Does this cut need stitches? It was made with a razor, it's not deep, but the skin definitely split apart

Does this cut need stitches? It was made with a razor, it's not deep, but the skin definitely split apart.

If not, how can I put this shit back together?

clean with alcohol and then super glue it shut

Isn't there like, medical glue?


If it's deep enough to pull apart it needs stitches. Although maybe really strong tape might work.

Needs my penis

>virgin slit

Yeah it's called super glue. Google that shit

if you're not losing a bunch of blood it doesn't need stitches.

just use the sticky banaid things to pull the skin together

Crazy glue?

nah any super glue will work just make sure you disinfect it first if not it will seal any bacteria inside and become infected.

not that i recommend it but when i was a mechanic i cut myself open many times and all i would do is wash my hands, pour rubbing alcohol on the wound, put crazy glue on it shut then bandage it for a few days

super glue was invented for this exact purpose

it'll scar pretty bad if you don't.

superglue works.

you can also go to like walgreens and get some steri strips or butterfly stitches and close it with those. keep an eye on it and if it gets inflamed around the wound site go to a doctor.

steri strips

If it continues to bleed, stitches are needed.

Also, if you end up superglueing it, dont get deep into the wound, only the top portion. Otherwise you could die from some nastiness like gangrene because the wound wont heal at all.

yeah, basically if you don't close the top layer of skin tightly, the wound will slowly granulate from the bottom, and you'll have a massive scar as it fills that space.

super glue was literally created to close wounds without stitches in vietnam. look it up.

They sell "medical" brands. Clean your hands then clean the wound very well, wound back together til the skin touches, apply glue, maybe hold it together to let it set, cover with butterfly bandage with antiobiotic ointment applied on the pad. Might take a couple days of you doing this but it will heal.

I made a cut like that and it healed so maybe not idk

OP here, I have no glue and I'm dead broke right now. I put a medical dressing sponge on it, basically just cloth, and wrapped that with a bandage roll. Think I'm good?

Cauterize the wound by heating up something metal and pressing it against it to seal it shut. Scars but cleans it and shuts it

Superglue, done

is it bleeding?

NO, you need something to hold the wound together so it can heal, ie. superglue. If you dont have that, get some, it will legit be just as good as stitches for that cut. Be swift my dude, better start looking for change

Can you clean the wound up so we can see how deep it actually is?

yeah, pinch it together with one hand and glue it on the surface with the other.

Definitely not bad. If I hold it shut with my fingers, it stops. When I let go, it takes a while for blood to build up.

Why cut when you dont mean it? fucking faggot kys

you can get a tube of crazy glue at the poor store for $1

I like this idea. I have a lighter and a knife. I'm going to attempt to cauterize it. Stick around and I'll post pics.

Heat to be not glowing and tap to the wound for 2-3 second bursts

This is what happens with no stiches a fat ugly scar

"Thesegluesare made from the chemical cyanoacrylate. In addition to its usefulness in stopping bleeding in a pinch, it has been associated with less scarring than other methods ofclosingwounds."
>inb4 copynpaste


>poor store

Attempting to cauterize now

Probably a bit late but get some cloth to bite on just in case. Done it once for a smaller wound but shit hurts

A quick trip to the store to pick up a one-to-three dollar tube of superglue would have been a better solution.

>If not, how can I put this shit back together?
are you retarded?

Use Alcohol and butterfly bandages to keep it shut. It will certainly scar

Yeah, this hurts way too fucking fucking and I can't get it to work. Going to go find glue now.

I have the exact same looking scar on my knee from a motorcycle accident that was sewn up with stitches


If you don't want it to leave a scar, you will need stiches.
You can get why easy with Steri-Strips and disinfectant.
If you dont have those, tape it closed with a cloth between the skin and the tape.

Butterfly wound closures should work. I cut myself deep enough to see fat tissue as a kid and didn't get stitches. I should have gotten them and so should you. That shit will scar badly without them

Update: the super glue I had is fucking solid in the bottle. I'm just going to bandage this bitch and hope the blood will seal it. Thanks for your help guys.

Here's one more pic for you guys before I wrap it up and go to sleep

Good luck with that, man.

That is not accurate.
A spray was invented for medic use.
"Super glue" already existed since the 40s.

Put some HIV in there and you'll be fine


Theres paper stitches. Dont put superglue on that idiot.

Superglue is CORROSIVE, read the fucking product information.

This is a perfect example of a cut that needs stitches because you can see the fatty tissue.

>cut from a razor

user are you cutting horizontally?

I've accidentally slashed my wrist open while assembling Warhammer minis. Super glue works just fine.

Cut deeper, two negatives make a positive :v

You'll be fine.

You don't really want advice, just attention. Fuck off OP.

timestamp with sharpie in gash pls

Cauterize it

cauterisation is kind of bad,
it leave mark and do not alway heal good.
its only good in survival type emergency when you got a severe hemoragie.


Ya man you're fine...

K is OP sleeping? He's fucked.

Cut it deeper it didn't work out for you

I am literally old asf. Goth is a meme now.
Dude just stop.
You don't get a club card after it heals.
Fucking christ and you just put a bandage on it.
Gtfo op go find some traffic to play in.

Steri strips are the absolute shit. They honestly do wonders op

kill yourself already you degenerte cunt.

'mentally ill' (aka useless pieces of shit) like you need to be dead asap.
