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Abort all nonwhite babies. Cat food.

Daily reminder that abortion is no different than killing a newborn child. If you are for abortion and against the killing of your own children then you are a hypocrite and a retard.

>Almost no posts
Figures, abortions must have a very hard time with a keyboard.

daily reminder that pro-lifers are this stupid

Explain to me what the significant differences are between a child in the womb and a newborn child that warrant one's life being protected and the other's not.
I'll wait.

explain to me why it should matter if someone changes their mind on having a child if it's not born yet?

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were literally retarded.
Either answer the question or go kill yourself.

furthermore, "life" begins at birth. there is no existential value to the life of an unborn fetus. they're basically parasites. according to pro-lifers, the sanctity of life begins at conception and ends at birth.

one is a post-birth living human, the other is not. don't be so fucking stupid.

>"life" begins at birth
>they're basically parasites
This is the genius of pro-choice retards.

before birth, yes, they are parasitic. holy shit, off yourself.

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling.

i honestly can't tell how you've survived long enough to learn how to use a computer with such a mental dysfunction.


lol these fucking men honestly

if you ever knew what mother insincts where you would understand how horrific abortion is you fucking white cis male

i can already tell you're a trumpanzee

you are stealing the life of an Innocent child


Do you realize you haven't made a single argument? All you're doing is stating things as facts without anything to back them up. I feel like I'm talking to a 12 year old, and since we're on Sup Forums I probably actually am.

Life begins in the testicles. When I jerk off I am committing 100 000 000 abortions every time. I could choose to say no, according to my values life doesn't begin until next Tuesday but it's still removing potential life from the world. At the end of the day, don't produce children we don't definitely want because it only makes the world exponentially more burdened as time goes on.

I would rather not have a kid with a random person than have a kid with a random person.

>you fucking white cis male

then don't fuck random people you mongoloid

I wanna go to a disco prom at sunday...


Ah yes, let me just not enjoy myself because someone on the internet doesn't like it

>it's morally right to end a human life that i myself created so that I can sex with whoever i want with zero consequences

dubs decide what i vote in irish abortion vote

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty

are they voting on the legality of it?
if so, definitely vote to make it illegal, if only to see what happens and how it affects society so that other countries can use it as an example

rollin for yes

I hAve dated 3 women that had abortions before they met me. First was raped in high school by a teacher, second was 18 and didn't want to close doors on her future, third was an addict and hadn't done a program to stay clean yet. My wife was the second one and we are expecting our second child in may. If she never had that abortion I wouldn't have my son so fuck you very much

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

See? I can post copypastas that have nothing to do with the conversation, too.

arn't their already many countries without abortion?

next time mate

Yep :) okay you win, I am now anti-abortion

Stds are still a consequence. The consequences of raising unwanted children are more severe than you could possibly understand

Actually, that' not it. More like

>"I am not mentally or financially or physically prepared to care for a child and do not want to give birth to someone I couldn't properly take care of"

If I got a girl pregnant I sure as hell would try to get her to get an abortion, but I'd reasonably talk about it with the person, not scream "HEY LETS MURDER A CHILD" I'd say shit like "Look nigga I really just wanna not toss my life in the garbage right now."

if you righties don't like taking away a awareless clump of cells, saving it from a life with no opportunity whatsoever... why do you support the killin of people that actually live by the government

>implying you're psychic
You cannot use that as an argument because it is in no way provable.
Also, your "argument" could be used in a situation where ending the life of a person results in something positive for somebody else, which I guarantee is literally every time a person dies. There is always going to be somebody somewhere who benefits from the death of another person.
If your wife had had her baby instead of aborting it, it's very possible that she herself could have been much happier than she is now, and that she would have married another man and made his life much better than it is now, etc.
The fact that you don't see how retarded your "reasoning" is just proves that the people who support abortion are all morons.

not in the developed world

I hate how right wingers value 'unborn life' but care about the life of the people in your country wayyyy more than any other life. Suddently not so picky anymore.

Fallacy fallacy, assuming a conclusion is wrong because it makes a logical fallacy in its explanation

you can always spot the brainlets because they bring politics into literally every discussion
this conversation is about a moral issue, you fucking tardo

The problem is, you immediately move on to assume such things and placing them there as hypothetical facts and have no real data so support your claim, after saying you shouldn't use arguments u can't back. You claim all people who support abortion are morons, but base that claim on a hypothetical assumption.

You are not one of the smart bunch, are ya.

Yes, in Africa. They breed like bunnies, don't abort 'valuable life', overpopulate the world, raise kids in a world of hunger and suffering, spread AIDS.

yeah b-but sperm inside a vagina becomes life

holy fucking shit
i'm done
i cant deal with this
somebody please put a helmet on this retard before he hurts himself

abortion should be allowed up to the childs 19th birthday. imagine how well kids would behave if they knew they could be 'aborted' at any moment.
>pic unrelated

Thank god for abortions.

when does sperm exactly turn into 'life', pro-life fags. because I assume cuming is not 'murder'

Hey OP, why haven't you responded to me yet?

Are you guys literally retarded?
Did the all caps help? I'm just trying to make it easier for you guys to comprehend what I'm saying.

As I was aborted this thread is quite upsetting user and it's my birthday nice one asshole

Try putting everything but that in all caps, it will call attention to the nuance of your point. Trust me

You do realize the real problem is that you assume that having the child is the only possible action regardless of the circumstances, which makes anything you say inherently moronic. Do you know his wife, for example? What background she has? Why she aborted? Nothing. So how can you so easily judge her?

Sperm is alive, that has nothing to do with anything. When a sperm and an egg combine they create a human organism. That's just a fact. That's biology. The abortion discussion is about whether it is morally permissible to end the life of a human organism at certain stages of development.

my dude, even if you spit on the ground you kill lifeforms

This is true. You kill lifeforms simply by existing. There are religions in the east that take this shit to an extreme and wear breathing masks to avoid breathing in any small lifeforms, and carry brooms everywhere to sweep in front of them so when they take a step they don't step on any small lifeforms. This is obviously retarded, but it does beg the question of how far is too far, and how far isn't far enough, when it comes to valuing life?

I had an abortion at 13 and I do have moments of massive regret especially as you do naturally wonder whether it's gonna be your only chance. And it's not a pleasant action anyway. But my circumstances were crap. The father was a hell of a lot older than me (amongst other things..) and me bringing up a kid would have been a fucking disaster. So I don't really have an answer. Mixed feelings.

Mandatory abortions for non-net-taxpayers. Nobody is allowed to have kids they can't afford.

What are you even talking about? What the fuck did you read? Are you delusional?

All life is precious

abortions are fine until the baby has a good chance (let's say above 60/40) of surviving outside of the womb

Parents tried to abort me. Now I hate them and leftist's.

The world is overpopulated. Abortion is the responsible choice.

Inb4 kys

I'm sentient. A mass of cells is not. Fuck off moralfag.


So you agree that if a mother is unfit to raise her child and does not want to give it up for adoption she should be able to abort?

>morality doesn't matter if what we're doing is for the good of mankind
You do realize it logically follows from this that killing off people simply for the sake of reducing the population is fine, right? If you believe that's true then hey at least you're logically consistent, but I have a feeling you're being hypocritical, just like every single other person who believes abortion is okay.

So I'm seeing this chick, who is a survivor of an abortion. Her momma said fuck this and she was all like fuck you mom apparently.

Anyway she's great and it certainly makes me think about this topic.

Regardless, fuck all of you retards.

Overpopulation is a myth.

Yall niggas fuckin crazy. Saying abortion is murder is the same as saying stomping on ejaculated fluids is murder. Thats retarded. "Life" doesnt remotely begin in the womb. What conscious memories does that fetus have of the womb it was aborted from? None because its not "alive." It has the same life as a plant until it is birthed. Yall dumb asf

I'm pro-choice because I'm a Libertarian.

Bodily autonomy is absolutely essential to be a free person. It is the bedrock on which all other forms of liberty are built.

The right to bear arms doesn't mean shit if the government has the right to harvest your organs or give you a fucking lobotomy.

And an inevitable side-effect of bodily autonomy is that it means women are allowed to abort fetuses.
Doctors take your blood without your permission, not even if it would save a thousand lives.
So asking women to discard their bodily autonomy for the good of a single fetus is irrational.

Fact is you can't claim to support freedom without supporting bodily autonomy.
And that inevitably leads to a pro-choice position.

I don't care about what might have been I am saying I would not have met her if she had the baby. If she'd had the baby when she was 18 she would be living with her grandparents in a small remote community, not in the city in which I met her. I get what your saying but if you were in either of our shoes it would be a demonstrable fact we couldn't have met, ergo my son would not exist.

Hypothetical question.

You're in a hospital. Suddenly there's an explosion and fire. As you're running past the fertility clinic, there's an open door. Inside, there's a five year old child on one side of the room, and on the other side of the room are 10,000 viable, fertilized eggs.

You only have time to save either the living child, or the eggs. Which do you choose?

By that logic cancer is precious. The ebola virus is precious. Donald trump is precious.

The world will be tragically incapable of supporting us if our population expands at current rates in a few genrations

I have paid to have 2 abortions done. The reasons were:

1. Financially unstable, living paycheck to paycheck. Tax break is laughably insufficient for the time and money used to properly provide for a child.

2. She was in favor of it too, if she was not, it would not have happened. I didn't have to convince her.

3. Unsure if relationship was going to last the next 18 years. Kids with broken families lead worse lives.

4. Adoption system is questionable, adoptive parents have been found to be pedos, negligent, abusive, or raise my kid in a way I would be strongly against.

5. The adoption system is already full of kids.

6. Can always have kids later once ability to provide is more ideal. I did this, my current child would not exist if the prior 2 were not aborted.

7. Human life is not special, we just have technology. Take that away and were all basically smart chimps (niggers).

8. The "what if" question of what they could be goes both good and bad ways, therefore is moot.

9. My mom had 2 abortions before she had me. If she had not, I would not exist given the insanely high probabilities against my particular sperm and egg meeting.

10. The last thing the world needs right now is more people, especially people who cannot be raised properly. The parts of the world where births have run rampant are the degenerate shitholes of the world.

11. The image of a cut up fetus doesn't disturb me, it never knew human existence. The suffering and death we regularly inflict against already alive and well people does, but oddly we protest against it much less than abortion.

12. Condoms and diaphrams makes sex less enjoyable for both parties, birth control pills and other devices fuck with her brain chemistry and health. Surgery is very expensive and sometimes not reversible. Spermacide looks promising, almost no side effects, highly effective, and reversible. If it was an option and affordable at the time I would've used it.

why the fuck would you force a human being into existence in the first place, everyone should've been aborted

You're alright

I plant crosses outside oncology centers for every tumor that is senselessly murdered.

next time don't post a fucking novel to explain your point

I've been with 3 girls that had 4 of my abortions. Next to anal, it's my favorite form of birth control.

right? I've read shorter dickens novels.

Accepted, better than giving birth. This world does not need anymore human filth.

What the fuck? So if someone gets in a car accident and they are on life support its perfectly viable to just kill them?

I honestly don't think pro-choice people realize what they are arguing.

Abortions are usually only banned in religious tard countries. Mudslimes, christians and so on.

Yea because killing people is the same as removing a sperm tumor

How the hell is that the same?

I'm pro-choice, but I do think abortion should be limited to only being allowed whilst it's still completely impossible for the child to survive outside the womb. If it can survive outside the womb, then to me it's alive.

The biggest problem I find with many modern pro-choicers, specifically the feminist/SJW variety though is their complete misunderstanding and misrepresentation of those who are pro-life. Saying things like "men don't get a say in what women do with their bodies" is completely moronic, because it's actually the complete opposite. Pro-lifers don't really give a shit about the woman's body. The fact that some pro-lifers are against abortion even if the pregnancy or giving birth would put the woman's health at risk should be proof enough of that., it's the body of the child, they are of the opinion that life begins at conception. I am against that belief, but the fact is it's an opinion that can't really be disproved.

If they're braindead, like a fetus, yea. Fuck that waste of resources

Wear a condom, purchase birth control, dont kill a fucking person. Sperm meets egg = developing human baby. End of fucking story, trying to argue that it is not a human (that has rights) is the most bass akwards regressive idea that we have to date. WEAR A CONDOM, PURCHASE BIRTH CONTROL. Dont be idiots making life decisions its that fucking simple, no one likes abortion, no one wants a fucking abortion, why dont we fix the actual problem instead of debating if the aftermath is ethical or not. If you are retarded enough to spurt your little load in an ugly chick without wearing a condom, you are selfcentered, ignorant, definetly not ready to be a father, but youre still a fucking man and you still need to live up to your fucking choices in life. Abortion should never be a way to escape, it should be a last choice, because if you asked anyone in their honest healthy minds they would say it is unethical. So shut the fuck up, wrap it the fuck up, take some god damn thot skittles and be decent human beings.

>Abortion is a form of birth control

Notice it's birth control, not inception control. Other methods (like condoms) fail and people can get pregnant. What the fuck do you do then? Say it's the will of Allah and just have the little piece of shit because you're too stuck in fairy tale land to be realistic and get rid of the little ball of cells instead?

Hypothetical question: You're in a hospital and there's an explosion and a fire, and inside there's a 5 year old child you don't know at all, and on the other side is YOUR viable fertilized egg that was going to be your kid when you REALLY wanted to have a kid and were having troubles.

You only have time to save either the child or the egg. Which do you choose?

I imagine most people would choose to save the fertilized egg in this situation. The hypothetical you chose is BS and even if the answer winds up being to choose the 5 year old kid, it doesn't immediately say the 10000 eggs aren't a life. It just says that you place way more value in a fully matured life vs 10000 very early lives.

If she is on the pill and he is wearing a condom, there will be no child. There is almost no chance at that point. And yes if you are so fucking braindead that you cant avoid it YES, suck it the fuck up because you just went full retard mode and you are gonna pay for it for the next 18 years.

Ben Shapiro owns the guy who presents that same argument:


look through your posts and give me one fact you have given...I'll wait

>Full retard
>Telling women they don't get to do what they want with their own body

Degenerate, useless, iditotic shit without an ounce of responsibility.

You degenerate mother deserves a shit child like you.

Your choice to put it in unwrapped my dude. Your mistake, your problem, you (and not society) should have to deal. The question in your attached image is trash, just like you.

What kind of sick fuck would choose the egg

an acorn isnt a fuckin big tree

a collection of jelly type cells isnt a person

based on your quite fuckin stupid logic having a tug is mass murder

Alright let me add to the argument then: After that egg was fertilized you were in an accident and lost your balls so you can't ever fertilize an egg again. That egg is your last chance to ever have a kid with your own seed.

I guarantee you that I'm choosing to save that egg in that situation and I imagine most people would. One of my dreams in life is to start a family with my own kid and I'm not losing that dream for some 5 year old I don't even know.

if woman support abortion, by default, they MUST support and endorse legalizing prostitution.

Cute copy paste job. Now I'll send you a link of Ben Shapiro destroying that argument dailywire.com/news/22360/pro-abortion-fanatic-presented-thought-experiment-ben-shapiro