Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it

Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

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I never even knew there was a Hilary Clinton jr.

>Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

How dumb are you?

not gonna lie id probably fuck her when she was a teen

she can be president of the prison block she's in

But why would you say that, OP?
Are you just another bored troll, or do you want to discuss rationally?
Women chose Clinton over Trump at a rate of 54% over 42 %, while men chose Trump over Clinton at a rate of 53% over 41%.
If you do the basic math, you will find out women voted for their sex more than men did. Sexism helped Clinton more than it harmed her. She won the popular vote! She did it because of sexism. She didn't win, because, out of pure luck, sexism isn't enough to win the election. But sexism did manifest itself and it voted for Clinton.

Now, suppose none of this is true. Suppose most sexism came from men, and not women, and it was aimed at Clinton. That's fine, poor Hillary got the popular vote, and she got it despite sexism, and she still isn't president. But another question arises: why? Why did some women vote for Trump? Why would women vote for the sexist male oppressor when the female candidate is so good and popular?

I don't see how you can argue Clinton should have been president. Women either did their best or they didn't. Either way, Clinton didn't become president.


President of the loser club.

this post is a troll been happening everyday since the elections last year

Well, I did my duty as a citizen and fellow human and whatever.


She had more vote than Trump.

It's just that the US's electoral system is absolutely retarded.

nice bait m8 i r8 8/8

Yes, when or if the electoral system in America will change, it will be because some random person said:
>It's just that the US's electoral system is absolutely retarded.

> She won the popular vote!
Your point is appreciated, but you've just perpetuated another meme.

And the Earth is flat and Jesus will save us all. We know. But we want to perpetuate the false memes that the Earth is round and gods don't exist and Hillary won more votes than Trump just like Gore won more votes than Bush.


Friendly reminder that Trumps economy has been one of the fastest growing economies in the last 35 years.

Thank you President Trump, deregulation works.

Tell me where in the Constitution it describes the popular vote as part of the contest. I'll wait.

I'm not saying the popular vote is important. I'm just saying she won it.

And I'm saying you can't win something that isn't a contest. Period. There is only one vote to win, that's the Electoral College.

Fuck with this bait. Nice trips tho

you just don't want to admit you won the dick-sucking contest by accident, and I can respect that homo-OP

People do care about the popular vote, though. In almost every other democratic country, as well as in almost every other aspect of our lives when voting takes place, it's based on the concept of majority. This is why the electoral college seems weird, and the fact that electoral wins have historically usually coincided with popular wins makes the popular vote a meme in and of itself, without my help. And in the case of my explanation, I said it in order to point to sexism. So? What's your fucking problem, you degenerate nigger bitch? Do you really want me to put my hands through this screen and strangle you, ass eating faggot?

Electoral college should consider gdp rather then population. No fuckin socialism for poor states


kys for posting this same retarded thread again

Yep and Trump won popular vote in over 70% of states it just happens that California is so big and libtard.