So can someone explain to me how this faggot isn't a SJW?

So can someone explain to me how this faggot isn't a SJW?

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Jesus his argument is fucking retarded at 2:20.

>hurr durr don't buy into their terror!
>Terror attacks just exist like the flu! Nothing we can do about them!

Sjws are completely delusional about reality.

You may not agree the TJ, but at least he has some grasp of reality.

Sjws want to sensor and control people.

Thr very definition of social justice warrior is someone who fights for the concept of social justice.

But tj often disgrees with primary sjw concepts.

Just because he may share some beliefs wich are held by sjws, but is not a sjw issue.

Dont assume that just because people share some specific opinion, does not mean they share all opinions.

If trump were to share one opinion with sanderd, they would not automatically have the same political beliefs in everything.

>hey scotty

He is one. And in this video he gets REKT

The banana man is an SJW. He is the face of neckbeard morally bankrupt intellectualism.

Atheists are proto SJWs, but many of them got redpilled hard because feminists declared war on them first. Elevatorgate and Atheism+.

Because he's an edgy contrarian like the whole Alt-Right. He mocks SJWs for being silly but still believes that "real" Feminism is good.


He absolutely is a SJW. He's also a moron and a hypocrite.

>Christianity is the worst thing that's ever existed and should be wiped out at any cost!!
>Muslims are a misunderstood, peaceful people who deserve our love and tolerance.

I'd say that's pretty fucking delusional about reality.

I love how he compares islam to diseases and accidents that happen globally, but then only counts the number of terrorist attacks that happened in europe as reason to fear muslims

Muslim terrorists have killed themselves far more than they have whites, so if we ship them here, it will get much, much worse, and he is making it sound like the problem will remain innocuous no matter how many we ship here

This fat greasy piece of shit cant think two sentences ahead of what he's saying

God damn, he is autistic

He hates feminist, yet he goes and throws entire societies under the bus to appease muslims, for some fucking reason

What the fuck, are his commenters really dumb enough to not have pointed this out yet and make him realize how fucking retarded he sounds?

Tards every fuckn where

ebin meme

Good goy

im an atheist and i think christianity is one of the best things ever to happen to mankind

What in the fucking world

He's worse than an SJW. He's a "funny voices" meme man with absolutely no self awareness

Youtubers are the lowest form of infotainment.

He is an SJW.
He just bankrolls off of atheism and banana tunneling.


u sure got him xd

(((((((((( TAA ))))))))))

Wait, is he really advocating for Islam? Isn't that a parody?

For fucks sake, what's wrong with him?

Wow, he went full retard.

Do you see that face? Do you see that hair? I can tell by first look that this is a beta cuck SJW.

teenager fag screaming. i could not pass 50 seconds.

But he is.

Was this really worthy of a thread?

I think the issue here is that you're alligning yourself against the SJW, when really you should be against the left as a whole.

Sure he may or may not be an SJW, he's still a lefty faggot, and I think that is why you don't like him.

>the only threat that foreign immigration poses is terrorism

stopped watching when I realised this was his entire argument

because he wasnt in a gang and waving a gun around?

I thought I was the only one.

He is an SJW. He's a Bernie Sanders supporting faggot (literally) who only took up le fedora because he was insecure about being called a faggot.

Well he is a faggot. He's also got no business talking shit about anyone when he's supporting Bernie "Economic Creationism" Sanders.

I fucking died laughing when he came out, it was so obvious for so long, but nobody believed me. For YEARS I said this guy was a faggot crypto-kike. As usual, I was right.

>So can someone explain to me how this faggot isn't a SJW?

He openly is though?

I'll say this about the kikes, they've got bitchin' music.

>monkeys are smart enough to know that a banana goes in your mouth


Holy shit I couldn't make it very far into this video

even if i resent it, it really is.