I would give anything to return to 2004

I would give anything to return to 2004

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Wouldn't we all?


just play on a classic server when they come out

me too brother

>not sure if I miss vanilla wow
>or just miss being 17 again

Vanilla is coming back though

>not being able to fly from a major city to where you're going without manually clicking every stop along the way
>not being able to find a group to do a dungeon you have quests in unless you go to said major city
>healer classes only have healer tier gear at endgame.
>warriors can only tank
>only warriors can tank
>warlocks are completely useless
>no horde paladins, no alliance shamans
>using spirit healers to rez because the resurrection sickness is shorter than the walk back to your corpse most of the time
>not being able to quest in mid level zones because constant pvp from max level characters

Oh yeah, vanilla was best right? they TOTALLY didn't get ANYTHING right in ANY expansion

This. Honestly I always think about firing up an old school Runescape account too. Nostalgia feels good for a little while but it'll never feel as good as you think it will.
>source: wow player that comes back every xpac only to quit 2 months later

>vanilla is trash.

i been fucking hoes and popping pillies man i feel just like a rock star

those are some strong points and i agree with you, vanilla was awesome

It coming back soon (maybe a bit longer?!)

but without Blood Elves & Dr... Dr... Goat girls. (LOL !)

THANK YOU. Also I think a lot of people forget you don't get the 60 percent mount until level 40 in vanilla.

it's impressive to fit this much casual into one post

>multiple unviable calsses,
>SW>Dire maul run, aint nobody got time for that.
>Orgrimar>MC, fuck nope
> now you can do this importan quest in 2 diferent contenents in 12 diferent areas and dungeons.
>lets get dire maul factions exalted.

>be dungeon group.
>why is that druit cat/bear/something eles than healer.

it's impressive to fit this much "i live in my mom bacement" into one post

Good points. Also welcome back to the dead range hunters. What is it 30 yds of distance before you can even shoot someone?? Just because the community was so much more awesome does not make vanilla the best. Vanilla had the great community, BC/wotlk had optimal game content imo and it has been an all downhill cash grab since. Blizz shills ain't getting another penny from me.

actually just downloaded a 1.12 server
so i can just chill and level by myself, play as i want
realized it was the game and leveling and environment i liked
not the level 60 grind be super awesome so people like me shit

I still play OSRS intermittently, I just get one month membership cause I know I'll burn out quickly, but I never regret it. The nostalgia, the music, everything about it is awesome.

>trying this hard to undermine the community having fun
cool stuff guys, we get it, you hate everything
this mad me giggle

i liked playing auction house the best

You obviously don't know how to Warlock.. They have better stamina in the long run compared to mages. Get a dedicated healer on them and they'll go miles.

This. Warlock is one of the most powerful classes when geared. L0l see ya' on vanilla server I'll be riding my 40g lvl 40 mount and dotting and fear locking you dumb nerds that is fi I don't decide to ToEP and ZHC and Soul Fire/Shadowbolt your shit into the next dimension. Cy@

vanilla was pretty great, but tbh, my most loved expansion is still tbc. wotlk was cool but idk, i loved tbc way more.

i was a retarded kid then with no money sense so i didnt understand easy as fuck concepts and had no patients to learn

i'm biting this bait and swallowing it

Not the same. In fact, I'm not even interested in classic servers at all

>warriors can only tank

Worked perfectly back then. Faggots of today are just lazy thanks to retail (incl. myself)

>classic servers not good enough
>retail not good enough

I bet if people who wanted to grind from 58-60 still wouldn't be happy if they went back to 2004 cause the fucking reality of being a fat ol NEET would seep in

it's a moot point, we can never have it again

It's simple u faggots. The community aspect is what made vanilla great. Looking for a solution to quest xy or want to know how to get item xz? You ask around. Sure, thottbot was a thing but u couldn't find everything on there.
The amount of addons and quality of life features retail offers might be comfy but made the game boring.

The flaws classic had weren't considered flaws back then. The game was unbelievable and groundbreaking

Consider that this was basically the spiritual successor to EverQuest. Now THAT game was a grind fest. Vanilla WoW took a lot of concepts from EQ and made them much, much better.

i was gunna play a warlock in new classic servers :(

Started playing late 2005 around 1.08, so not super early to the party.

Vanilla was great. I actually loved how there wasn't a central narrative hitting you over the head every five minutes and stuff to be doing non-stop, 100mph. It was just the slightly chaotic post-Warcraft III world, with subtle storylines that fleshed out that world – and you had the time to explore and appreciate that world.

It actually makes me laugh when people talk about it being some massive grind. At the time, there was a lot made about it not being like the grindfests that came before. It honestly wasn't bad in that respect.

Sure some parts of it were clunky, but I enjoyed it a lot more than the overly streamlined, simplified, rush, rush, rush of later expansions.

Issue #1, Even if Blizzard were to release a classic server is they would have to leave in the class in-balances, bugs, poor itemization (spirit on warrior plate anyone?) to give it that "authentic" feel. Anything less and you won't get the same experience.

Issue #2 - Back then the myriad of resources available that detailed the end game fights often didn't exist, nor were they readily shared as they are now, simply put, you can google how to do a fight. Typically this information stayed within guilds...

Granted this isn't a huge list, but outlines two big reasons why going back to "the way it was" won't be exactly like we all want it to be....

Is this what vanilla looked like? Wow

So comfy


Warlocks were good
They gave us health stones and soul stones

MOP was the peak IMO. It has all been downhill from there

through the thickest rose colored glass, maybe.

This is what everyone says who didn't play Vanilla, TBC or Wotlk. Every true wow player knows the game died in wotlk. You MoP and cata babbies know nothing.

Did somebody say moot?

U tell me

>Issue #2 - Back then the myriad of resources available that detailed the end game fights often didn't exist, nor were they readily shared as they are now, simply put, you can google how to do a fight. Typically this information stayed within guilds...
Yep. The internet (ironically) killed WoW.

>MOP was the peak IMO. It has all been downhill from there

Started at cats m8?