Will the internet be better or worse without net neutrality?

Will the internet be better or worse without net neutrality?

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Who knows?

The real question is how much more expensive will it be without Net Neutrality

Worse, imagine posting some type of cancer meme shit on this god forsaken site and it uploads in a blistering 15 minutes

>thinking Sup Forums won't be blocked by all American isp's

Hopefully not

Worse because Ajit "ISP cuck" Pai has ensured that Comcast and AT&T will probably block Sup Forums. Fucker says he doesn't even know what Net Neutrality is used for, but he's shilled so hard for Verizon that he doesn't give a shit. Fuck him, fuck the FCC, and fuck America right now.

do whatever you can now, call congressmen or whatever.
but we'll probably lose this battle.
it fucking sucks, but in 2018 vote 'D'
both american parties are fucking horse shit.
but right now, with Trump, fuck anyone under the Republican banner.
I don't trust any political party could represent the smaller people without being fucking commies, but who knows, that's later.
right now VOTE D.

10 years ago i had a technology instructor who warned the class that companies would like to charge people for access to each site they visit, i thought it was silly at the time and now i finally realize what they were saying

Only liberal fags want NN, it stops competition and freedom.

So you'd be happy with paying more for your internet while having your isp choose what websites you're aloud to visit?

Get a new isp. That’s the whole point. You can’t now because nn blocks startups and encourages monopolization

>it stops competition and freedom.
You must like slower speeds and blocked sites

About 2/3 of Americans only have one choice of isp. You really think getting rid of net neutrality is going to change that? I'm not American btw, thank fucking god. Net neutrality exists here in Canada and most places here have at least 4 or 5 different isp's to choose from so your point is retarded.

You have to be actually retarded. How many places in the US have more than one real ISP available? Do you really think Comcast/Verizon/any other monopoly driven ISP is going to let a startup get off the ground? Get your head out of your ass.

OK so get a new isp, if thats possible for you. Then you find out the new one is slowing and blocking site just like your last one. Then what? If you say get a 3rd isp you should just kys.

I live with two choices Cox or Comcast both sucks so get a new ISP.
Welp I'm fucked

>Get a new isp
>implying you have options
looooooooool 101% sweetie

Except you're wrong, fucking mouth breather.


stay the same, just more expensive. pay for ps plus and then the gaming packing. so yay for paying 2 subs to play online with decent ping

First off, oligopoly. Second, NN became law in 2015. Major ISP's have established oligopolies long before then. Please reconsider the gravity of the situation.

Neither that's why it has neutrality in the name it's neutral not bad nor good.

if it stays the same and gets more expensive, that's inherently worse than staying the same and staying the same price

Initially cheaper to lure people in, with "lite" packages.
Once market is dominated they can dictate.
It's shooting your society in the foot, and it will damage America in the long term.
Everyone playing mental gymnastics to say this is a good thing is a moron, at it's very best it won't be terrible. If you have a significant amount of money it won't affect you at all, as with pretty much everything. America, run by cunts for the cunts.

I think the name net neutrality is the only reason more plebs aren't up in arms about it too.
If it were called "Access freedom" or something all the dumbfucks would be going mad. Or if a democrat was doing the same thing, especially if a bit brown.

keeping it creates monopolies immune to challenges
without it leads to paid peering agreements with sites that cant afford it being choked out

this is the trump vs clinton vote all over again; either way we're getting fucked so theres no reason to care

>this is the trump vs clinton vote all over again.
You mean an awful joke of a president who hasn't achieved anything except trolling sjws and is a symptom of a nation in decline vs. more of the same?
More of the same is always better than a change for the worse.
>either way we're getting fucked.
This is true though, since it's going to happen because most elected officials don't give a fuck about the average citizen when it comes down to it.

The internet will be the same, you americucks will be getting your wallets fucked without it though.

>More of the same is always better than a change for the worse
the illusion of choice has blinded you to the fact that its always more of the same. being completely ineffective is the best possible outcome we could hope for

as far as net neutrality, we will be getting fucked if it stays or goes. the sooner you understand that the better. anyone lobbying for either side is wasting their time and doesn't understand basic economics

Well bois, I really didn't wanna activate operation 'giant buster'.
But I might have to make a ISP company to re-enforce net neutrality.

Wish me luck.


better because I'm a jew sent by the CIA



It will make it nearly impossible for small startups to compete.

If you come up with a good new idea, the larger companies will be able to launch a competing website and their site will be better than yours automatically because they can afford the fast lane and you can't.

ISPs will be able to charge you to access individual websites independent of whether that website wants access to be free.

ISPs will be able to force you to watch a commercial before allowing you to gain access to a website.

jesus, man.
and your argument is bullshit. the providers won't dictate what sites you can visit, they'll just charge you a la carte prices for each site you visit. it still sucks, but you're just making shit up.

ISPs will be able to completely shut down access to sights that promote the challenging of the control ISPs have over the internet.

ISP will be able to block EFF

ISPs will be able to charge you extra to access specific sites like Sup Forums or youporn

>the providers won't dictate what sites you can visit

um, yes, they can.

Idiot people voting for republicans and trump. you deserve to have the internet taken away from you.

This. This is terrifying.

This will never be reversed once it happens.

no hte only freedom to lose is when NN is taken away as the gaming companies proved that people will pay and extra dollar per day to use a site or any other site

Remember the meme where EA would have a paywall for contents in the game?

Well, it's going to be like that but everything with internet. Have fun paying more to look at memes.

I refuse to believe there are life forms capable of intelligent thought behind these posts lol


i don't understand it. can't you just use a vpn to access the rest of the internet?

Really interesting how conditioned these trumpsters actually are. You'd think the one thing they'd honestly care about would be the internet, but it takes only a couple of buzzwords to convince them to fuck themselves in the ass.

>liberals made these rules to suppress your freedom
>free market will make everything better

This shit is so incredibly obvious and simple.
>ISPs lobbied for this change for years
Do you really think they have your best interests in mind? They want to provide the best internet experience possible with more competition for them?

This russian cyber propaganda was the most effective non-military warfare in human history

the isp controls the speed between you and the vpn

kiss your bitcoin good bye

No u nose breather

It will be better, because the rest of the world will still have net neutrality, and it will simply help to remove Americans from most of the popular sites. The collective IQ of the web will increase by some 40 points.


Definitely worse! Protest this American peoples.

You're gonna get fucked too. The US is the ship that you're all on. If we go down, you're coming with us

keep thinking that bud, but no one outside of the US really gives a shit about you.


The entire concept is outright illegal in the rest of the developed world.

I really can't imagine how it feels for people defending the dismantling of net neutrality. Really, do not buy into the corporate talking points, the people are getting screwed over. God damn, less regulation isn't always the best option fucktards

>not realizing many americans only have 1 choice of isp and NN helps prevent what you're saying it causes

i really hope this is bait, because this is the dumbest thing i've read in a while

>blames people for playing mental gymnastics
>makes universal claims without evidence

this, literally how does one become so stupid

>I have no idea how economics work

>as he quotes some organization ran by anti business sjw soyboy Mozilla rejects.

It's not about stupidity.
It's about an entire generation being raised with the idea that the capitalist way is the only and best way and that the government is 100% bad no matter the situation and the only good society is their utopian anacap society.

It's useless to explain to them that a balance between the two leads to better solutions.
It's useless to explain that in an endgame scenario an anacap society is nothing but a privately owned dictatorship.
It's like the '50 all over again, alt-right millenials are literally the dumbest fucks to walk this earth, they talk in memes and shitposting and it's impossible to explain shit to them and reason with them.

>keeping it creates monopolies immune to challenges
not really...

Except it is, how many more bodies need to be at the feet of Stalin for you people to realize that socialism and communism don't create prosperity. America isn't about averages or making sure even the mediocre and non contributing is provided for. We produce world class leaders, businessmen and politicians.

its ignorance
they are perfectly capable of understanding
they just refuse to even try

>wants to revive the ghost of a failed ideology

Get Berned you fucking liberal scum.

what if i told you that stalin was a dictator therefore making the ussr not a socalist at all?

Socialism is just boneless communism. If anything it's worse and produces even more worthless degenerates in a society.

so without a dictator an idelogy is boneless?
the alt-right wont be happy until we are fascists.

>stalin is communism
No shit

Nationalize everything? Remove the conditioning of competition from society? Prevent the successful from reaping the fruits of their labor? Sure, vote for Sanders all the way my dude.

>it wasn't real communism :^)

100% will be first to go

Except it literally wasn't. Do you know the definition of communism?

Well figuring its 1 ony the united states and 2 we never had this until a year ago, the same you fucking twats. You guys get so brain washed, muh net neutrality. Like no one cared for 20 years until it became a buzword, then the sky would fsll if we did it have it. But then in the same tiken the same people that want net neutrality dont think twice at google, twitter, fscebook, etc censoring and controling what people see snd preventing them from seeing "offensive" content.... go figure

from society? maybe. ill fight you another day on that one.
we are talking about the internet and nn here tho.
the only competition will be the cable companies competing for how many new ways they can fuck their coustomers as they prevent small and less popular sites from enjoying the fruits of their labor.

before we had nn was before cable companies started figured out they could fuck people like that and corporate censorship is exactly what nn is there to stop from happening..

>corporate censorship is exactly what nn is there to stop from happening..
Wrong. Just look at google and facebooks recent censoring of "whote nationalist" sites. Thats censorship and wrong. Agree or disagree its censorship. And thats only what they admit to. You think googles algorithms dont control what you see or dont see in a search? Its not random and not doesnt always show the most "relevsnt" result if google thinks its "offensive".

wow totally wrong
youre very uninformed
the end of nn will give controll of your internet experience to your isp.
right now with nn in place your isp must treat all content equally.
which sounds more like monolopy, the company deciding what you can access, or the company not being legally having to treat all internet traffic equally?

yeah and what do you think giving these companies controll of the intrnet will get?
more of the same.
nn means they must treat all internet traffic the same.

But censoring data or showing certain data to change public opinion is not treating it equally but hey thats ok because ISP = evil corporation but google = warm freindly never do evil

did you not realise google was an isp?
or were these "sites" actually stored on google/fb?
because nn makes it illegal for corperate censorship of another site,
but a facebook page isnt a website,
they are the ones store your information,
they can do whatever they want with it,
including delete it,
but yeah lets kill nn so they can censor Sup Forums too...

Holy shit the strawman bull shit.

You don't have to browse FB. OR reddit. Or Sup Forums.

You DO have to use an ISP to access the internet. Most places only have one option. That one option will then be able to choose whatever the fuck they want to let people access. For whatever amount of money.

Jesus lord almite

Facebook censoring their own site is not the same as an ISP censoring others.

ya know i see a lot of dumb fucks who keep saying that we need to kill nn but when you ask them why their answer has nothing to do with the internet, its almost like theyre dumb as fuck or something idk, well once nn is gone and Sup Forums is censored i guess theyll have to eat their own shit because thres not gonna be any place left to shitpost.

Yea that's how they dictate what you watch, they could charge $100 for CNN and $1 for fox news, guess which news site everyone will use

They can put all vpn sites behind a massive pay wall

you got to be really stupid to not know the answer for this

Just another example of corporate America getting what they want and fucking the consumer poor end user if you prefer. It is all about dwindling cable tv subscriptions, their cash cow. That is why net neutrality is in the news again, there is so much more money for ISPs to fuck you out of by turning the internet in what cable tv is today. You want net neutrality, tell Trump Twitter is going to be banned across all ISPs in this country, along with the rest of his favorite websites. If it is repealed fuck the internet, and fuck cable tv, I for one have had enough of the corporate interest telling me what I will watch and do while online, along with all of there data mining too target me with ads, along with all of the bullshit that goes along with their data mining

In the rest of the developed world, they have absolute government control over their internet, which is why Great Britan and half of Europe have such limited access to the shit they want. The illegal datamining America's government does is perfectly legal and accepted everywhere else.

What do you think is going to happen to mobile data plans, particularly those prepaid plans that allow you to bring your own phone and use either at&t or Verizon towers?

anyone anti-nn is a fucking moron

>working to remove net neutrality
>"hurr hurr but if the big isps are abusing this power then just swap isp hurr hurr"
>also trying to abolish anti-monopolisation rules

america is run by corporations. the retarded right-wing will complain to no end that "LE GOBERMENT" is fucking them left, right, and center but bend over and gape their assholes wide open for the long dick of corporate america to fuck

>In the rest of the developed world, they have absolute government control over their internet

holy shit you're stupid

Mobile data plans and cable are already cucked, this will just mandingo the internet too.

Pay out the ass for doing nothing but wasting time. Let this world end, please lord.

That's not true user

It is an attempt to control the most common form of communication, and information today. Once they control it, you will either go back to speaking face to face or sending hand written letters via mail again to escape their control and unlimited view of everything you do that you don't pay the premium price to do

Bud. Lol. The USA is all that matters retard and is the only hope for freedom in the world.

Only the wingnuts want it repealed, and they don't even know why, just what they've been told to think.