What does it mean when a girl wears chokers?

What does it mean when a girl wears chokers?

She does anal

Belt in

1.Black belt at sucking dick

2.Headlessly follows trends

One of the two, depends on the girl

They like to wear chokers.

They are an immortal being who has been decapitated and recapitated, but they need to hide the scar so nobody asks questions.

Blow job at black belting

Trap hiding adam's apple.


What is this nonsense

Thanks for the honest answer

Yea. There's no correlation.

the truth

ahahahah :D

They find chokers aesthetically complimenting.

NAH just joking with you they are obviously a super secret sex symbol that shows that they are super down to do the sex stuff especially with you because you know the secret choker sex secret. Whenever they put it on, they are totally not thinking it makes them look cute or that it goes well with their outfit. They are 100% wearing it in the hopes that our daring OP here will notice their super secret sex belt and bless them with his company.

>the secret choker sex secret
Shit sounds pretty secret.

they like how they look with it on

>What does it mean when a girl wears chokers?

It means that sometime in the past, someone flattered her by telling her she has a beautiful neck,
so now she goes everywhere trying to call attention to it.

Black job at belt blowing.

Spotted the butthurt whore who hates being called out for what she is.

They love to be chocked, even without permission.
Go ahead, user, feel free to try it

that you should choke her

I did this once at a party, the girl literally went down on me at once

Shut up Karen, don't you have a manager to go speak to?

it means she blindly follows fads

obvious sarcasm is obvious

That you don't have to wear a condom when you fuck her.