Can anyone solve this?

Can anyone solve this?


Please help

lol just stick the 4th one there becuase it says 9 under it


It can't be the forth one because in the pattern there is no "y"

are the 4 boxes part of the puzzle? or are they just answers?

The boxes with numbers under them are your possible answers to choose from

are you sure they dont have to do with the puzzle itself?

The boxes above the numbers are the possible choices to replace the question mark. I don't think it could be the last box because there is no Y in the puzzle pattern

Im not asking about an answer i am asking if the numbers 3 4 8 9 have to do with the puzzle

No, they are there so you can identify which box you are choosing to complete the puzzle

Why is it not 1 2 3 4 THEN?

its "kK"
they r trying to make it look complicated by adding distractions but its actually very simple
theres 3 x's and 3 k's in each of the first 2 lines
so in order to complete this pattern u need aditional 2 k's in the last line

Small k and big K to make kK is not an option listed

He prob ment Kk

small and big dont matter, read my fucking logic retard

The Answer is Niggers


Kk and XK are the ones i am leaning towards but i do not know which one is correct

where is this from?

all answers do, please think before speaking

Small and big so matter because if you go diagonal then it can be XK to fit the pattern

It's from a group of puzzles and this is the one I'm stuck on currently and can't move forward


Kk, i don't think it can be this one because kK already exists and there isn't another opposite within the pattern, the only one that doesn't exist that could work is the XK

I'm having hard time distinguishing small k with large K


xYx because bobs

I spent the last 15 minutes silently staring at this puzzle and couldn't find a pattern at all.

I give up, but I'm interested in an approach to a solution.

You can manuever around the board currently without changing more than one character at a time pretty easily. The only square you cannot get to with diagonal, horizontal, or vertical movement without changing more than one character is XxX. xX would allow you to.

(order doesn't matter. By this rule all that matters is substance and capitalization.)

I'm guessing the numbers on the bottom right are the values of the variables above in some way. You are probably suppose to find a pattern,apply to the puzzle and calculate the last one.