This is your daily reminder that homosexuality and transexualism is a mental illness...

This is your daily reminder that homosexuality and transexualism is a mental illness. But because of muh uppreshon attempting to treat or cure these conditions is on hold because "it's natural".

Here's to hoping a gay gene is discovered so we can prevent this horrible disease in the future using CRISPR.

Other urls found in this thread:

Faggots who faggotpost here should be executed.

>This mad

Degenerates deserve the gas chamber.



but still watching lesbian porn

Why do you care, op?

Agreed and there is no gay gene. All the incentives are tilted towards finding it and we've been searching for 30 years and still nothing.

Gayness is socially transmitted sterility illness vectored by creepy uncles and media.


yeah, because being gay is totally something a person can willingly change.

Having cancer can't currently be changed, but we are working towards curing it. Same could be with homosexuality.

you can't cure homosexuality, because there is nothing that causes it, it's just a state of mind.

Human sexuality is on a continuum between gay and straight.

One's sexual preference is determined by both genetics and environment.

OP is a faggot troll with nothing real to continue.

I personally am straight but couldn't care less if somebody is gay or not.

People have been successfully treated for homosexuality with LSD therapy in the 60s, before the ((((moralists)))) stepped in to stop the research.

It's a mental illness, like ADHD, schizophrenia or depression. Sure there aren't a pills that cure you instantly, but there are ways to treat them.


your need to assert straightness is homophobic.

Imagine if death was life and life was death, and cancer was a blessing.

why do you obsess over other peoples cjoices ?

so they just got their brain fucked by drugs to convince themselves they like women. It isn't exactly a cure.

prove it

Why are you wasting your time worrying about where others put their genetals? If you were secure about your your sexuality you simply wouldn't do that. Only faggots are obsessed with where other men put their dicks.

Everything is determined by chemical balances within the brain though? Changing it back to it's intended state is quite literally what a textbook cure is.

What makes you think you would be told about said discovery?

How so? Like this post said, it's a state of mind. Change your mind, change the self. Same for depression, PTSD, etc. What's the problem with that?

Most commonly because they don't make them in the privacy of their own homes

So it's a choice? lol
ergo a mental illness, nice foot shot

Because their life choices have a negative effect on society. see


Just go back to whatever sandniggerland you come from. this is exactly what dumb mudslimes keep yelling. We got freedom here motherfucker! Nothing you can do about it. No shariah here and everyone can fuck whoever they want.


while i agree that transgenderism is a mental illness, being gay is not. and there are far worse things fucking up our society. pollution, the death of privacy, endless war, to name a few.

op seems pretty calm to me faggot

Where did he say it's a choice?

Why do 90% of sexually abused children become gay?

Under the assumption that it could be cured (which isnt true), why on earth would you wanna waste money and effort to change someones sexuality

herro here you can see plebbit seeping in.

Yes there are worse things. But homosexuality is an illness like schizophrenia. I don't hate schizophrenics but saying that it's not a disease and that it doesn't require treatment is dumb right, same with homosexuality no?

Same reason you'd want to cure any mental illness, it's a burden on society.

Are you a mad religious cuck, or a virgin ""white nationalist""? I know you're a subhuman.


Even if that were true, the same can be said of depression etc. That's why there's that idea in therapy that the person has to WANT to change. That's why scared straight doesn't work, but willing therapy would. Again, what's the problem with that?

where the fuck did you get that idea from?

>Retard tranny calling others subhumans

We have a another person scared of their sexuality.

>Itt: everyone takes the mediocre bait

Ahmed, pls stap.


i'm gay

It's well documented but not widely advertised.

Jesus! Sup Forums is so boring and tame lately.

The quads are correct


If you wouldn't fuck this then you are a faggot.

are lesbians/bi women still ok? op probably thinks so because he probably watches porn with those filters on.

>Itt: everyone is ignorant and say that homosexuality and transsexualism isn't a negative thing

please user, tell me what are you, i want to laugh

Only repressed closeted faggots believe this

Does playing a bipolar person in a movie make you bipolar, no. Does playing a homosexual person in a pornographic movie make you homosexual, no.

alot of men say that but dont actually like a lesbian if they threaten them