Info/How to thread!

Info/How to thread!



I could use some information on advanced techniques of finding scientific articles in the internet.
Stuff much beyond Sci-hub.

Sorry friend I don't have anything of the sort :(


no probs, maybe some other user knows.
thx for the thread

>much beyond scihub
come on

here you go


Got any more food ones? I'd really appreciate it user.

more here

Don’t do it. The elevator will shut down.

I got more

some more

come on Sup Forumsros



perfect to get you out of trouble

you would need to be literally 15 to find any of these useful

kill yourselves

No one is dumb enough to make this.

Trust me, some people are.

do you mean there's some obvious flaw in the construction that'll fuck me if I attempt it?
or that the cops would be fucking mad?


email the authors and ask them for a copy
it works

this is fake.


it does, provided the authors are alive, using their emails (or any emails at all) and get online often enough, while having not too much job to do.

It takes me anything from a day to three weeks to estabilish contact with an author and it still only applies to papers made in this decade. I highly prefer to work faster than that.

HCI and NH3 isn't the issue. This will make a very small amount of "smoke".

The issue is "swimming-pool" calcium hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 and NH3 which releases toxic gas.

I see
what kind of toxicity are we talking about?



Chlorine gas, potentially deadly.





something interesting