Death is a literal eternity of nothingness. How are you supposed to deal with this absurd prospect...

Death is a literal eternity of nothingness. How are you supposed to deal with this absurd prospect? How can one enjoy life with this looming over us?

Pic related - it's what's in store for all of us.

Pre-life was figuratively an eternity of nothingness, how did you deal with that?

As opposed to an eternity of kissing some sky wizards ass?

By escaping that hell and being born

That's the least of what's currently preventing me from enjoying life.

How do you know you won't be born again? Stop focusing on the negative

Except for the fact that there is no evidence or reason to believe I'll be born again?

I'm not focusing on the negative, I'm unwillingly being tormented by frequent thoughts about it.

There is no evidence that when we die it will be eternal nothingness. You just choose to believe one over the other

Stop focusing on the negative.

I don't think you'd notice you're dead when you are though, it litteraly seems like the big sleep to me

But it's the most probable

What? We have entire branches of science, among them medicine and psychology, that directly indicate that there will he eternal nothingness. We know our consciousness comes from the inner working of our brains. When our brains stop working, there is no more "us." This isn't a belief. This is what the science shows.

On the other hand, there is no evidence or science indicating that we will be reborn. This, therefore, is a belief.

And like I said, I'm not focusing on anything.

How can you say that with no evidence? Nothing is probable or not probable.

I'm assuming you're scared of death. The only reason you fear death is because you choose to, and you can choose not to. It's up to you. And that is the only thing that is certain

Well no, I'm depressed and want to die every day but thats irrelevant, science does infact show that our consciousness comes from our brains so when our brain stops working there's nothing.

>How can one enjoy life with this looming over us?
How could you not? Without death, there would be no motivation to enjoy life. You need to make the best of things right now, because it's the only chance you'll get.

Protip: ruminating gloomily on the inevitable end won't help you do this.

>How can you say that with no evidence? Nothing is probable or not probable.

Not him, but that's retarded. That's like saying there's a 50% chance God exists, because he either does or doesn't. That's the same retarded sort of logical that make people sign up for the lottery without any clue about how statistics work: "Well you either win or you don't lmao, 50% chance I'll win!"

>The only reason you fear death is because you choose to

No, like I said, these thoughts have a life of their own. I can choose not to think about them, but they're still valid.

First good answer in this thread. I agree with you completely, but how do you get in that mindset? I can't focus on enjoying life when I'm constantly worrying about death. I could try to push these thoughts away, but then I'd have to deal with them on my deathbed. I'd rather be prepared for that.

You can't escape from nonexistence. You either are or you aren't.

There's no reason to be scared of not existing. It's not something you can "experience" - there is no pain, or emotion, or consciousness involved whatsoever.

It can't be a "hell" because hell implies torment. There is no torment in death anymore than there is in dreamless sleep.

This is low tier fixation to be honest. I know how it feels to get depressed about stuff you can't change, but this one is laughable to me, I don't worry about it at all. I think it's a sign of mediocre intelligence, like you have to be smart enough to care about it while lacking the ability to see past it. Enjoy your ~115 IQs I guess.

For me the thing I can't get over is that life will always be hard.

I'm down for this. I'll take that now pls.

I'm going to heaven.

life is a flash of light between two eternities of darkness

As a christian I believe i'm going to heaven. So it doesn't really bother me.

>It can't be a "hell" because hell implies torment.

No, I agree. I was being facetious. My main problem is living with the prospect of death, and how it hinders me from enjoying a full life.

Wow, there's a lot of weird stuff going on in this post. Lets dissect it.

>Enjoy your ~115 IQs I guess

For starters, that's a full standard deviation above average, pushing it way beyond "mediocre."

>I think it's a sign of mediocre intelligence, like you have to be smart enough to care about it while lacking the ability to see past it.

I think this is a total cop-out from having to deal with this deep existential question that has plagued humanity and the world's greatest thinkers (among them the greatest philosophers) since the beginning of conscious thought. But your argument is also factually wrong; intelligent people are more likely to (1) even believe in non-existence after death in the first place, (2) become depressed, (3) have an ability for the kind of abstraction needed to seriously contemplate death. You'll need to do better.

>I know how it feels to get depressed about stuff you can't change, but [...] I don't worry about it at all.

You haven't arrived at that place due to your intelligence. You've arrived to it by modifying how you think about death. So why don't you tell us how you stopped being scared of it?

>For starters, that's a full standard deviation above average, pushing it way beyond "mediocre."
I wouldn't describe the average person as intelligent.

You cant experience nothingness, you can only experience existence. Therefore to experience nothingness is impossible.

Now enjoy some nice ass and stfu, there is existence beyond this plane of reality.

>No one knows how the fuck the consciousness works.

We know plenty about how consciousness works. You can literally just look up the wikipedia article. The fact that we don't know EVERYTHING about it, doesn't make what we know any less likely. That's the same misconception that religious people make about the universe and science: "since science can't tell us how EVERYTHING works, then God must exist." This fallacy even has a name: The God of the Gaps argument.

>Posting on /b
>thinks he'll go to heaven

You break like half the commandments just by knowing this web adress.

Kek, I swear I don't do anything bad.

Don't be scared of death. It will feel like going to sleep, or passing out. a sudden ending of experience. If you've ever passed out for whatever reason, you probably don't remember the moment it happened. You definitely won't remember dying.

lol if anything I'm looking forward to that shit, I wish I could fast forward to it without repurcussions.

I'm pretty sure I'd still enjoy life if I wasn't going to die.

I mean, I'd still enjoy "fun" and "sex" and "food". It'd be fine.

i can tell you have crippling anxiety because of this post. everyone goes through it. grow up, study philosophy, and enjoy the time you have left. truly its all we can do and wasting any of it thinking about eternal nothingness is actually stupid

Stop being a baby OP yes it's eternal nothingness but once you do you are no longer aware of anything. You will not experience the eternal nothingness.

Yall motherfuckers acting like you know what happens after death has me cracking up.

Have yall faggot died? Then you don't know. Thats the same logic ancient Europeans used when they figured america doesn't exist. Ohh we never been there so lets assume its just ocean.

Before our first memories all we knew was unyielding darkness. I was fine with it then and I yearn for it now. I don't want to die before I have some discernible feats under my belt though.

Then induce a heart attack and have them revive you and inform us oh great waster of time.

Finally some fuckin sense in this thread. Edgy atheist nihilist fags are just as bad as the most militant bible thumpers yet they claim to be "above" them. Shit sandwich goes full circle, ying yang.

my post was more of trying to have someone come to terms with it if it actually goes like that. i don't fucking know just like you don't fucking know. ill probably go to hell and get raped by satan for the rest of eternity, maybe ill be reborn again as a deer or some shit i have no fucking idea. but the thing that happens most likely as you die is you just stop existing. its not a crazy idea with the whole 4.3 billion years of our universe existing. Im actually hoping we go too different dimensions when we die, shit would be LIT. also post better gifs and ill see you on the other side because this thread is dead and sucks

how about everyone is just fucking bad? its like having an opinion and living with it is insane to you guys. just keep posting on Sup Forums and die, that would be better for all of society. rather than having you psychopaths roam freely in the streets

This doesn't really worry me, we live so we die nothingness is bliss compared to something like hell, when you wake up from a surgery it's like time didn't pass so I think it must be somewhat comparable.

this is what I have always wondered if it was like.
because when i was little i had a dream that there
was nothing


Who you are is just how your Neuron's are placed in your brain. This placement happened from signals outside your brain a.k.a. senses.

Your physical brain makes up who you are today. You don't get born and your brain stays the same. It is shaped by your life experience, this life experience is manifested into who you are.

When you die, this physical manifestation of "YOU" will parish and be gone forever.

This is simple science nothing special ok. You will STOP existing FOREVER.

There is no death the same way there is no existence. All there is, is perception. You can gather all the data, all the information, in the end there is someone perceiving it.
Plus we only have language to do so. If you can't name it (describe it) it does not exist. You can name a lot of things that don't exist but it is impossible for something to exist if you can't name it (again describe it).
Instead of focusing with how you feel about existential questions go read up about it, make your own theories, back them with scientific arguments (yes I am calling humanities science).
Things to look up if you're interested:
Bourdieu, Foucault, Wittgenstein, Russell etc...
Post-/structuralism, Habitus, Linguistic Turn, "Death of the Author", Field, etc...
But if you like that shit, and ever decide to study any of it, then prepare for being poor or working outside your field. Most likely.

in that perspective, you are never nothing since you will not perceive time when you "are" nothing. You will always be something conscious, like a human, animal, or insect.


>All there is, is perception

Right, which requires existence and a conscious mind. I think I get what you're saying and I will read up on some of those names, but your point does in no way mitigate the finality of death and the very real prospect of nothingness compared to consciousness.