This is so, so bad. I have never been memed this hard into listening to an album before. Absolute trash

This is so, so bad. I have never been memed this hard into listening to an album before. Absolute trash

exbectations... crushed... Xd

what dont you like about it. its weird cause it has a weirdly britsh production to it like pic related but not at the same time

It's so cheesy, it would make great kids music but its just too over the top for me

wow thank you for saying this
i feel like i have to like them
but i hate them

I only like the only garage song in that album everything else sounds really corny. She should make music for a babies learning channel.

Forgot to mention the previous album is way worse.

lol sorry you're a pleb


its not suppose to be serious, but my parents is a heart warming track. saw them live and completely change my opinion on them, they were perfect and entertaining af

PC Music is the most pretentious genre there is

I wouldn't expect a loser on Sup Forums to be able to appreciate a wholesome SoL album like this

Nah complete opposite I would assume a bunch of anime losers to really enjoy crap like this.

>sort of Japanese
Imagine being this retarded

Did I hit a nerve?

Sounds like a crushing realization

this picture actually gave me a boner dummy. nice try

No...?? wtf You completely missed the target lol.

i got a bonner ugghh

Can't expect that much from super saccharine music that is probably made for kids or manchildren

I'm a fan of KKB and hope to see her live .. I was popular in high school and tons of friends in university, not to mention a qt gf
Never saw an anime

>popular in high school and tons of friends in university

A poor man's Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

>those sock tan marks

Then what are you doing here?

studying :(

studying :((