there. There's fence lines, walls, border posts, and miles of sections secured by nothing more than chicken wire and boards. There are also sections with giant gaping holes. Different administrations have tackled this project with varying degrees of cronyism, greed, and budget short falls. The best part are the patrols for the barren zones. They may or may not be in that particular area at that particular time. It all depends on how much you paid the patrol and for what. Need protection to move your product? Trying to squeeze a rival cartel?

I always wanted to go to Mexico and try to cross the border without being noticed.

What would happen? (I'm white)

>Why do we need a wall?
Because illegal immigrants cost the American taxpayer more than $100 billion dollars annually. We're also on the verge of a massive demographic upheaval in which hispanics are set to become the majority.

A wall is a small investment for our future and the future of our children.

I don't care if the wall works or not, we have land mines for that

I want the wall because it's a big fuck you to the filthy Mexicans who think they can come to my country illegally and demand rights

If you got caught, by the patrols or cameras, the goon squad would kick in your teeth and your passport flagged as to make your next legal trip all but impossible or extreme interrogation every trip back to old USA

We need to build something visible from space, like the Great Wall of China. It doesn't need to last as long, although if it's built with American pride there's no reason Trump's Wall can't last 200 years.

You do realize Mexicans will just make tunnels

the wall is 100ft high, 100ft deep.

good luck tacofags

who says its gonna be 100ft deep all the way around? and where did you get that number?

They could eventually be detected by seismic sensors and ground-penetrating radars (unlikely though, prolly too expensive).
But tunnels are expensive too. Only the larger cartels can afford them.
Because there would be a wall, Mexico could finally crack down on their larger cartels without having the power vacuum just being filled by multiple smaller cartels, because they would be stopped by the wall and couldn't make enough profits.

Yeah but tunnels are hard to build, and create convenient choke points if discovered. Pump Zyklon B into one of these tunnels = a lot of dead spics.

It's nice to secure the border but I think people are over exaggerating the actual amount of illegals coming into the United States. Everyone is talking about how people are flooding into our country when in reality there are more spics leaving the us than there are coming in.

Explain this


We need more border patrol agents. The wall is retarded. Mexicans will just climb over or dig tunnels. Even with a wall, it's useless if there's no one on the other side to catch them.


If Trump really brings back the manufacturing jobs, it'll change fast.

>implying any wall can stop a ladder, a piece of carpet and a rope.

Deported back to kangarooland.

LOL did you even read what you posted. Mexicao isn't gonna do that.

Yeah! and then trump can also send t1000s to hunt the Mexicans! You're retarded.

If we legalized all drugs, all of these cartels would go out of business.

Trump probably doesn't want to bring this up, but there's probably going to be barbed wire and bladed bars on top of the wall. It's a bit inhuman and some people will try to get through it anyway and get mangled...


Ask the Israelis how that works against their wall

I assume it will be, as it will need to be, and The Donald doesn't lie.

>legalized all drugs
That's too much drugs. Weed probably should be legalized, but the others hard drugs are just too powerful. People take them as kids when they don't have judgement, or because they are mentally ill, or for whatever reason, and then they loose their free will...

True, but once the news come out that he brought back jobs, what's going to stop the first responding illegals? The wall most likely would not be complete even after a year or so, so in the time between trump bringing back jobs & the creation of the wall, won't there be way more illegals coming in?

Yea lets just not do something because there's a very specific activity that can stop it. Lets not have police either cause people will just commit crimes and get away with it anyways.

Sound logic.

But with the wall, you can at least deport them once you find them. Right now there isn't much point to it. They come back too easily.

It's not expensive enough.

>People take them as kids when they don't have judgement, or because they are mentally ill, or for whatever reason, and then they loose their free will...

when SJW parents turn their kids trans.

Zyklon B cant kill, its for delousing

We need a wall like what Saudi Arabia is building.


Hehh yeah. They get their kid's genitals mangled (and not to mention the psychological damage) just to be the center of attention of their progressive friends and to get likes on facebook. It's sick. :(

We used to believe in freedom in this country. I know you guys don't, you Tory faggots, but we did. This is my problem with illegal Mexicans. They do not believe in freedom either. They believe in gibs like the rest of the third worlders. They don't think it is their shit ideas that made their lives and their countries shit, they think they simply didn't have enough to distribute. They flee like rats to take more. Europe is in a similar position, the refugees were brought in by the socialist leaders to distract from socialists failure.

600 miles!

It's a wire fence, but looks like they would have real capability for detection and rapid response.

I didn't know radars could detect pedestrians. Probably needs flat terrain.


Not the freedom to get yourself addicted to crack at 7 years old, or to die from treatable diseases because you don't have insurance, no.

They do seem to consider the drugs a serious enough threat to justify the war on drugs, but now it seems like they don't even want to stop the flow of drugs because it has become lucrative for certain corporations. Putting all the black men in jail and destroying the black family unit seemed like the plan of some people too.

I can only hope you guys will fix your healthcare situation some day too.

I remember in 2008, there was a fiasco back then about a border wall, and a large part of it did get built. It was state of the art at the time.

What happened? Why did it pause?

ITT trolls pretending to troll trolls.