Why is this film so good Sup Forums?

Why is this film so good Sup Forums?

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Because the jews are slaves?

Kauz we wuz kang an shiet

Because of the universality of the story.

Damn I love that movie. I feel like parts of it have been unconsciously playing in the back of my mind throughout my life.

Better story than Assassin's Creed Origins

many different reasons. it was a unique production that played into the idea of religion and faith without really excluding people who weren't so keen on the bible. it depicted god in a less traditional light, and despite being animation wasn't afraid to really go to the dark places. yes, all animated movies tend to have some surprisingly dark edge to them, but this one had children being killed and bubonic plague and horrifying shit.

combine that with the good animation and 'let my people go' and you have a pretty decentfilm.

most animated films (and really, films in general) focus on romance as the highest priority. The romance here was simply a sub plot, almost inconsequential the major arcs. Another big point here is that most films do not do a good job potraying friendships as the center of an arc, especially not at that time. romance is usually the main point and friendships are just things that happen on the side, whereas here you had two 'brothers' who werent related with conflicting beliefs trying to find the good in one another but only seeing the bad. usually we only get this kind of story when a GIRL is what comes between them.

so it tapped into a desire for a certain kind of film that we don't get to see very much of.

It further appealed to the non-religious by having god be kind of a minor character in the story. you could remove him entirely and the arcs still ring true, unlike most christian stories which are just about 'love god and you'll be fine, nothing else matters' it was really more about the general idea of slavery and again, two friends who had outgrown each other and a changing society.

It's such a beautiful film. It's a real shame what we get these days.


joseph king of dreams is also pretty good for a direct to dvd movie from what i remember, though i may just be remembering the creepy dream sequences and the 'you know better than I' sequence.

I'd say most animated films focus too much on comedy and cuteness... and that soundtrack had so many good songs, along with a powerful Zimmer score.

I'm going to watch that next as I never got to see that at the time. I'm probably going to be a little disappointed but it beats anything DreamWorks Animation puts out lately I bet.

it reminded atheists that some of the basic moralities of religion are something thats worth holding on to.

most definitely do, even all the way back to snow white. most animated films had a dark moment or two, but this one wasn't even about dark moments so much as it was about its own story, uncensored, unwavering.


worth it imo. im not religious at all, definitely not christian leaning, but god damn its some great stories.

also it has some homo erotic touches to it, not gonna lie, that tends to sell well, just look at fight club


Moralities such as?

not to enslave people.

yes, the message was a little more biased then that in the original text, and its not hard to be considering its different materials from different authors later redrafted by other people, but the semblance of what it means is what resonates with people.

also, in this particular case, the idea of ego.

Good voice talent. I remember Val Kilmer being Moses, and I think Jeff Goldblum and maybe Patrick Stewart?

Voldemort as Ramses man. AKing jews all round Egypt

>not to enslave people.

Dude what? Judeo-Christian scripture was pro-slavery.

yes patrick stewart plays the role of the father pharaoh

Moses cheated at the end IMO.

Not fair to use debug!mode to escape with enemies nearby.

did you read anything after that post? here let me literally copy paste it so that you might actually realize that i specifically posted it to address the concern you brought up just now

>yes, the message was a little more biased then that in the original text, and its not hard to be considering its different materials from different authors later redrafted by other people, but the semblance of what it means is what resonates with people.

One of the most underrated Disney movie ever great voice acting great soundtrack.. yes the darkness of the film was amazing

lol wut? it was produced by dreamworks m8, no disney here

no disney. a lot of artists from disney, but no disney its self. definitely not a disney film

"Not enslaving people" is still nowhere near a "basic religious morality", especially when slavery is encoded directly into that religion's scripture.

Your original point was "Reminds atheists basic religious morality is worth holding onto" but it's not like atheists ever needed religion to tell them slavery was bad.

i said basic religious morality, not initial religious morality. not a lot of Christians running around that are pro slavery. forgive me for speaking about modern religion, you know, the only kind that atheists have any experience with or any reason to turn away from or back to.

Because the jews win